Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Sutton Bonington Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Monday 9th May 2016 commencing at 7.30pm
Present: E.M. Raven (in the Chair),C. Hellier,T. W. Holt, D. Franklin, J. Bradshaw,
D. Etherton,B. Pickering, J Barton, N. Scriven & R. Ereminowicz.
Councillor A. Brown
Apologies: F. Clarke
16.57Appointment of Chairman.
It was moved by E. M. Raven and seconded by J. Bartonand duly carried.
“That Councillor R, Ereminowicz be appointed Chairman for the ensuing year”.
16.58 Appointment of Vice Chairman.
It was moved by J. Baron and seconded by J. Bradshawand duly carried
‘That Councillor D. Ethertonbe appointed Vice Chairman for the ensuing year.’
16.59 Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Acceptance of Office forms were signed.
Acceptance of Office form to be held on file.
16.60Appointments for the ensuing year of Committees and Delegates/Representatives.
The appointment of Committees, Delegates and Representatives were agreed. Copy bound with the minutes.
Committees and Delegates/Representatives to be amended.
The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3rd April 2016 as circulated, were agreed and signed as a true record of the business transacted.
No action required.
16.62 Matters Arising
No Report
No action required
16.63 Policing Matters
/1. Crime Reports:
No action required
/2. Police Concerns
No report
No action required
/3. Community Road Safety Scheme/Speed Trolley:Volunteers are still required to help operate the Community Road Safety Scheme equipment. The speed monitor is currently on loan to West Leake and is due back in the village week commencing 16th May.
No action required
/4. Notes from the PPSG meeting held 20th April were circulated.
No action required
15.16 / 7 St. Anne’s LaneSutton Bonington / Single storey rear extension / Do Not Object
16.16 / 12 The Paddocks
Sutton Bonington / Single storey rear extension; replace flat roof with pitched roof; internal and external alterations / Do Not Object
17.16 / 57 Park Lane
Sutton Bonington / (Demolish rear porch and part of outbuilding) Two storey side extension; single storey rear extension; porch and canopy roof to front elevation; alteration to dwelling including rendering of existing dwelling. / Do Not Object
18.16 / Four Elms
1a Willow Poole Lane
Sutton Bonington / Removal of existing garage and conservatory. First floor side extension; single storey rear extension; front porch canopy and new elevational treatment / Do Not Object
19.16 / St Anne’s Manor
I Hungary Lane
Sutton Bonington / Single storey side extension for orangery; rear conservatory extension; single storey rear extension. / Defer until June Council meeting due to insufficient information.
20.16 / St, Anne’s Manor
1 Hungary Lane
Sutton Bonington / Certificate of lawfulness application for a proposed single storey gymnasium/cinema within the garden / Defer until June meeting
/2 Decisions:
28.15 / Land south of Soar LaneSutton Bonington / Erection of timber American barn of six loose boxes; reshape existing menage / Grant Permission
06.16 / 36 Park Lane
Sutton Bonington / Convert current barn into a two bedroom dwelling and divide front garden to create separate driveway and garden for barn / Grant Permission
07.16 / 101 Park Lane
Sutton Bonington / Reduce height of silver birch by 2m / Grant Permission
09.16 / University of Nottingham
College Road
Sutton Bonington / Proposed part ground floor refurbishment of existing bio-sciences laboratory and office spaces to create an open plan teaching laboratory space serving up to 200 students. New 3-storey front extension to house main entrance and staircase, together with laboratory amenities. Single storey link block created to existing outbuildings at rear with additional toilet provision and refurbished technician’s area. Plant/new fume extraction to be sited on main roof of existing building. Ground level external enclosure created for cylinder storage/vacuum and compressor housing. Removal of existing concrete panel façade and re-cladding of entire existing building envelope. Note: Phase 1 works through 2016 will only cover re-cladding to part ground floor. Upper floors to follow in later phases
/ Grant Permission
No action required.
/3 Other Planning Issues.
/a. Plans for 14 Park Lane have been submitted but are not yet out for consultation.
No action required
/b. Rose and Crown Public House, Zouch does not meet the criteria for inclusion on the statutory list of Assets of Community Value within Rushcliffe.
No action required
/c. Kings Head Pubic House, Sutton Bonington does not meet the criteria for inclusion on the statutory list of Assets of Community Value within Rushcliffe.
No action required
/d. 20 Landcroft Lane planning application is to go to committee for a decision.
No action required
/e. Concern was raised regardingthe multi person occupancy of 6 Marle Pit Hill due to being let to students from the University.
Rushcliffe Borough Council Enforcement Officer to be informed
University to be contacted.
16.65Correspondence and Reports.
/1 Highway Matters:
/a. NCC Report.
The Parish Council have requested that ‘No HGV’ signs are put up at both entrances to the village when the A6006 is closed on the 6th, 10th & 11th.
No action required.
/b. Drainage:
/1. £2500 drainage grant has been approved by Nottinghamshire County Council for work to be carried out by the approved contractor on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council.
No action required.
/2. David Fern – Canals and River Trust – discussions are still take place with the teams who are now taking over this project pointing out the importance of continuing the work. The landowner concerned does not wish the work to take place during the winter months and will only allow work to take place during the summer months. Difficulties have arisen as this is the bird nesting season when it is illegal without huge controls. The work is still planned to go ahead once a solution to these difficulties has been found.
No action required.
/3. Drainage Meeting with Graham Smith NCC Land Drainage Officer – despite several emails Mr Smith has failed to respond to the Parish Council.
Cllr Brown to speak to Mr Smith
/2 Transport Matters (Rail & Bus)
/a. LANRAC –no report
No action required.
/b.Email from Tony Belshaw Network Rail informing the Parish Council of the proposed dates for work to commence on Station Road Bridge and Bowley’s Bridge was circulated. It was stressed that these dates are at present only provisional. The Parish Council will be part of the formal consultation process.
Dates to be placed in the Village News
/b. A6006 will be closed on 28th April, 6th May, 10 & 11th May 2016 whilst surface dressing takes place. There will be a ‘No Overtaking’ and a 30mph speed restriction in place between 28th April and 11th May. Details emailed to all councilors. Trent Barton have established a diversion route for the affected dates, which can be viewed on their website.
No action required.
/3. NCC
/a. Contract 2 of the Better Broadband for Nottinghamshire is currently underway and should be completed by March 2018 which will hopefully provide fibre broadband coverage for 98% of Nottinghamshire.
No action required.
/c. County Councillor Report:
No report
No action required.
/4 RBC Items.
/a. Application for aliquor license for the University Sports Hall has been made for the hours of 7am to 1am - Monday to Sunday. The application is for regulated entertainment only and no sales of alcohol - to allow plays, films, indoor sporting events, boxing/wrestling, live and recorded music. Details emailed out to all councillors.
No action required.
/b. TheAnnual Town and Parish Conference will be taking place on Friday 10th June 2016 between9.00am – 4.00pm at the Nottinghamshire Golf and Country Club. The confirmed speakers are from Rushcliffe CCG and Nottinghamshire Police who will both be coming along to talk about engagement with the community. The Leader Cllr Clarke will be addressing the audience and Cllr Simon Robinson, Deputy Leader will be talking about the Strategic Growth Board.
No action required.
/d. Borough Councillor Report.
No report
No action required.
/5 NALC, RCAN & Voluntary Organisations.
No report
No action required.
/6 Any Other Correspondence.
/a. Letter from Sarah Tremeer was circulated and discussed. A copy of the letter has been forwarded to Nottinghamshire County Council. County Councillor Brown agreed to speak to the University to request that signage be erected at the exit points of the University directing traffic away from the Quiet Lane.
Letter to S. Tremeer
NCC to be asked to re-erect the Quiet Lane signage.
16.66 Receipts and Payments
/1 Payments
DD / Eon / £44.003091 / Sutton Bonington Playscheme / £400.00
3092 / J A Kent Services Ltd / £336.00
3093 / Inland Revenue / £71.62
3094 / J Faulks / £901.44
3095 / J Faulks / £432.00
3096 / J Faulks / £500.00
3097 / J Faulks Expenses / £50.95
3098 / SB & NOS Village News / £125.00
3099 / Community Heartbeat Trust / £246.00
3100 / N Toothill Cleaning Services / £165.00
/2. Receipts
Friendship Cruise Club / £50.00Precept / £11,750.00
VAT Refund / £1507.25
Pony Paddock / £170.00
School under the Sky / £70.00
No action required.
/3.Other Financial Matters
Bank reconciliation was circulated.
No action required.
16.67Pavilion & Playing Field
/a. Reports
1)Sutton Bonington Cricket Club AGM volunteers have come forward to help maintain the cricket pitch/square/and are no longer seeking to pay a groundsman this season.
No action required.
2)SBVFC have requested feedback from the Annual Parish Meeting. Concerns were raised regarding the amount of litter left around the football pitch following football matches
R. Clarke to be informed.
/b. Elton Estate would like to erect a Chestnut Pailing fence on the boundary of the playing field car park. It was pointed out that the Parish Council own a metre of land at the side and back but would agree to a post being attached to our building to enable the fence to be strengthened. This would be conditional to the land remaining in the ownership of the Parish Council and a letter/document from Mather Jamie confirming this prior to any work taking place.
The Estate are also looking at doing work on the boundary trees and would like the Parish Council’s opinion on sharing the cost that work. It was suggested that a meeting take place to discuss the issue further.
D. Franklin to take comments back to the Elton Estate
16.68Spinney & Meadows Nature Reserve
No report
No action required
16.69Annual Parish Meeting
Minutes circulated and discussed. The following was proposed and agreed that:
1)Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting be put onto the Village Website 4 weeks prior to the meeting
2)The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer, will present a verbal report along with the written report.
3)A Parish Council face book page is to be set up providing a link to the Parish Council website where accurate information can be obtained. The Face Book page will not accept friends or comments but will be a tool to provide information.
4)An article is to be placed in the Village News explaining the Roles and Responsibilities of a Parish Council. Leaflets to be also given out at the Village Show
C. Hellier to set up the Face Book page
R. Ereminowicz to formulate Village News article
16.70 Village News Items.
1) Provisional dates of Station Road Bridge closure.
No action required.
1) Ruts in the allotment track have been infilled.
2) Allotment committee meeting to take place 20th June at 7pm
No action required.
16.72Community Orchard
No report.
No action required.
16.73Doctors Surgery
Next PCG meeting is to take place on 16th May 2016
No action required.
16.74Nottingham University- Sutton Bonington Campus
No report
No action required.
16.75Matters of Report
1) Serious accident reported at the Station Road crossroads on 29th April 2016. The Parish Council are to log all information regarding accidents which will be then used to support a request for ‘Stop’ signage at this junction.
Clerk to log incident
2)Friendship Cruise Club have requested permission to bring 10 caravans down onto the playing field next year. It was agreed that no caravans should be brought onto the playing field site.
Group to be informed
3)Reported email from Sarah Burnham Slipper regarding the Greening Group applying for a grant for the provision of hand made benches for the Community Orchard and an apple press.
No action required.
Next Meeting to be held Monday6th June 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Meeting closed at. 21.10 pm