What is a Job Club?
A Job Clubisasupportgroupcoupledwithcareerexpertsandindustryleaders,andincludesthecreationofaJob Club“dreamteam”toassist,inform,andadviseJob Clubmembers.Job Clubs are very popular across the United States, and according to Tory Johnson, GMA of WaggleForce,showan86%successrate,comparedtoa15%successrateforthosegoingjob search alone.
Why bring Job Clubs to Eastern Kentucky?
Job Clubscanhelpthereduceshocktoareascrippledwithheavyunemployment.Theyoffersupportive services to the unemployed and reduce the stress and isolation that come with being in the “crisis mode” of isolation and transition.
What is your community doing to help the unemployed?
Job Clubscanbeanoutlet,providingemotionalsupportfortheunemployedandunderemployed.This can cut down rates of crime, petty theft, drug abuse, alcoholism, rates of depression: all the things that continue to cripple communities during bouts of high unemployment.
Job Clubs help get people off of unemployment, off of welfare system rolls, which means less taxpayer expense.
Why do Employers and Business and Industry need local Job Clubs?
You’regettingamorehirablepoolofjobcandidateswhenthosecandidateshaveparticipatedin a Job Club. HR managers who turn to your local Job Clubs will find qualified candidates who are most likely above average or above the pool of the general hirable workforce.
Inside the Job Club, career experts have provided the majority of all the prescreening processes that can save you time and money, including:
- Matching Job Club members to career goals with job placement assessments
- Job ClubfacilitatorshaveestablishedrelationshipswiththeJob Clubparticipants.
Weknow each of them personally: their character, attendance, commitmentand personality. We’ve PRESCREENED ALL YOUR APPLICANTS FOR YOU. We know who’s a good fit and who isn’t.
It’s easy to see that turning to Job Clubs when you’re ready to hire guarantees that you’ll spend less time in the hiring process, plus you’ll have a more qualified pool of candidates to choose from.
All of our participants have an increased knowledge base of employability skills, including:
- how to get along with your employer
- getting along with co-workers
- upgraded computer skills
- time management skills
- managing personal issues that could hinder job success
Asanemployer,takeonJob Clubcandidatesasvolunteersinsideyouragencyororganization,training them from the ground up to meet the specific needs of your business.
Job Clubs of Eastern Kentucky is a cooperative effort of