CTEA Request for Proposals

Guidelines & Instructions

This Request for Proposals is for the fiscal year 2016-2017 which begins July 1, 2016 and ends June 30, 2017. Your project must fit between these dates. You may not start before July 1, 2016 and you must be completed by June 30, 2017.

The RFP is due no later than 5 pm, Friday, March 18, 2016

The SRJC Office of Career & Technical Education and Economic Development (CTE/ED) is a catalyst for collaboration and communication in the North Bay. It initiates, facilitates, and supports cooperative projects featuring SRJC faculty, college advisory committees, and Sonoma County businesses.

The 2016-2017 goals of the SRJC Career & Technical Education and Economic Development is to encourage faculty to:

  • Work closely with industry partners to ensure that CTE programs are responsive to labor market demands.
  • Develop effective alignment between instruction in CTE programs and the skills the labor market needs.
  • Participate in professional development activities related to improving instruction, program and curriculum.
  • Demonstrates effectiveness as measured by successful completion of degree/certificate programs and employment of its student completers.

We receive approximately $600,000 dollars in Perkins (CTEA) funding. Funds are for projects to:

  • Improve or expand programs of study including the faculty and staff development
  • Develop, revitalize, improve and implement new or existing CTE program
  • Support programs, not isolated courses

These are “categorical” funds, much like those used by programs such as Disability Resources Department (DRD), Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS), Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA), and Student Success. They are not general funds and have their own set of legislated guidelines and requirements.

CTEA does not fund:

  • Non-occupational or general education programs
  • Ongoing operational expenses
  • Maintaining or supplanting a program
  • Anything the District would generally provide to an education program
  • Employment of Full or part time faculty or staff

Your RFP must be complete upon submission. Your packet submission must include the following completed items:

  • 2016-2017 Signature Sheet
  • 2016-2017 Narrative Summary
  • 2016-2017 Priority Requirement for Occupational Programs Questionnaire
  • 2016-2017 Project Budget Sheet

Signature Sheet

Fill out the signature sheet completely. With name of project, department, program, submitter’s name, and date.

Select the type of project you are submitting. Check all that apply.

Identify ALL the faculty and staff working on this project.

Identify the proper TOP code for your program involved in this project. TOP codes can be found at:

List the date of your Fall and Spring Advisory Committee meeting (A quorum must have been met to be an official meeting). If you did not meet at least once, you are not eligible to apply for funding.

Make sure you have all signatures and that your Supervising Administrator has given this project a cluster prioritization.

Narrative Summary

  1. Describe the proposed project. Tell me what you want to do, buy, accomplish, etc. The prompt is pretty self-explanatory.
  2. Describe how this project will improve your program, instruction, and/or student success. Plain and simple!
  3. Summarize how your proposal fits into the prompts listed in this section. I know this seems duplicative, but it is required for reporting.
  4. This section is asking if you have other funds you are using to partner with this project.
  5. This question is asking you to prioritize funds. If the total can’t be funded, how much do you need? It may be an all or nothing project, just tell us.
  6. Use the following link to check the appropriate “Doing What Matters” industry sector.

The sectors are listed on the right hand side of the page. Click on each sector to read the description to decidewhich sector your project fits.

Select OTHER and specify your industry sector if your project does not fit into the 10 industry sectors listed. Public Safety and Child Developmentfit into this category.

Priority Requirement for Occupational Programs Questionnaire

All of these 9 questions must be answered as part of this proposal. You may cut and paste from the narrative summary or PRPP if you like. Federal legislation requires that each funded project must meet all nine requirements.

Budget Work Sheet

All Purchasing requirements in terms of deadlines, quotes and funding pertain to this budget. The budget sheet must be filled out and turned in with your RFP. You are to fill in the appropriate number in the GREEN SHADED CELLS. The budget sheet will do the calculations for you.

Please fill in all of the appropriate cells in each category:

  • CERTIFICATED SALARIES: Adjunct and Full Time Faculty salaries involved with this project.
  • CLASSIFIED SALARIES: Classified salaries involved with this project.
  • In both cases use the hourly rate and number of hours for this project. Do not request reassign time, I cannot grant reassign time. I can only provide funds for your time. The benefits will automatically be calculated.
  • SUPPLIES and MATERIALS: Graphics, Supplies, no textbooks
  • TRAVEL and SERVICES: Pretty clear - Registration, Lodging, Airfare, Meals, and Mileage. There is a section for other like parking bridge toll taxi, etc.
  • EQUIPMENT: Once again pretty clear – is it Audio/Visual, Software or Instructional Equipment. This should include taxes and shipping.

Submit your completed RFP to Alicia Artz, Administrative Assistant to Jerry Miller, Dean III Career & Technical Education and Economic Development no later than 5 pm, Friday, March 18, 2016. This is the last day before Spring Break.

If you would like to discuss your project prior to submitting, or have questions, please call Alicia at 524-1792 or email her at to set up a meeting with Jerry.


Title of Project:


Submitter’s Name: Date:

Project Type (check all that apply)

Professional Development

Instructional Equipment/Materials

Program/Curriculum Development

Program Marketing/Outreach

Program Administration/Coordination (limited time constraints apply)

Programs/Services for specialized populations

Facilities rental/leasing (limited time constraints apply)

Other (specify):

Faculty/Staff involved:

TOP Code(s): Amount Requested:

Fall 2016 Advisory Meeting Date:  Did Not Meet Fall 2016

Spring 2017 Advisory Meeting Date:  Did Not Meet Spring 2017



Department Chair:Date:

Supervising Administrator:Date:



  1. Describe the proposed project. Include the activities, responsibilities and roles of the participants, equipment purchases, any emerging industries, new workforce demands, or changing student demographics, local and regional applications and the expected outcomes. Please indicate if the project will require faculty reassigned time or overload and the cost of such time. Provide any relevant narrative and data from the Program and Resource Planning Process (PRPP) to support your request (Cut and paste where possible).
  1. Describe how this activity will improve the program, instruction, student success, certificate completers and/or students gaining employment.
  1. Please summarize how your RFP proposal relates to the following CTEA recommendations.(Improve students’ skills in math, science, technology, and especially the ability to utilize current technologies related to their field of study; Integrate soft skills training into the curriculum of every course, including working in teams, customer service & critical thinking; Develop more work-based learning experiences (Work Experience and Internships) in CTE fields; Strengthen partnerships with industry, including improved communication between SRJC and employers; Improve the effectiveness of SRJC employer advisory committees; Encourage students to consider training for “non-traditional” careers, e.g. women in Auto/Diesel, and men in Child Development; Develop better career advising services to increase CTE student success and completion; Develop programs and services to meet the increasing number of Latino students enrolling at SRJC.)
  1. Is this project’s CTEA funding leveraged with other non-CTEA funds? If so, please describe.
  1. If your proposal request cannot be fully funded, what is the minimum funding level needed to accomplish project goals? Prioritize the proposal objectives with funding.
  1. Which of the following Chancellor’s Office “Doing What Matters” industry sectors does this project align? (check all that apply)

Advanced Manufacturing

Advanced Transportation & Renewables

Agriculture, Water, & Environmental Technologies

Energy (Efficiency) & Utilities

Global Trade and Logistics


Information & Communication Technology (ICT)/Digital Media

Life Sciences/Biotechnology

Retail/Hospitality/Tourism “Learn & Earn”

Small Business/Entrepreneurship

Other (specify):


(Legislation requires that each funded TOP Code must meet all of the following nine requirements)

Briefly describe how this project meets these requirements.

  1. Strengthen the academic, career, and technical skills of students participating in career and technical education programs through the integration of academics with career and technical education programs through a coherent sequence of courses.
  1. Link career and technical education at the secondary level and postsecondary level by offering the relevant elements of not less than one career and technical program of study (culminating in a certificate, degree, or transfer pattern at a community college).
  1. Provide students with strong experience in and understanding of all aspects of an industry, which may include training of career and technical education teachers, faculty, and administrators to use technology (which may include distance learning).
  1. Develop, improve, or expand the use of technology in vocational and technical education.
  1. Provide professional development programs to teachers, counselors, and administrators.
  1. Develop and implement evaluations of the career and technical education programs carried out with CTEA funds, including an assessment of how the needs of special population students are met.
  1. Initiate, improve, expand, and modernize quality career and technical education programs, including relevant technology.
  1. Provide services and activities that are sufficient in size, scope, and quality to be effective.
  1. Provide activities to prepare special populations, including single parents and displaced homemakers who are enrolled in career and technical education programs for high skill, high wage or high demand occupations that will lead to self-sufficiency.