1.  Surf towards and click on the icon ‘SECUNDAIR’.

2.  Click in the right column on ‘Money$afe’.

3.  Log on

If you have a Windows Live-, Yahoo!-, Google-, or Facebook-account, you can log on with that account. Go to step 7 afterwards.

If you don’t have a Windows Live-, Yahoo!-, Google-, or Facebook- account or if you don’t want to log on with that account, chose for ‘Compass ID’ (Compass is the parent company of Scolarest).

4.  Because it’s the first time that you log on you have to register first. Click on “Sign up here” at the bottom of the page

5.  Fill out your credentials and click on “create user”.

6.  Log on with the mailaddress and password you just created.

7.  Fill out the additional info. Mailaddress, name and surnam. Your language, your sex. Please indicate if you want to receive informational mails from scolarest.

8.  Link your child’s restaurant account to your account. Fill out the schoolcode en account code that you received from the school.

9.  Now that your child’s restaurant account is linked to your account you can check the following items :

Icon / Function
Overview of bank transfers and consumptions
E-mailnoficiation (see step 10)
Delete the link with your child’s restaurant account
Block your child’s badge

U can also add restaurant account for your other children. Click on ‘add account’

10.  If you would like to receive an e-mailnotification when the credit on your child’s account has reached the bottom you have to fill out the following data : credit limit and the timing of the
e-mailnotification in case you haven’t been able to deposit into your child’s restaurant account.