Works Cited
Agler, Ellen. “Increase in Hate Crime Sets Stage for Campaign.” Idaho Statesman. (4 June 1993.) 8 November 2008. <
“Aryan Nations founder Richard Butler dies at age of 86.”USA Today.(2005.)8 Nov. 2008.
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Bilbao, Ysabel. “Thousands Come Out for the Western Days Parade.” KTVB.COM. (31 May 2008). 8 Nov. 2008. <
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Blankenship, Michael Ph.D., James B. Weatherby, Ph.D., Leslie A. Alm, Ph.D., and Carole Nemnich. “15TH ANNUAL IDAHO PUBLIC POLICY SURVEY” BoiseStateUniversityCollege of Social Sciences and PublicAffairsSocialScienceResearchCenter. (April 2004) 8 November 2008. <
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Moore, Carrie A. “Gay marriage would have long-term societal impacts.” Deseret News.(23 Aug. 2006). 8 Nov. 2008. .
Popkey, Dan. “Common Ground church goes for the middle ground.” The Idaho Statesman. (3 Aug. 2008) 8 Nov 2008, <
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“TreasureValley Hallmark Stores Decline Gay Marriage Cards.” Idaho Press-Tribune. (22 Aug. 2008). 7 Nov. 2008. <
Walsh, Rebecca. “Walsh: LDS stand on Prop. 8 oozes irony.” The SaltLakeTribune. (2 Nov. 2008). 10 Nov .2008. <
“Welcoming Gay Friendly Churches in Idaho.” Galip 501 Gay and Christian Resources.(2006.) 8 Nov. 2008. < LLC. (2008.) 9 November 2008.
Special Thanks to:
My mom,younger sister, and Helen Lojek