Lesson Plan: Public Speaking

Name: Effective Public Speaking

Course: United States History I and Generation Citizen

Topic: Effective Public Speaking and Generation Citizen Focus Issue
Mastery/Thinking Objective: SWBAT…
·  Identify tips for effective public speaking
·  Analyze examples of public speeches for strengths and weaknesses
·  Write a persuasive public speech on a focus issue
Outcomes/Assessment: A persuasive public speech on the class’ chosen focus issue
Preview/Do Now:
Think of some examples of times you have been present at a public speech or have watched a public speech. Who was speaking? What were they speaking about? What type of speech was it: informational, persuasive, other? What were some things you remember the speaker doing well? What are some things that they speaker needed to work on? What tips would you give someone who is preparing to give a public speech?
Direct Instruction/Modeling/Class Notes:
1.  Students will view two or three examples of public speeches. As they view, they will write down Strengths and Weaknesses of the speaker. After each film, a short discussion on the strengths and weaknesses should happen with students adding to a class list on the board. All students should add to their own notes based on the class discussion. This should be repeated two or three times.
2.  Students should be given the Effective Public Speaking Tips handout. One student should read the tips aloud as the rest of the class follows along with their own document.
Guided Practice & Independent Work:
1.  Students should read and mark up the Speaking Tips on their own. After marking up, students will answer a series of Focus Questions based on the document. The focus questions will be text based and require students to go back to the reading.
2.  Students should pair/share their answers to the focus questions with their partner. Students should mark their additions/revisions in a different color or identify their changes somehow. Following this, the class will have a brief discussion on the tips and clear up any confusion. The teacher will explain that students will use these tips to write their own effective public speech.
3.  For homework, students should complete the Planning organizer for effective public speaking. They will use this organizer to write a 2-3 minute long speech on their Focus Issue tomorrow in class.
Day 2:
1.  Students should pair/share their organizer with a partner. Each partner should provide one suggestion/change that they think their partner should fix or include.
2.  Students should type their speech in class using their graphic organizer.
3.  Once speeches have been written, students should practice at least 2 times with a partner. They should read their speech to their partner and allow their partner to give written or verbal feedback.
Day 3:
1.  In groups of 3 to 4, students will give their speech. As they give their speech, the other group members will complete a feedback rubric to be given to the presenter at the end (Feedback Form: Persuasive Oral Communication from Generation Citizen Student Handbook). The whole class will go over the rubric before it is used for this purpose.
2.  After each person in the group has given their speech, the group will vote for/nominate whomever they believe had the most effective Persuasive speech. The representative from each group will give their speech in front of the whole class. These speeches should be videotaped and included as part of Civics Day.
Students should write a reflection on the process. What did they like? What parts would they change about the process? What is the most important take-away?
Materials: Feedback forms, Speaking Tips Handout, Focus Questions, Youtube videos

Effective Public Speaking Focus Questions

1.  What are some specific Do’s and Don’ts of effective public speaking?

2.  Describe what a person’s body language should look like when giving a public speech. Be specific.

3.  How does an effective public speaker “keep it simple”?

4.  How does an effective public speaker personalize a speech? Why should a personalization be included?

5.  How should you begin an end your speech?