Part I:
1)Q: Why care about Hegel? A: Contemporary Anglophone situation.
a)Sellars: Aims to move analytic philosophy from its Humean to its Kantian phase.
Rorty on me: Aims to move analytic philosophy from its incipient Kantian to its eventual Hegelian phase.
What would it mean to do this?
Four phases of empiricism:
i)Traditional Early Modern British Empiricism-Naturalism.
ii)Classical American Pragmatism
iii)Logical Empiricism
iv)Modal Naturalism
Three phases of modal revolution in logic, semantics, and metaphysics:
- Kripke’s completeness proofs for modal logic.
- Intensional semantics
- Semantic metaphysics (NN).
c)Kant: Three big Kantian ideas:
- His semantic turn. (Last three phases of empiricism already follow Kant in this, albeit with some backsliding.)
- Following out that idea, his categorial turn.
- His normative turn. (Pragmatists had this.)
d) Hegel: [6 of Hegel’s Big Ideas are retailed in Part II.]
2)Two contemporary Wittgensteinean problems concerning conceptual or intentional normativity (cf. Kant’s big move):
a)Kripke’s Wittgenstein’s problem: determinateness.
b)How to understand the rational bindingness of conceptual norms, once their radical contingency (on details of our embodiment, training, and history—both communal-traditional and individual-pedagogic) is appreciated.
3)Story of “Sketch of a Program for a Critical Reading of Hegel”:
4)On the issue of systematicity, and the potential viability of “cafeteria Hegelianism,” contra Rolf-Peter Horstmann.
Part II:
What would it be to make the Hegelian move from this Kantian perspective?
Hegel’s Big Ideas:
5)HBI #1: The social nature of the normative
6)HBI #2: Reciprocal recognition as the structure of the social
7)HBI #3: A conception of the conceptual
8)HBI # 4: Semantic/Conceptual Holism
9)HBI # 5: Idealism: objective, conceptual, absolute
10)HBI #6: Intentionality: expressive and representational, and the relations between them.
11)HBI #7: Modernity and the 3 phases of human development
Part III:
Read the Phenomenology in the first two weeks (i.e. finish it in time for the third meeting of the course).Reading as below suggests the following permissible omissions:
a)72 §s from Preface.
b)102§s from Observing Reason
c)99§s from Religion
d)for a total of 273§s of a total of 808§s, which is omitting just a third of the book. That leaves 535§s to read in two weeks.
e)For a still more condensed read, the first time through skip or just skim:
i.§§135-164 on Force, Law, and Infinity.
ii.§§198-229 on Stoicism, Skepticism, and the Unhappy Consciousness.
iii.§§488-537 on Culture, and Faith.
iv.§§582-594 on Absolute Terror.
Outline of Week 1 08-8-25 c102/01/2019