Chapter 1 Main Points
••Sound is elemental. It is integral to much of what we know and feel. It provides all sorts of cognitive and affective information.
• Sound is a force: emotional, perceptual, and physical.
• Sound is omnidirectional; it is everywhere. The human eye can focus on only one view at a time.
• Sound, paradoxically, has a visual component; it can create pictures in the “theater of the mind.”
• In the parlance of audio, having “ears” means having healthy hearing and the ability to listen perceptively.
• The human ear is divided into three parts: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear.
• In the basilar membrane of the inner ear are bundles of microscopic hairlike projections called cilia attached to each sensory hair cell. They quiver at the approach of sound and begin the process of transforming mechanical vibrations into electrical and chemical signals, which are then sent to the brain.
• Temporary threshold shift (TTS), or auditory fatigue, is a reversible desensitization in hearing caused by exposure to loud sound over a few hours.
• Prolonged exposure to loud sounds can bring on tinnitus, a ringing, whistling, or buzzing in the ears.
• Exposure to loud sound for extended periods of time can cause permanent threshold shift—a deterioration of the auditory nerve endings in the inner ear. In the presence of loud sound, use an ear filter (hearing-protection device) designed to reduce loudness.
• Humans have the potential to hear an extremely wide range of loudness between the threshold of hearing and the threshold of pain.
• Having educated ears means the ability to listen with careful discrimination to style, interpretation, nuance, and technical quality in evaluating the content, function, characteristics, and fidelity of sound.
• Learning how to listen begins with paying attention to sound wherever and whenever it occurs.
• Analytical listening is the evaluation of the content and function of sound.
• Critical listening is the evaluation of the characteristics of the sound itself.