Writing Sample Requirements for AP Application
Applicants for 2016-2017 Pre-AP and AP English courses are required to complete Writing Samples:
Rising sophomores applying for Pre-AP English 10 received 2 writing prompts through their Honors English 9 or CLUE teachers today (Tuesday, March 1). Typed responses to these prompts are due in Mr. Harrison’s room (E-208) bythis Thursday(March 3rd)at 2:30 PM.
Rising juniors applying for AP English Language will meet Mrs. Alsobrook in the cafeteria immediately after school, Wednesday, March 2nd.
Rising seniors applying for AP Literature will meet Ms. Douglas in the cafeteria immediately after school, Thursday, March 3rd.
Arrive promptly, bring black pens, and plan to stay one hour. Students having conflicts (and they better be good!) must see the respective teachers after school prior to these dates.
AP Seminar Course (For rising juniors only)
Read as much as you can about the Capstone program. Write an essay about how you feel that you will grow through participating in the program as well as what you feel you personally will be able to contribute. Include details about AP courses you have taken as well as courses you plan to take and how your participation in the program and corresponding courses will connect your learning. Include local, national, or global issues, concerns, questions, or problems that are of interest to you. You might consider searching the web for “AP Capstone” for more information. Reference: https://lp.collegeboard.org/ap-capstone
AP Research (For rising seniors only – prerequisite: AP Seminar)
Write at least one full (single spaced) page about what you have gained from the AP seminar course,how you hope to apply what you have learned in Seminar in AP Research next year, and what you hope to gain from theResearch course.If you have an idea of what you plan to focus on next year, feel free to include that (we won’t hold you to it) but make sure you answer the other questions as well.
AP Foreign Language – Spanish, French, Latin, German, Japanese
You must have the consent of the teacher who teaches the AP course. You must also indicate your current language teachers as one of your recommenders and tell him or her that you are applying for AP World Language.
AP Psychology
Compose a cogent, well developed minimum 1 page double-spaced written response to one (1) of the following:
- Stability vs. Change (do humans change over time or do we remain essentially the same people? do our personalities change in different situations? do we ever really "grow up"?)
- Rationality vs. Irrationality (are we wise or not? why do we do things that are bad for us when we know they are bad before we do them?)
- Nature vs. Nurture (am I the way I am because I was born this way or because of my surroundings? biology/genes vs. life experiences)
AP Human Geography (Updated 2016)
In an era of globalization the viability of the state concept is threatened in a variety of ways.
Describe in detail one economic and one cultural reason why globalization threatens the authority of a state. Give specific examples since the year 2000.
Candidates for AP US/AP European History should write about a historical event from the past and explain how this events it has relevance in the modern day world. For example, How did the Civil War in American History continue to impact our modern world? Or, for European History how did the French Revolution impact the world long after its conclusion? Student may also take a modern day current event and trace its development from past events. For example, how do fears of Syrian immigrants resemble reactions to immigrants in earlier periods of US/European/World History? This is known as making a synthesis point and is a key part of historical writing and analysis. Candidates should be prepared to support their writing with supporting evidence, facts, and examples.
AP Mathematics/AP Science Classes
Sophomores wishing to take AP physics will be required to take a placement test to determine readiness for AP physics. There is no assessment or writing assignment for math classes or science classes.
AP Computer Science
Students who plan to apply for AP Comp Sci A need to see Ms. Agee after school to fill out a form and take a 30 minute logic test.
AP Studio Art
Portfolio of at least 10 works based on “Direct Observation”. This can include still life, figurative and landscape. Submit to Mr. Berlin for review by Friday, March 11, 2016, 2:30pm. No writing test/assignment required. Teacher approval is required.
AP Music Theory
Placement exams will be administered March 8, 2016 at 2:15 pm in the Bandroom
AP Art History
In the mid-fifth century B.C.E., a Greek sculptor wrote a treatise titled the Canon that was summarized as follows: Beauty consists in the proportions, not of the elements, but of the parts, that is to say, of finger to finger, and of all the fingers to the palm and the wrist, and of these to the forearm, and of the forearm to the upper arm, and of all the other parts to each other.
Identify the sculptor who wrote the Canon. Select and fully identify one work of art that reflects his ideas. Making specific reference to both the text above and your selected work, analyze how the work reflects those ideas.
1 to 2 pages, Include an image of the artwork, Bibliography required