Opening Dialogue:
Doctor: What can I do for you?
Patient: I have a terrible cough and a slight fever.
Doctor: That’s too bad. Are you in much pain?
Patient: I had a stomachache yesterday, but now it’s gone.
Doctor: It is probably just a cold. If you take some rest for a day or two, you’ll get well soon. I’ll prescribe some medicine for you.
Patient: Thank you very much. I feel relieved to hear that.
Listening Comprehension Worksheet
Slips of Paper
1. I have a terrible cough. I’ll prescribe some cough syrup for you.
2. I have a fever. If your temperature is high, you must stay in bed for a couple of days and get some rest.
3. I have a headache.Take this medicine and your head should stophurting in about an hour.
4. I have a toothache. Stop eating sweets and brush your teeth after every meal.
5. I have a sore throat. Gargle this medicine every night before you go to bed.
6. I have a stomachache. Don’t eat spicy foods. They are hard for your stomach to digest.
7. I have sprained my ankle. Try not to walk very much and keep it raised when you are sitting down.
8. I have a runny nose. Go to the drug store and buy some cold medicine.
9. I have an ear infection. Put three drops of this medicine in your ear before you go to bed. Do this for 5 nights.
10. I have a sore back. Don’t lift anything heavy and get some rest.
11. I have a sharp pain on the lower That is your appendix! You will have to go to the
right side of my stomach. hospital right away and have an operation!
12. I have broken my leg. You will have to wear a cast for 3 weeks.
13. My left eye is blood-shot and itchy. I think you have pink eye. Use these eye drops three times a day and try not to touch your eye.
14.I have a bad cut on my knee. Put this band-aid on your knee and keep it clean.
15. I have the chills. You must stay in bed for three days and use a lot of blankets.
16. My shoulder is sore. Put a hot pad on your shoulder to relax the muscle.
17. I have trouble sleeping at night. Be more active during the day and drink mint tea before you go to bed. This should help you relax.
18. I have lost my voice. Take this medicine and speak as little as possible.
19. I have trouble seeing things that are Wear these glasses, especially when you ride your
far away. bike.
20. I feel dizzy when I ride in a car. Take this medicine before you go on long drives. It will prevent motion sickness.
Sample Dialogue:
Patient: Doctor, Doctor!
Doctor: What can I do for you?
Patient: Read your slip of paper.
Doctor: Read your slip of paper.
If they match:if they don’t match:
Patient: Thank you very much. Patient: Thanks, but I think I should ask another
I will do as you say. doctor.
Doctor: Your welcome. Good bye. Doctor: Okay, hope you feel better.