Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

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1.  Every cell contains DNA. The main purpose of DNA is to store the cell’s genetic information. How does DNA control the cell?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. DNA activates nerve signals
  2. DNA determines what proteins are made
  1. DNA protects the cell from invaders
  2. DNA speeds up chemical reactions

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

The diagram below shows part of a DNA strand. Use it to answer questions 2 -5.

2.  Which part of the DNA strand is the phosphate group?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

3.  What part of the DNA strand does the diagram above represent?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Nitrogen base
  2. Phosphate
  3. Ribose sugar
  4. Nucleotide

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

4.  What part of the DNA strand represents the deoxyribose sugar?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

5.  The section of the DNA strand labeled “C” is known as a—

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Phosphate molecule
  2. 5-carbon sugar
  3. Hydrogen bond
  4. Nitrogenous base

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

6.  The DNA of a cell contains the genetic information of the cell and governs how the cell functions. What would you expect to observe if you compared the DNA from a cell of a frog with the DNA from a cell of a mouse?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. The DNA from the frog would include different nucleotides.
  2. The DNA from the frog would have the nucleotides in a different order.
  3. The DNA from the frog would be in the cytoplasm of the cell.
  4. The DNA from the frog would not contain adenine

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

7.  A paleontologist discovers a fossil that resembles a bear, but it shows no trace of claws. The paleontologist guesses that the modern bear evolved claws in response to environmental changes. What is this process called?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Binary fission
  2. Meiosis
  3. Mitosis
  4. Natural selection

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

8.  Archaea are a diverse group of microorganisms. They live in conditions very similar to the environment of Earth when Earth was first formed. What BEST explains the rarity of evolutionary change in Archaea since they first appeared more than 3.5 billion years ago?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Sexual reproduction
  2. Asexual reproduction
  3. Resistance to disease
  4. Extinction of their original food source

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

9.  Clostridium botulinum is a bacterium that causes botulism in animals. Clostridium tetani is a bacterium that causes tetanus in humans. Clostridium chauvoei is a bacterium that causes blackleg disease in cattle. What is the CLOSEST relationship between these three harmful bacteria?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. they share the same kingdom
  2. they share the same phylum
  3. they share the same genus
  4. they share the same class

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

10.  Which term below does NOT describe an organism from the Kingdom Protista?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Multicellular
  2. Unicellular
  3. Prokaryotic
  4. Eukaryotic

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

11.  There are many ways humans would benefit from the Kingdom Fungi. Which benefit is MOST important to maintaining life on Earth?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Symbiosis
  2. Pest control
  3. Medicine
  4. Food

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

12.  Based on their names, you know that the baboons Papio annubis and Papio cynocephalus do not belong to the same--

a. class. c. genus

b. family. d. species

13.  Fungi obtain food by

a. photosynthesis c. endocytosis

b. absorbing nutrients by decomposing d. chemosynthesis

14.  The kingdom Plantae contains primarily

a. photosynthetic autotrophs c. photosynthetic heterotrophs

b. unicellular autotrophs d. protists.

15.  In a 4 trophic level energy pyramid, which level of organisms would contain approximately 1% of the original energy?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Herbivores
  2. Secondary consumers
  3. Producers
  4. Tertiary consumers

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

16.  The kingdom Plantae consists of organisms such as salt marsh, aquatic plants, grasses, coniferous trees, and many other species. These organisms are considered to be autotrophic, meaning that they—

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Need to get energy from other food sources
  2. Can make their own food through binary fission
  3. Can make their own food through photosynthesis
  4. Need to get energy from sources other than the sun

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

17.  In animals, if a female is malnourished, signals from the digestive and nervous systems shut down another body system. Which system is it?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Nervous
  2. Skeletal
  3. Respiratory
  4. Reproductive

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

18.  Which system does a lowered body temperature LEAST affect?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Nervous system
  2. Digestive system
  3. Circulatory system
  4. Integumentary system

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

19.  Digestion begins in the mouth, when the muscular and skeletal systems work together to help you chew food. What is the correct pathway of food and nutrients through the human body after swallowing?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Digestive system -> excretory system -> circulatory system
  2. Excretory system -> circulatory system -> digestive system
  3. Circulatory system -> digestive system -> excretory system
  4. Digestive system -> circulatory system -> excretory system

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

20.  A mammal is able to maintain its body temperature partially by proper functioning of these organs:

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Liver, kidney, skin
  2. Kidney, liver stomach
  3. Skin, liver, brain
  4. Hormones, skin, liver

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

21.  How do the kidneys maintain homeostasis?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. By absorbing nutrients
  2. By preventing infection
  3. By removing wastes
  4. By digesting protein

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

22.  Your body must maintain a relatively stable internal environment despite change in the external environment. What is this process called?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Automaticity
  2. Homeostasis
  3. Metabolism
  4. Physiology

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

23.  Internal feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis by doing which of the following?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Making adjustments in response to input
  2. Keeping internal processes working at a consistent rate
  3. Predicting how external changes will affect internal conditions
  4. Altering the external environment to meet the organism’s needs

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

24.  Which of the following is an example of an internal feedback mechanisms working to maintain homeostasis?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. The iris constricts to reduce the amount of light entering an eye on a bright day.
  2. A student plays volleyball in the park every Saturday when the weather is nice.
  1. A father makes omelets for dinner because his family requested them.
  2. The stomach extends to contain up to 2 liters of food during mealtime.

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

25.  Javelinas are desert animals that eat mostly plants. When a javelin eats a plant leaf, what happens to most of the energy store in the leaf’s chemical bonds?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. All of the energy is used up by the javelina
  2. The energy is changed into living tissues
  1. Some of the energy is destroyed and some is stored as ATP
  2. Some of the energy is transformed to ATP and some is released as heat

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

26.  In a simple oceanic food chain, phytoplankton, which obtain their energy by photosynthesis of light from the Sun, are eaten by small shrimp, which are then eaten by whales. However, the amount of energy that the phytoplankton have obtained from the Sun is far greater than the amount of energy available to the whales. Which of the following provides the best explanation for this loss of energy?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Energy cannot be converted and transferred from one source to another
  2. The amount of energy in any system decreases over time
  1. The energy obtained by the phytoplankton must be transferred to shrimp before it can be transferred to whales.
  2. There is a loss of useful energy in the form of heat at each stage of the food chain

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

27.  Study the following illustration of a food web. What would happen if coyotes were removed from the ecosystem?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. The population of hawks and snakes would decrease
  2. The population of grasses and shrubs would greatly increase
  3. The rabbit and rat population would greatly decrease
  4. The rabbit and rat population would increase

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

28.  When lions prey on a herd of antelopes, some antelopes are killed and some escape. Which part of Darwin’s concept of natural selection might be used to describe this situation?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

a. acquired characteristics.

b. reproductive isolation.

c. survival of the fittest.

d. competition.

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

29.  Charles Darwin called the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its specific environment

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

a. diversity.

b. fitness.

c. adaptation.

d. artificial selection.

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

Use the following information to answer questions 30-34.

A—Biochemical Events


C—Comparative Anatomy

D—Fossil Record

E—Observable Events

30.  Evidence that shows evolution as an ongoing event; such events have been seen and studied in various species of organisms.

31.  Studying the remains of organisms that lived long ago and how life on Earth has changed and increased in number.

32.  Perhaps the strongest evidence of evolution since such evidence is linked to the genetic code, which has remained nearly unchanged over the ages.

33.  Evidence that considers homologous structures, vestigial organs and embryological development of organisms and how these may be linked to a common ancestor.

34.  Evidence that shows how organisms living widely apart may be similar because they shared a common ancestor.

35.  Homologous genes are genes that descend from the same common ancestor gene in different species. A scientist sequences homologous genes in several different related species. To find out which two species are most closely related, how should the scientist analyze the data?

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

a. Count the number of amino acid differences between sequences from different species.

b. Count the number of dominant traits encoded by the sequences from each species.

c. Count the total number of amino acids in the sequence from each species.

d. Count the number of traits showing incomplete dominance in the sequence from each species.

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

36.  [Transcription/Translation] _____is the first process in protein synthesis in which mRNA is made from the instructions of a DNA template.

37.  [Transcription/Translation] _____ is the second process in protein synthesis in which tRNA brings the amino acid to the mRNA at the ribosome to form the protein.

38.  Translation occurs where in the cell? [Nucleus/Ribosome]

39.  Replication occurs where in the cell? [Nucleus/Ribosome]

40.  Which type of RNA is a structural component of a ribosome? [mRNA/rRNA/tRNA]

41.  The figure below shows—

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Nucleotide
  2. DNA strand
  3. RNA strand
  4. carbohydrate

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

42.  In meiosis and mitosis, the beginning parent cell is considered to be HAPLOID/ DIPLOID

43.  In meiosis, there are TWO/FOUR resulting daughter cells.

44.  The daughter cells formed during meiosis are called gametes and have 23/46 chromosomes.

45.  The picture below shows a NORMAL/ ABNORMAL person.

46.  The picture below shows a KARYOTYPE/PEDIGREE. This picture shows a FEMALE/MALE

Produces 4 cells
Ending cells haploid(n)
New cells different from each other and parent
Produces egg and sperm
New cells have fewer chromosomes than parent

47.  The Table to the left shows characteristics of which process?

  1. Replication
  2. Mitosis
  3. Meiosis
  4. cytokinesis

48.  Fruit fly traits are represented with the following letters: L = long wings, l = short wings, G = grey body colour, g = black body colour. What is the genotype of a fly that is homozygous long winged, and heterozygous grey body color?


49.  In guinea pigs, black hair colour (B) is dominant to brown hair colour (b). Long hair (L) is dominant to short hair (l).

a) What are the phenotypes of the parents in the cross BbLl ´ BbLL?


b) Construct a Punnett square for the offspring of the cross in part (a).

50.  If a potato chip that is homozygous barbeque and wavy is crossed with a chip that is salted and wavy, which percentage of genotypes would most likely be found in the first generation?

Write the gametes for the parents here: ______X ______

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

a. 50% BBaa, 50% bbAA

b. 100% BbAa

c. 100% Bbaa

d. 50% BbAA, 50% bbAA

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

51.  Biomass describes the total weight of organisms in an ecosystem. Each trophic level also has its own biomass. The following food chain demonstrates four trophic levels, from primary consumers to quaternary consumer. Which trophic level will have the largest biomass?

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Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology

  1. Hawk
  2. Snake
  3. Frog
  4. Grasshopper

Spring Semester Exam Study Guide- Biology