FOL01_Risks at work
Unit 3. Physical Risks

In this unit we are going to study some environmental risks such as noise, illumination, temperature, radiations or vibrations that can cause several accidents and work related illnesses, some of them irreversible. That’s why we should define the workplace exposure standards, too.

Let’s see the environmental risks, how to measure them and their exposure standards and then, how to minimize their effects: firstly with collective measures and then with individual ones.

Therefore this unit is divided in five sections:

  • Noise
  • Illumination
  • Temperature
  • Radiations
  • Vibrations

3.1 Noise

Long-term exposure to high levels of noise can lead to hearing loss or even deafness. Also it can cause other effects as irritability, tiredness and stomachaches.

It is the most common environmental risk in the industry (every machine makes noise and lot of machines working at same time can be dangerous for our health) as they can produce an irreversible illness: deafness.

Noise is measured with a sound level meter and it measures noise level in decibels (dB).

TASK 1. Identifying noisy jobs

In the following video, our well-known Napo shows us some situations in which noise is the main topic and he also shows us some measures to avoid deafness.

Napo in noisy job

Write down at least three noisy machines or jobs. For instance: The pneumatic hammer.

So, the maximum noise levels allowed for 8-hour working job are:

And now let’s see how we can avoid or reduce noise. First of all, with collective measures and then with personal protective measures.

Preventive measures

  • Cover noisy components on machines
  • Separate noisy operations
  • Keep regular maintenance
  • Provide plugs or earmuffs to workers
  • Employees should sign to acknowledge receipt of PPE as well as having been instructed and trained on when and how to wear such equipment.
  • Train and inform workers about any risks

3.2 Illumination

A well-lighted workplace provides better productivity and comfort. Its absence produces headache, visual fatigue and temporary blindness.

Visual comfort depends on the following factors:

  • Workplace illumination
  • Reflexes
  • Contrasts
  • Sparkles

Lighting level is measured with a luxmeter in lux.

So, minimum lighting levels allowed in the workplace are different depending on the work to be done:

Preventive measures:

  • Rest five minutes every two hours of continued computer work.
  • Avoid drastic changes in the viewing point.
  • Avoid reflexes with curtains
  • Install lamp diffusers for general lighting
  • Use screen protectors
  • Use dark glasses
  • Train and inform workers about any risks

3.3 Temperature

The recommended temperature in a workplace is between 17ºC and 27ºC.

Under 10ºC and over 27ºC there is thermal stress:

  • Hot thermal stress derives in vertigo, loss of consciousness, alterations in the circulatory system, fainting, etc…
  • Cold thermal stress derives in trembling and alterations in the vascular system.

Preventive measures:

  • Increase wind speed
  • Use insulation materials to recover hot/cold focus
  • Wear suitable clothes for cold temperatures
  • Wear hats to protect you from the sunlight
  • Employees should sign to acknowledge receipt of PPE as well as having been instructed and trained on when and how to wear such equipment.
  • Train and inform workers about any risks

3.4 Radiations

There are two kinds or radiations:

  • Non-ionic radiations such as: ultraviolet, laser, microwaves or magnetic waves. They produce skin and eyes burn.
  • Ionic radiations such as: X ray, alfa, gamma or beta. Long exposure can produce cancer.

TASK 2: Non –ionic radiations

In the next video, again Napo is involved in some risk situations related to non-ionic radiations.

Napo in Radiations

  • Write down all the risk situations that appear in this video.
  • What should he do to minimize these effects? Give some advice and then discuss it in pairs.

Let’s check your previous knowledge on how to reduce some radiation effects by reading some preventive measures.

Preventive measures:

You should always:

  • Separate ray operations
  • Limit exposure time
  • Take working shifts
  • Use masks during the exposure
  • Employees should sign to acknowledge receipt of PPE as well as having been instructed and trained on when and how to wear such equipment.
  • Train and inform workers about any risks.

3.5 Vibrations

This risk is due to motorized machines and it is measured in hertzs (Hz).

You can distinguish three kinds of vibrations depending on its wave band:

Very high frequency / Body / Pneumatic harm
High frequency / Arms / Guillotines
Low frequency / Back / Tractor, bulldozer


  • Reynaud syndrome
  • Stomachache
  • Visual problems
  • Vertigo
  • Lumbago and hernia

Preventive measures:

  • Keep regular maintenance of machines and vehicles
  • Use shock absorbers
  • Establish rests during the working hours and shifts
  • Medical check-ups
  • Train and inform workers about any risks.

TASK 3: Revision: Napo in professional risks

To start practising the physical terms that you have just seen, you should do the following tasks.

You are going to watch a video, where Napo is exposed to several physical and environmental risks. Watch Napo’s video and identify the physical risks he is exposed to, and propose a corrective measure. Complete the table following the example given for you.

Noise / Separate noisy operations
Cover noisy components on machines

Napo in Physical Risks

TASK 4: Analyzing working risks

Work in pairs.

In this task you are going to analyze the different physical risks that some workers are exposed to. For each job, select the physical risk from the following box.


Student A asks the question and student B explains the possible physical risks.

Then change roles.

An example of what you should do is given in the table.

Remember to ask for each job.

Is a truck driver always exposed to vibrations?

Is a lathe operator always exposed to noise at work?

Job / Physical risks
Truck driver / Vibrations
Lathe operator / Noise
Fridge camera operator
Jewelry designer
Pneumatic harm operator
Nuclear worker
Industrial worker

TASK 4: Preventive measures

In order to review all the information learnt in this unit, try to find out what preventive measures are recommended to the following risks. Also, identify the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) recommended to use or wear for each one and match the safety sign in each case.

Under the table you have some safety signs you can use.

Work in pairs and complete the next table as in the example:

NOISE / - Separate noisy operations
- Cover noisy components on machines
- Keep regular Maintenance / - Earmuffs or plugs /

Here you have some samples of safety signs that can help you in this task:

FOL01_Risks at work / Unit 3