4:15 – 6:15 P.M. MONDAY APRIL 10, 2017
Call to order at 4:15 PM by President Melody Lamberton followed by Association Creed.
ROLL CALL: Melody Lamberton, Nancy Cherney, Alice Ackermann, Ruth Cary, Ruth Limberg, Alice Walter, Sharon Zimmermann, Jane Jensen (liaison), Joyce Kuhlow, Peggy Berchem, and Joyce Riviers.
Excused members: Julie Boedecker, Kathi Bonde, Marge Halbach, and Ann Meyer.
SECRETARY’S REPORT was read aloud. Sharon Zimmermann made a motion to accept the minutes and this was seconded by Nancy Cherney. Carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT: read. Alice Walter made a motion to accept Treasurer’s Report. Seconded by Ruth Limberg. Carried.
CULTURAL AND TEXTILE ARTS: Peggy Berchem reminded all to work on projects for Cultural Arts Show for Rally Day. She also shared what she plans to do with ribbons for Rally Day. Sharon Zimmermann made a motion and seconded by Ruth Cary to have Peggy get what is needed for this year’s Rally Day. Carried.
STITCHES OF LOVE:More hats were donated by HCE Members and given to Nancy Cherney today.
THANK YOUto JoAnn Gadicke for auditing the books for Sheboygan County HCE! Thank You JoAnn for taking time from your busy schedule to help us!
FAMILY COORDINATOR: Ruth Cary reminded all to keep track of your points for On the Move and In the Groove which ends May 27, 2017.
WISCONSIN BOOKWORMS™: Ruth Limberg says all is going well, and nothing new to add.
INTERNATIONAL: Alice Walter will be bringing materials to Appleton, and that in turn will then be transported to Stevens Point. They items brought will then be shipped to Nicaragua. If you have been house cleaning, and would like to find a home for some slightly used items, call Alice with your extras.
COMMUNITY OUTREACH:Ellen McNeese had nothing to share at this time.
MARKETING/MEMBERSHIP: Currently need a Board Representative.
CO-VICE PRESIDENTS FOR PROGRAMING: Sharon Zimmermann shared suggested programs for 2018.
Rally DayCommittee District IV. Check Goldnotes for more information.
2017 SHEBOYGAN COUNTY PROJECT: Haiti and we plan to have a Shower for Haiti at Rally Day!
Theme for Member to Member in fall will be AUTUMNHARVEST FOOD.
ZERO HUNGER:Each member is asked to bring 25 cents.
SPRING SOUTH EAST DISTRICT MEETING: Wed. April 26, 2017, Jackson Community Center, N165W20330 Hickory Lane, Jackson, WI. The following plan to attend: Kay Keyes, Elaine McGinley, Myra Eischen, Ann Meyer, Rosalie Dunn, Joyce Kuhlow, Marilyn Grotebeck, Sharon Zimmermann and Melody Lamberton.
MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT: Jane Jensen went over the Memorandum of Agreement with us. A motion was made to accept this agreement byNancy Cherney and seconded by Alice Walter. Carried.
Goldnotes Meeting: will be May 10, 2017 at 1:00 p.m.
District I is in charge of Fair Booth for 2017.
Adjourned at 6:15 p.m. with HCEAssociation Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Kuhlow