ME 4447/6405
Microprocessor Control of Manufacturing Systems/Introduction to Mechatronics
Fall 2011 Course Outline
We will modify this schedule as may be necessary to accommodate unforeseen circumstances
1. August 23; 25: Course Outline; Student Lectures; Teaming Concept; Start
Electronic Exercise #1
2. August 31: Overview of Mechatronics Education;
3. Sept. 1: Mechatronics Systems; Start Electronic Exercise # 2
4. Sept.6: Why Microcontroller? Digital Arithmetic
5. Sept.8: MC9S12C Product Family; Start Electronic Exercise #3
6. Sept. 13: MC9S12C Product Family
7. Sept.15, 20: Assembly Language & Machine Language Programming;
Light Emitting Diodes Lab starts 9/16; Quiz #1 (All
Materials before assembly language)
8. Sept. 29: Operational Amplifier; Programming
9. Oct. 4: ADC; Programming
10. Oct. 6: Transistors; Programming (Strain Gage Lab starts 10/7)
11. Oct. 11: C Language; Quiz #2 (Materials before C Language)
12. Oct.13: Test #1 (All materials covered thus far)
13. Oct. 18: Fall Recess
14. Oct. 20: Assembly Directives ; C Language; Review Test #1; DC Motor
Lab starts 10/21
15. Oct. 25: C Language
16. Oct. 27: Timers
17. Nov. 1: Interrupts and programming
18. Nov. 3: Pulse Width Modulation; Quiz #3 (Materials since Test #1)
19. Nov. 8: PLC
20. Nov. 10: PLC
21. Nov. 15: PLC; PLC Lab starts 11/11
22. Nov. 17: SCI and programming
23. Nov. 22: DAC/LED and programming
24. Nov. 24: Thanksgiving Break
25. Nov. 29: Quiz #4 (Materials covered since the last quiz); Study
objectives for Test #2 by each Group
26. Dec. 1: Test # 2 (All materials since Test # 1)
27. Dec. 6: Review Test # 2
28. Dec. 8: Make-up
29. Dec. 15 (2:50– 5:40 pm): Optional Final Exam: Comprehensive (20%)
If you want to take the Final:
1. You must inform Prof. Ume by 6:00 pm on Dec. 6.
2. Your Final course grade will be = Lab grade + Final grade + your best two grades chosen from (quiz, lecture, Test #1 and Test #2 grades).
You are quite welcome to register for the Advanced Mechatronics course (ME 8843). It is Cool and Fun according to the previous students who took it. It is project based with few lectures. The pre-requisites are ME 6405 and ME 4447. I know that at the end of the spring semester if you do take it, you will comment like the previous students that it is a very practical course, and that it is the best class that you have taken at GIT.