Preliminary views on the content of the
Strategic Plan
Abderrazak Berrada
Resolution 71 of Minneapolis is a 39 pages document repeating in different wording what is already contained in the Constitution and the Convention. In some cases the wording of that Resolution may be interpreted as contradicting the basic text of the Constitution/Convention. The purpose of the strategic plan is clearly defined in provision 70 of the Constitution, the ITU Council “…shall consider broad telecommunication policy issues in keeping with the guidelines given by the Plenipotentiary Conference in order to ensure that the Union’s policies and strategy fully respond to the constantly changing telecommunication environment, and shall prepare a report on the policy and strategic planning recommended for the Union, together with their financial implications….” In case this provision is quoted in the Strategic Plan there would be no need to formulate the object of the Union and the purpose of the Strategic Plan in more extensive wording having the possibility to generate unnecessary and endless discussions.
Other provisions of the Constitution/Convention refer to the Financial Plan that should normally be derived from the Strategic Plan. Similarly, the Operational Plan is to be developed on the knowledge of the adopted Strategic and Financial Plans. While these two plans can be prepared by the Council and adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference, the Operational Plan requires first, the adoption of the strategy and finance and then its preparation by the Coordination Committee. Moreover, as it is mainly dependant on the daily activities of the General Secretariat and the Sectors, it would not be advisable to develop it for a period of 4 years. It is therefore recommended to leave it to the Council to develop it on a yearly basis.
Based on the above, our view is that the draft Strategic Plan should be prepared as follows:
Part I: General
- An introductory section making a reference to Article 1 of the Constitution and quoting N. 70. It shall also refer to the part of the Strategic Plan containing the Financial Plan.
- A section referring to the respective roles of the Member States and Sector Members and confirming the status of the Union as an intergovernmental organization. It would be needed as a confirmation of the recommendations of the Reform Group.
- A section "…indicating changes in the telecommunication environment since the last plenipotentiary conference and containing recommended action relating to the Union’s future policies and strategy, together with their financial implications;…” (see No. 86 of the Constitution). This section may indicate
a)the General Secretariat for activities other than those in support to the Council, the sectors and others
b)the Sectors
c)other activities such as Telecom
Part II: Means for the implementation of the above recommendations:
- Conferences
- the General secretariat, for activities other than those in support to the Council, the sectors and others
- the BR
- the TSB
- the BDT
- Other activities
These sections should be worded in a concise form similar to that of an executive summary. In such a way each section should not exceed one page.
Part III the Financial Plan
The Financial Plan shall indicate the Financial Resources required for the implementation of Part II. It may contain either the 4 year budget as is usually contained in a decision, or a summary of that budget.
In case this approach is accepted its details may be refined and, in total, the Strategic Plan, including the Financial Plan should not exceed a dozen pages.