JUNE 16, 2014 – 7:00pm


Councillors present: Mayor Bruce Snape, Councillor Tony Steidel, Deputy Mayor Wayne Dahl, Councillor Shannyn Creary &

Darren Drader

Staff present: Yvonne Cosh & Kent Torkelson

052/14Councillor Dahl: Motioned to accept the minutes of the

Regular Council meeting held on May 20th, 2014.


The Noise Bylaw revision will be tabled until July.

Committee Reports

Committee minutes will be filed in the Village office for all to


1. Newell Foundation –

053/14Mayor Snape: Motioned to accept the 5 year business plan as

submitted by the Newell Foundation and a letter of support will

be forwarded.


2. Library – movie in the park will be The Lego Movie.

054/14Councillor Dahl: Motioned to appoint Cathy Neufeld as the

reviewer for the Duchess Library financials.



4. Regional Landfill –The removal of the veto option in the

landfill agreement was discussed. Councillors saw both choices

as very workable options and asked that Councillor Steidel weigh

the options at decision time and make his choice at that time.

Council will support the decision that is made by Councillor

Steidel and the landfill board.

5. 911 – no summer meetings

6. Newell Regional Services Corporation – Brooks Asphalt has

been awarded the tender to fix/complete the waterline from

Duchess to Rosemary

7. Fire – Village Council would like to supply the products needed

by the Fireman’s Association to man a donation/chili booth at

Duchess Days. This booth will be raising funds for a Duchess

Fireman who is very ill.

8. Agricultural Society – A listings of services provided to the

facilities by the Village staff will be sent to the Agriculture Society

for clarification.

9. Canadian Badlands – Councillor Creary has accepted an

appointment on the Product Development Committee.

10. Newell Regional Economic Development Initiative

11. Recreation Parks Cultural – The spring disbursements were

made available.

12. EXPO

13. Regional Transportation Study – The invitation to the July 5th

forum was discussed.

14. Recreation Centre – Discussions centered on the fundraising

efforts that are underway. The committee “Friends of the

Community” will be running events, selling tickets and

approaching persons for donations to the Rec Centre. A complete

plan will be shared at an open house on July 19th at the Duchess


054/14Mayor Snape: Motioned to set a fundraising budget of $5000.00

For expenses incurred for promotional products, advertising,

printing, etc. in regards to the fundraising efforts.


Old Business:

Changes to the Procedural Bylaw were decided and a complete

bylaw will be presented at the July 21st Council meeting.

The terms for the tax arrears auction on September 3rd will be:

Cash, certified cheque or a money order. Payment must be

received within 48 hours of the close of the auction. The

valuation used will be the current assessment value of each


The auctioneer will be determined closer to the auction date.

A Regional Transportation update was given by Y. Cosh.

Financial Statements were passed out for information.

New Business

055/14 Mayor Snape: Motioned for approval of cheques 12216 – 12267

totaling $ 36,893.42.


Time sheets were handed in.

Decisions regarding Eastlink turning over their holdings to the

Village have been tabled until the July Council meeting. More

information will be gathered before this decision is made.

The Community Peace Officer’s report was reviewed.

056/14Councillor Creary: Motioned to accept and sign the MSI

Memorandum of Agreement.


A proposal from Oldman River Regional Service Commission was

discussed and they will be asked to present to Council.


Public Works:

Kent Torkelson gave a general update for Public Works.

The LED sign has been placed and there has been a delay

with the electrician and will soon be operational.

PW had a sewer line collapse repair on 1st Street East that was

fixed with no problems. The water line was also replaced while


Transitional documents have been filed with Environment

Canada regarding the sewage lagoon discharge for 2013. We will

continue to work with Environment Canada to meet and exceed

their standards.

Kent will be looking at the procedure required to discharge via

pivots the wastewater from the lagoon.

Adjourned 9:55 pm

Next Council meeting July 21st @ 7pm



