/ Annual Unit Plan July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010 / Unit: / Mathematics & Prep Math
FKCC Mission Statement:Enriched by its unique island location, Florida KeysCommunity College provides student-centered post-secondary degrees, life-long learning opportunities, and workforce development initiatives which enhance the educational, recreational, economic, and cultural environment of the Florida Keys.
Type of Plan: / XX / Zero Based
Budget / Self-Funded / Additional Budget Requests for Personnel,
Supplies, Equipment(attach budget request form) / Additional Budget Request for Renovations/ remodeling (attach budget request)
Division: / Instructional / Unit Director: / Majewicz / Budget Acct No.: / 116170 / Total Amount Requested (Only for Annual Plans requesting new/additional money): / $ n/a
Unit Purpose Statement: / The Mathematics Unit strives to provide a student-centered program to enhance the student’s understanding of mathematics, to elevate the student’s ability to think critically, and to increase the student’s appreciation of mathematics as an art as well as a precise scientific discipline.
Unit Goal: / To enhance the student’s critical thinking and analysis skills of mathematics
Link to College Goal: / 1
Unit Objective/Project Description
(assign priority - #1 = highest) / Link to Plan / Expected Outcome / Assessment Criteria & Evaluation Methods / Assessment Results
(use of actual data to describe annual performance) / Use of Results
Strengthen the math department to enhance quality education / 6 / Hire three fulltime math instructors
Provide students with consistent instructional materials across courses with multiple sections / 3 new faculty
Identify one book that can be utilized in several sections:
  • Basic Math
  • Intro to Algebra
  • Intermediate Algebra
/ Susan McClellan
Candace Pringle
John Majewicz
Developmental Mathematics – new book purchased that can be used in the 3 listed courses and is also compatible with MyMathLab tutoring software / The new fulltime faculty hires have permitted the department to offer consistency in teaching the subject matter and delivery. Students are now aware of the instructors for each specific course and can better anticipate instructors’ expectations and preferred student performance levels. The office hours have also increased with the new hires, allowing enhanced student contact and tutoring services in the ISLE.
The new hires have also volunteered time assisting students in the ISLE. This improves outreach and connection to students.
Instructor identified one textbook that is utilized for Basic Math, Intro to Algebra and Intermediate Algebra. This standardization allows for students to purchase only one textbook rather than three as well as supplies continuity in teaching method. The textbook also features MyMathLab and comes with a 1 year subscription with the purchase of the textbook. This additional features enables students to access help/tutoring from home 24/7.
Coordinate with Advising services to
  1. Identify potential student math tutors for ISLE
  2. Ensure prep math students enroll in math their first semester
/ 2 student tutors identified
Prep math student advised to enroll in math first semester / Student tutor worked spring semester 2010 in Isle
(Tommy Lee) as part of Phi Beta Kappa
Program Director not able to address math enrollment in the first semester with advising services this year due to curricular modification demands / Student tutor very effective – he established study groups with students – even calculus groups. Tutor spent a few hours a week in ISLE and the student response regarding his effectiveness was very positive.
Program Director concentrated on curricular modifications and operational functions this year and as a result, was unable to meet with advising services to address early student enrollment in math. The advising unit has maintained ownership for this initiative, however, and has been counseling students to enroll in math and other vital gen ed courses early in their academic careers.
Unit Objective
(for all Instructional Units) / Link to Plan / Program Learning Outcome / Assessment Criteria & Evaluation Methods / Assessment Results
(use of actual data to describe annual performance) / Use of Results
Compilation of Program Learning Outcomes: Math
1 / Communicate mathematical solutions clearly and effectively using oral, written and/or graphic forms. / Students will complete 2 homework assignments identifying the properties of logarithms
1. Section 4.2 – HW assignment #21
2. Section 4.3 – HW Assignment #22
MAT 1105 College Algebra – 2 sections
Competency #5 / Exemplary=5
Emerging=18 / This was an unannounced assessment and that is reflected in their performance (although they were allowed to use text and notes). The sample size would have been larger but there were numerous late arrivals to class.
This learning activity demonstrated to the students the need for them to be committed to their coursework and to avoid procrastination and last-minute preparation for tests. It reinforced the need to complete homework assignments, attend class and contribute to class discussions. It was a beneficial activity for reinforcing the behavior that is expected of college students and therefore assisted in subsequent student performance.
An assignment calculating the mean values and standard deviations for 2-variable data sets. (HW)
Students will be able to identify measures of central tendency for both individual and group data and also measures of variation
STE2023 Intro Probability and Statistics – 2 sections
Brian Nelson
Competency #5 / Exemplary=6
14 students
28 students / Instructor intended for students to acquire a better grasp of this learning outcome. He has found that students are learning at varying rates, especially in the smaller class so he is trying to accommodate the academic needs of all students by moving the class forward at a pace to challenge the more accomplished students and still engage those who are learning at a slower pace. He has also been scheduling private tutoring sessions with students to ensure that they do not fall behind. Instructor is also making referrals to the ISLE tutoring lab. Another strategy employed this term is the assignment of additional class work and HW to reinforce this outcome.
Students will complete a homework in each Section of Chapter 3 in order to understand the different ways to achieve a linear equation
MAT0024C Intro to Algebra
2 Sections
Competency #5 / Students 19
Exemplary = 9
Proficient = 4
Developing = 3
Emerging = 3 / Students seemed to have challenges understanding that the mathematical concepts build and that they have to acquire and retain the foundational knowledge in order to progress in the class. Students seemed to be more comfortable learning in pieces instead of making the correlation of the connectivity subject matter. Students who attended tutoring at ISLE or during instructor office hours performed better. Instructor plans on explaining the concepts of mathematics and how the knowledge builds prior to the graphing subject so that students have better understanding of expectations of how they use this material.
Students will be able to add and subtract fractions
MAT0002 Basic Math
3 Sections
Students will complete a homework assignment in Section 4.2 Addition of Fractions and 4.3 Subtraction of Fractions
Competency #5 / Students 19
Exemplary = 2
Proficient = 9
Developing = 5
Emerging = 3 / Students come into this class with a fear of fractions. Most students never were taught the correct way to add and subtract fractions. In order to add, and subtract fractions we first find a common denominator. It is also helpful to ensure success with fractions is to practice multiplication and division tables the previous day. My students were comfortable and at ease when they were confident knowing that to find a common denominator only involved understanding multiplication and division.
Written Exam
Students demonstrate that they comprehend mean and standard deviation concepts
STA 2023
Competency #1 / Exemplary=9
Emerging=9 / Word interpretations of the concepts was reinforced by instructor – students had difficulty interpreting word for number answers – instructor reinforced the concepts and application in class to compensate for that and student performance seemed to improve as a result.
OP & Applications Notebook:
Students will be able to apply applications to real world situations
MGF1106 Reis
Competency #5 / Exemplary=5
Student Total = 155 / Instructor not pleased with textbook – it is at a level too high for student. This class should provide students with a math background to function in the real world with relevant life-situations. Instructor has compensated for this deficiency by assigning the students an applications journal where students are taught specific mathematical applications and their relevance to life situations and complete their assignments – responsible for paper and presentation on the value and demonstration of these math applications.
Instructors have utilized this process to ensure that students are learning by the documentation in their journal and participation in class.
Utilize mathematical tools and technology to create mathematical models
Mathematics dept eliminating the mandate of graphing calculators in the classroom because the faculty found them to be a deterrent for encouraging students to think analytically and successfully problem solve. However, some instructors are utilizing the graphing calculators as a supplemental educational tool in order to help boost student confidence levels.
Emphasis is now being placed on mathematical tutoring software to encourage students to be successful in solving mathematical problems. Students are required to utilize MyMathLab software in 5 classes where they are provided support in learning the concepts, but must also take responsibility for justifying the analytical processes. This is especially important in the development classes, because the software reinforces proper notation which provides them with a stronger foundation for success in the higher level math courses. / HW-in MyMathLab
Students will be able to establish the variables, equations, and solve equations in a word problem MAT1033
Competency #2 / Exemplary=3
Emerging=0 / Instructor pleased with the results – the software helps to reinforce the lessons by providing immediate feedback. The software assists students in establishing and then computing the problems. In addition, the software encourages discussions in class among peers and seems to generate peer support. Students who were below proficient were those who did not utilize the software.
Students will demonstrate regression and probability STA2023
Competency #5
McClellan / Exemplary=12
Emerging=2 / Instructor worked on the formulas in more depth with students – using the calculator as a tool to support instruction-this made a substantial difference with student comfort level. Continue to use calculator as instructional supplement.
Students will be able to establish the variables, equations and solve equations in a word problem MAC1105
Competency #5
Terpos / Exemplary=5
Emerging=0 / Students practice several times using the software and are therefore able to solve the word problems successfully due to the amount of practice time.
Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency using MyMathLab software
STA 2023
Competency #8 / Exemplary=11
Emerging=0 / My math lab is a great tool – gives students an opportunity for improved self-learning and self-discipline. Made a difference in the students’ eagerness to learn and enhanced student ability by continual reinforcement – continue to utilize.
Students will appropriately utilize a graphing calculator to verify their results
Competency #8 / Exemplary=0
Total Students: 66 / Graphing calculator helps to boost student confidence in completing their work, however, it is not encouraged to be a substitute – as students need to understand the mathematical concepts and approaches without the calculator to become truly proficient. Continue to use calculator as instructional supplement, but not the sole supplement.