PDSA: Transitioning Students into Kindergarten
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NAME: Kindergarten Task Force / DEPARTMENT: Iredell/Statesville Schools / DATE:3/17/04STUDY / What needs to be improved and what specific outcome needs to occur?
· Students need to be smoothly transitioned into kindergarten with instruction beginning as quickly as possible.
What is the current condition and data that supports the need for improvement?
· Currently the first 10 days of school are only half days for kindergartners resulting in enhancements and getting to and from school the basic instruction that occurs for many kindergartners those first 10 days.
· Last year only 4 schools required that teachers visit parents in the homes which was the original need for the 10 half days. While this is still a good practice, it is no longer district required.
· Prime Time currently must require staff to begin earlier in order to provide child care for kindergartners who are released early the first 10 days of school.
· There is currently no uniform instrument used throughout the county as a screening instrument for kindergarten. The Partnership for Youth including More at Four and Smart Start have requested that we look at the Dial 3 as a possible way of gathering information.
Who are the direct customers of the improvement and how will this benefit them?
· Students…knowing where all begin based on standardized data enhances ability to instruct
· Teachers…. Enables them to have comparative information
· Parents……Ensuring students are in school
· Pre-school partners….Summary information from Speed Dial will help them know how prepared their students are
/ Alignment---What District priority does this improvement support? Priority 1, 2,4,5Strategic Plan Goal # / 1 High Student Achievement
Department Plan Goal # / 100% of kindergarten students will be screened with the Speed Dial 3
· What is the general approach to achieving the outcome? Administered in the fall; data collected
· What resources may be needed and who else will be involved? K teachers, volunteers, DIAL kits purchased for the schools
· When and how will the improvement be evaluated for results? Teacher survey in August 2004; data used as baseline for growth for the year
DO / Steps / Actions to Accomplish Plan / Person Responsible / Results / Action Step Completion Date
# 1 / Purchase kits / Susan Allred / purchased / 5/04
# 2 / Train-the-trainer model / Susan Allred / Teachers model giving the assessment / 5/04
# 3 / Assessment administered / Teachers/trained volunteers / Data collection/allred/sherrill / 8/04
Will this require additional fiscal resources? YES x NO / Estimate cost / $
Will this require additional human resources? x YES NO / Estimate cost / $none
STUDY / What were the accomplished improvements and outcome results? Schools transitioned students in 5 days administering the Speed Dial 3 and staggering entry based on the number of students and resources. / What was the impact of the improvement on the direct customers? Plus delta indicated a smooth opening. Data was reviewed and sent back out to the schools 91% were developmentally ready to learn. Students attending whole days instead of half days. Increase indirect instruction time.
ACT / How can this be refined or improved? Each school will make adjustments but stay within the 5 days confines of the staggered entry. Speed Dial will be administered again. More timely direction given on which scale to use for our students consistent with More at Four screening.
Can the improvement be transferred to other areas of the organization? If so, how?
Focused intervention for pre-school into school. Can become a part of the larger transition process.
What modifications/refinements will be put in place for the next improvement cycle?
Re-training on Speed Dial….refresher course.
When will this be evaluated again and by whom? Fall 2005….K-2 director/curriculum team (see below)
© 2003 Jim Shipley & Associates, Inc. Rev. 12/30/03
Steps / Actions to Accomplish Plan / Person Responsible / Results / Action Step Completion Date#4 / Discussion of results/plus/delta feedback in curriculum review week w/ K-2 teachers / C. Sherrill / Copy of plus/delta & notes
(decision to re-assess PD students again at EOY) / 6/05
#5 / Schools conduct refreshers on Speed DIAL for new employees / Speed DIAL trainers each site / Roster of trainings / As needed
#6 / Assess students / K teachers / Assessment results / 1st 10 days of school
#7 / Data collected & sent in / C. Sherrill / Rosters / By Sept 15
# 8 / PD students re-assessed at the end of the year / C. Sherrill / Assessment results / Last 3 wks of May ‘06