Legal Aid Agency
Governance Arrangements
Version 3.0
The purpose of this document is to set out the practical arrangements for corporate governance within the Legal Aid Agency that support the Agency’s objective to deliver legal aid efficiently and effectively as part of the justice system. This document will be updated by the Legal Aid Agency to reflect changes in governance arrangements as necessary; each new iteration supersedes the previous arrangements. If a new version of this document has not been published for three years, this document will be formally reviewed.
These arrangements should be read in conjunction with the Framework Document agreed between the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and Legal Aid Agency. The Framework Document is available from the Ministry of Justice’s website.
Legal Aid Agency Board
- The Legal Aid Agency Board provides overarching governance of the Legal Aid Agency. It provides support, advice and guidance to the Chief Executive on the strategic direction of the Legal Aid Agency.
- Whilst the day-to-day management is the responsibility of the Executive Team, the Board receives update reports and takes decisions on key business priorities as appropriate. Board responsibilities include:
- Defining the values and culture for the Legal Aid Agency and agreeing milestones for how this will be achieved;
- Supporting the Chief Executive to ensure that the Legal Aid Agency is fully accountable to the Ministry of Justice and wider Government by delivering on its objectives and priorities;
- Supporting the Chief Executive in executing his duties as Accounting Officer for the Legal Aid Agency;
- Providing rigorous challenge, oversight and scrutiny of the agency’s performance,including ensuring organisational risks are identified and mitigated and that continuous improvements opportunitiesare being identified, monitored and progressed;
- Supporting the Chief Executive and Executive Team in the development and implementation of the agency’s strategic and business plans;
- Ensuring that the decision making processes of the Chief Executive and Executive Team are robust and supported by appropriate evidence; and
- Supporting the Director of Legal Aid Casework in carrying out his/her responsibilities, ensuring robust practices are in place to maintain the independent decision making process; and
- Oversight of Agency’s execution of statutory duties including Health & Safety and Equality & Diversity.
- The Board is chaired by the Chief Executive of the Legal Aid Agency.
- The Chief Executive as Legal Aid Agency Accounting Officer is accountable, through the Ministry of Justice’s Principal Accounting Officer, to Parliament for ensuring that the Legal Aid Agency’s resources are used for the purposes authorised by Parliament. S/he is also responsible for answering for the propriety and regularity of Legal Aid Agency expenditure.
- The Chief Executive may also be appointed as the Director of Legal Aid Casework, a statutory office created by the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 to carry out the role of making decisions on individual legal aid applications.
- In their role as Chair of the Board (supported by the board secretariat) s/he is responsible for:
- Ensuring a high standard of discussion and decision making;
- Facilitating Board meetings and collective working; and
- Ensuring that systems are in place to provide Board members with accurate and timely information of good quality.
- The Membership of the Legal Aid Agency Board is:
- Chief Executive, Legal Aid Agency (Chair);
- Director of Finance and Performance, Legal Aid Agency (who will Chair in the CEO’s absence);
- Director of Commissioning and Strategy, Legal Aid Agency;
- Director of Case Management, Legal Aid Agency;
- Principal Legal Adviser, Legal Aid Agency;
- Director General of Finance and Corporate Services, Ministry of Justice;
- Finance Non-Executive Board Member (who is also Chair of the Agency’s Audit Committee);
- Legal Non-Executive Board Member; and
- Commercial Non-Executive Board Member.
All members have equal decision-making rights.
- All Board members should uphold the seven principles of public life (Nolan principles): selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.
- The following people have standing invitations to attend the Board’s meetings:
- Director for Business Change and Information Technology, Legal Aid Agency,
- HR Director for the Legal Aid Agency;
- Ministry of Justice Director for legal aid policy; and
- Head of Corporate Centre, Legal Aid Agency.
- If the office of Director of Legal Aid Casework is not held by the Chief Executive, the Director shall also be a member of the Board.
- The Board will meet ten times a year, with additional meetings as necessary.
Non-Executive Board Members
- Three Non- Executive Board Members (NEBMs) have been recruited through an open competition. NEBMs cover the specialist areas of audit, legal and commercial as well as providing more general Board oversight roles. They are accountable to the Chief Executive for their conduct as Board members.
- The role of the NEBMs is to provide effective and objective challenge and support to the rest of the Board and officials as appropriate. The key responsibilities for the NEBMs are to:
- Advise on and challenge, as appropriate, operational issues and the Legal Aid Agency’s capability to implement policy and reform changes as required by Ministers;
- Provide an independent perspective and assurance, including advice to the Chief Executive, on the overall capability of the Legal Aid Agency;
- Provide independentguidance and challenge on the implementation of the Legal Aid Agency’s business plan;
- Support the Board in developing skills and tools to help it engage with strategic issues in ways which have practical resonance; and
- Connect the Board to people and organisations who can provide different perspectives and expertise which will assist in furthering the business of the Legal Aid Agency.
- The Board will be quorate if the Chair, another Legal Aid Agency Director, and a NEBM are present.
- The Board’s terms of reference will be reviewed at least annually to reflect best practice, or as required by the Legal Aid Agency or the Ministry of Justice.
Board Secretariat
- The Board Secretariat supports the Board and is responsible for ensuring that the Board is fully informed on issues before it. It will ensure that board papers are of the required quality and are issued in a timely fashion. The secretariat will record the Board meeting proceedings,produce accurate minutes, and publish those minutes (subject to any exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act) on the Legal Aid Agency’s intranet. Board actions will be produced and circulated within one week of the meeting. On behalf of the Legal Aid Agency, the Secretariat reports to the Board in a timely manner on:
- Any action that represents a material deviation from the agency business plan;
- Any action which exceeds agreed practices, as set out in the agency governance framework; and
- Anything which may have a material adverse impact on the agency’s reputation.
- The Secretariat liaises with Board members on suitable meeting arrangements, any visits required by Board members and any other matter related to the Board.
- The Secretariat is also responsible for the induction and ongoing support for new NEBMs.
Legal Aid Agency Audit Committee
- The Legal Aid Agency Board is supported by the Legal Aid Agency Audit Committee.
Legal Aid Agency Audit Committee
- The Legal Aid Agency Board has appointed an Audit Committee as a sub-committee of the Board, in accordance with standards and best practice set by HM Treasury. The Audit Committee will support the Board and Chief Executive in his/her role as Legal Aid Agency Accounting Officer and review the comprehensiveness, reliability and integrity of Legal Aid Agency assurance mechanisms. The Audit Committee meets quarterly, with additional meetings, as necessary, to review and sign off the annual report and accounts. Terms of reference for the Audit Committee are attached at Annex E.
- The Audit Committee is charged with ensuring that the Board and the Accounting Officer of the Legal Aid Agency gain the assurance they need on the adequacy and effectiveness of the agency’s arrangements for risk management, governance and control. Within this, the Audit Committee has particular engagement with the work of Internal Audit, the work of the External Auditor and financial reporting issues. The Audit Committee advises the Board and the Accounting Officer on:
- The strategic processes for risk, control and governance and the Annual Governance Statement;
- The accounting policies, the accounts, and the annual report of the organisation, including the process for review of the accounts prior to submission for audit, and management’s letter of representation to the external auditors;
- The planned activity and results of both internal and external audit;
- Adequacy of management response to issues identified by audit activity; including the management letter issued by the external auditor;
- Assurances relating to the corporate governance requirements for the organisation;
- Where relevant, proposals for tendering for either Internal or External Audit services or for purchase of non-audit services from contractors who provide audit services;
- Review performance of external and internal audit functions;
- Counter-fraud policies, whistle-blowing processes, and arrangements for special investigations; and
- The Audit Committee will also periodically review its own effectiveness and report the results of that review to the Board.
- The Audit Committee is chaired by a NEBM with relevant financial experience (the Chair of the Audit Committee). This experience will be sufficient to allow them to engage competently with financial management and reporting in the organisation and related assurances. The Chair is also a member of the Ministry of Justice Corporate Audit Committee and ensures that effective arrangements for communication with the department’s Corporate Audit Committee are maintained.
- The membership of the Audit Committee is:
- Chair of the Audit Committee;
- Commercial NEBM; and
- Legal NEBM.
- The Committee’s meetings will also be attended by:
- Legal Aid Agency Chief Executive;
- Legal Aid Agency Director of Finance and Performance;
- Legal Aid Agency Financial Controller;
- Legal Aid Agency Head of Assurance;
- Legal Aid Agency Head of Internal Audit;
- Ministry of Justice Head of Internal Audit (if not also holding the role of Legal Aid Agency Head of Internal Audit);
- A representative from the National Audit Office; and
- Members of the Legal Aid Agency Executive Team as appropriate to agenda items being considered.
Declarations and Conflict of Interest
- The Legal Aid Agency Board must be mindful of the potential for conflicts of interest to arise. Civil Servants who are members or attend the Board or its sub-committees must abide by the Civil Service Code and must raise any conflict, or potential conflict of interest at the first opportunity. NEBMs must raise any conflict, or potential conflict, of interest at the earliest opportunity.
- Should a conflict, or potential conflict, arise during a Board or sub-committee meeting, it shall be for the Chair of that meeting to consider if the Board or committee member should refrain from partaking in the particular discussion, or should excuse themselves for the relevant agenda item. Should the Chair identify a conflict, they will consider if it is appropriate for a deputy to lead the Board or committee for the particular item.
- A declaration of any conflicts of interest should be made on appointment, and at any meeting where it is relevant, and the Board Secretary will hold a register of interests which will be updated quarterly.
Expenses, Gifts and Hospitality
- The Chief Executive’s expenses will be published by MoJ alongside those of other MoJ Directors General.
- The Legal Aid Agency abides by MoJ’s Gifts and Hospitality Policy and Procedures.
- The Chief Executive’s Office holds a register of Executive Team Gifts and Hospitality which will be updated on a quarterly basis. These will be held for a period of three years.
- The Legal Aid Agency’s Chief Executive’s register will be submitted to the MoJ on a quarterly basis. The MoJ will be responsible for publishing appropriate extracts.
- The Legal Aid Agency maintains a register of gifts and hospitality for its staff, who will be responsible for providing information in line with the MoJ’s Gifts and Hospitality Policy requirement.
- The Chief Executive is appointed by the Permanent Secretary of the MoJ via the standard Senior Civil Service approval mechanisms.
- The Legal Aid Agency Board NEBMs are appointed, for a fixed term of three years, by the Chief Executive. They are appointed on merit and in recognition of their respective abilities and experience by a panel including a Ministry of Justice non-executive director and delegated subject specialist (as relevant). For recruitment of the Chair of the Audit Committee, this will be done in conjunction with the Ministry of Justice NEBM who chairs the MoJ Audit Committee, as well as the MoJ Director General of Finance and Corporate Services or a senior MoJ Finance delegate. For the legal and commercial NEBM appointments, the panel will consist of the Chief Executive along with a MoJ non-executive member and relevant subject experts (e.g. Civil Service legal and commercial professionals). Following the conclusion of their term of appointment, NEBMs may be reappointed subject to satisfactory appraisal and needs of the Board.
- Senior Civil Service Pay Band 2 employees of the Legal Aid Agencyare appointed by the Chief Executive, agreed with the MoJ professional lead where necessary and approved by the Permanent Secretary and MoJ Workforce Committee.
- The appointment of Senior Civil Service Pay Band 1 (Deputy Director) members of staff is made by the Chief Executive and approved by the Permanent Secretary for promotions into the SCS. The Chief Executive will manage Pay Band 1 appointments within the complement agreed by the Ministry of Justice Workforce Committee.
- Any other Legal Aid Agency staff appointments are the sole responsibility of the Chief Executive.
Legal Aid AgencyExecutive Team
- The Legal Aid Agency’s Executive Team is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Agency. Key responsibilities include:
- Developing and delivering the Agency’s strategic objectives, its values and its culture and ensuring effective delivery plans are in place to do so;
- Managing the financial and operational performance of the Agency including assessing monthly performance and financial reports, reviewing performance against the Agency’s strategic objective; and
- Promoting openness and accountability in the Agency’s work.
- The Legal Aid Agency Executive Team is made up of the following people:
- Chief Executive;
- Director of Finance and Performance;
- Director of Case Management;
- Director of Commissioning and Strategy;
- Director for Business Change and Information Technology;
- Principal Legal Advisor;
- HR Director to the Legal Aid Agency; and
- Head of Corporate centre.
- Membership of the Executive Team is made at the discretion of the Chief Executive.
- The Executive Team meets weekly (with additional informal meetings as necessary). In addition, the Executive Team will meet for planning and strategy sessions when considered necessary by the Chief Executive. Executive Team meetings are also attended by the Head of the Chief Executive’s Office.
- Subject experts may be invited by responsible Executive members to cover individual items. Representatives will also be invited to attend on an Executive’s behalf if they are unable to attend. If the Chief Executive is unable to attend a meeting he/she will nominate a Chair in his/her absence.
Legal Aid Agency Health and Safety Committee
- The Legal Aid Agency Chief Executive has ultimate responsibility for health and safety policy and its implementation within the Legal Aid Agency. The Chief Executive is accountable to the Permanent Secretary for the implementation of the Ministry of Justice’s Corporate Health and Safety Policy within the Legal Aid Agency.
- Day-to-day responsibility for health and safety within the Legal Aid Agency has been delegated to the Legal Aid Agency’s Director of Case Management, as Chair of the Agency’s Health and Safety Committee.
- The Health and Safety Committee has been created by the Legal Aid Agency’s Executive Team to support it in meeting its responsibility for health and safety. It shall meet on a quarterly basis with additional meetings as necessary. The committee will report into the Executive Team and the Legal Aid Agency Board.
- Membership of the Legal Aid Agency’s Health and Safety Committee is:
- Legal Aid Agency Director of Case Management (Chair);
- Representatives of the Legal Aid Agency’s offices (Site Leads);
- A representative of the Public Defender Service;
- Legal Aid Agency Health and Safety representative;
- Ministry of Justice Health and Safety representative; and
- Representatives of the Legal Aid Agency’s recognised Trade Unions.
- Other Legal Aid Agency and Ministry of Justice Officials may be invited to attend as necessary.
- The Legal Aid Agency will maintain a Health and Safety Risk Register, and apply a risk based approach to managing significant Health and Safety risks within the Legal Aid Agency. This will be submitted on a quarterly basis to the Ministry of Justice’s Corporate Health and Safety team.
Independence of Decision Making and supporting the Legal Aid Agency’s administration of legal aid