“Where Parents and Teachers come together”
Tracey Angell (Chair), Emily Wardle (Secretary), Natasha Senekal, Lisa Firth, Vicki Smith, Rosie Smyth-Tyrell, Rachel Yorke.
Georgie Blackburn, Zen Nichol, Tracy Owen,Becky Harris,Esther Townsend, Leonie Luffingham, Sam Carpenter,Matt Newman, Holly Jones, Ana Drury.
Minutes of the Last Meeting
- The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Dursley Fireworks
- The PTA will support running the bar at the Dursley Fireworks on Saturday4th November
2017 at the event run by Dursley District Girl Guiding, in return for an element of profits. The requirement is for 5 people from 4pm – 8pm, which could be split into 2 shifts to spread the load (4pm-6pm, 6pm-8pm).
- The following volunteers have been identified to support the event:
- Matt Newman / Tracey Angell.
- Sam Carpenter / Deb Bottger.
- Natasha Senekal (TBC)/ Emily no longer available.
- Rosie S-T / Fran Jackson.
- Action: Tracey to request further 3 (ideally 4) volunteers on Facebook.
Quiz Night – 13th October 2017
4. Emily gave an update on the Quiz Night – venue, quiz and music sorted. Tracey confirmed she is providing prizes (6 bottles of wine for the winners, and CDs for the booby prize) and a hamper for the raffle.
Future Events
5. The following events were discussed:
- Disco. It was agreed to hold a Disco on Friday 2nd February (After note – availability confirmed with Mike Lucia). Entry £2 per child to include a drink and biscuit. Action: Tracey and Lisa to investigate glow batons.
- Craft Morning. Action: Tracey to liaise with Keren Bass to see if she is willing to run a Craft Morning prior to Mothers Day in March.
- Lego Event. Action:Tash to investigate further detail for the Lego Event (as held at The Tab) with a view to either holding this instead of the Craft Morning in March, or as a separate event in May.
- Summer Fair. There was discussion about whether to hold the fair on a Saturday this year. Action: Tracey to speak to Becky about the feasibility of holding the fair on a Saturday, and if school indicate this is possible then Vicki is to put out a FB poll to find out wider opinion from parents.
- Bags 2 School. Bags will be issued next week, with collection w/c 6th November. Action: Vicki to advertise on FB next week.
Ground Force Day
6.Ground Force Day will be held at school on Saturday 11th November to tidy up the outdoor areas. 12-4pm, with soup and rolls to be offered.Action: Tracey to see if we can get donations from local garden centres (woodchip, bedding plants, compost, bulbs, wood stain etc andif Tesco can donate rolls, milk or squash. Action: Vicki to advertise on FB – parents to bring garden tools and any bedding plants, bulbs, wood stain etc.
Advent Fair – 2nd December 2017
7. The following immediate actions were agreed:
- Tash agreed to investigate Snow Business, and personalized Christmas puddings.
- Tracey has already sent out 105 requests for support to the auction.
- Angie is requested to apply for the appropriate licence.
- Tracey agreed to check with Mona that School House want to provide a hamper and are happy to run the Teddy Tombola stall. (After note: Mona has agreed to both).
- Tracey agreed to speak to school to see if any of the children would be able to sing carols.
- It was agreed to have the following stalls: Hampers, filled bags, tombola, water and wine, Mum’s and Dad’s presents, chocolate tombola.
- Rachel Yorke agreed to ask regarding finding a volunteer to cover the Santa role, as Chris Wardle has indicated he would prefer not to do it this year.
Date of Next Meeting
8. The next meeting will be an Advent Fair sub-committee meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday 1st November 2017 at Natasha’s house (64 Budding Way, Littlecombe).
Emily Wardle
Cam Hopton Association Registered Charity Number 1079239
School Parent/Teacher Association
Hopton Road, Upper Cam,
Dursley, Glos GL11 5PA Tel No: 01453 542763