Office of Scientific Writing and Publication
Concept Paper: Grant proposal planning template
Please complete this project outline form prior to meeting with Office of Scientific Writing staff. This will enable our staff to determine the appropriate types of assistance needed for proposal planning. If any section, Leave blank any sections you are unable to complete (such as specific aims, feasibility or effect size). The Office of Scientific Writing and Publication (OSWP) can help you with any incomplete sections.
If you have questions, please contact our office at 389-3072. Submit the form to: Dr. Ingrid Glurich, ML1.
Revised 01/11/2010
Principal Investigator:
Statement of the research problem or question:
State project goal:
State hypothesis to be tested (if applicable):
State specific aims to address the hypothesis:
Briefly provide background overview and state:
1) significance of the study:
2) how your study will contribute to addressing the problem.
Attach relevant references, abstracts or copies of publications that provide justification for effect size, provide background information or other information relevant to the study question
Is the study collecting preliminary data for an external submission? Yes No
Outline project design:
Feasibility: if applicable, provide numbers of study eligible subjects from the appropriate study population and control population sources if required
State inclusion/exclusion criteria that may impact numbers of eligible subjects
Identify primary endpoint
If appropriate, define effect size (in a comparative study, projected, previously published or clinically relevant differences you hope to observe between cases and controls, for the primary endpoint):
Broadly and generally define analytical approaches:
Provide an outline of data points, if data collection is part of the study methods:
Provide an overview of relevant preliminary data you may have:
Project an estimated project timeline:
If applying for external funding, please identify funding agency, announcement # and attach announcement if applicable:
Are you applying for internal funding? Yes No
Approximate budget estimate for project:
Signature Date
Revised 01/11/2010