Committee meeting TSA Saturday March 5th 5.00pm 2016

Present: Ian Smith, Jay Mason, Natasha Purcell, Greg Margerison, Stacey Skilton, Victoria Roberts, Irene O’Malley, Sarah Shand

Apologies: Ian Morley, Sue Shannon, Suzanna Taylor

Minutes previous meeting: True and correct.

Moved - Greg Margerison

Seconded - Sarah Shand

All accepted

Matters arising - Discussion Ian Morley emails re hard courts

Ians letter tabled at the meeting and in-depth discussion followed.

It was resolved that that the following motion would be put

Sarah Shand moved that a meeting for hard court and public presentation of what we are planning becomes part of the AGM, also a presentation where our funding applications are at. In the meantime website and newsletter will be updated with information on this project.

Seconded Jay Mason


Inwards Correspondence:

Greendale were asked to feed information in regard affiliation to the tennis eastern board. Results that successful nominations to the Tennis Eastern board, Simon Cowan, John Penny, Sarah Shand.

All in favour, unanimous, and we are now affiliated to Tennis Eastern Inc.

Outwards Correspondence:

Greendale confirmation of John Penny, Simon Cowan and Sarah Shand onto the Tennis Eastern board.

Treasurers Report: - Attached

Tori moved

Seconded Irene.

Presidents report: - Attached

Jay Moved Supergreen quote to groom the courts

Seconded - Greg.


Jay moved we reimburse the prem ladies $35 per person, per season.



Junior Co-ordinator report: - thanks for closed tournament all volunteers. Committee said ok to get juicies, All were in favour.

Coach report: - Hotshots Promotion with NZ Post Promo for fundraising gold coin donation. Free hot shots t-shirts to all hotshots juniors. Letter sent to families.

Club Captain Report: - Suggested that meetings are still on 1st Monday no matter what. Follow up on casual fees. Emailed council about towels, soap for public toilets.

Tennis Eastern Report :- Only 8 applications from clubs for tennis eastern board. Tim Motu also on the committee
Second set of Affiliation fees paid to tennis eastern. This will be distributed to waikato bays as appropriate but ensures Paul is continued to be paid

Membership Manager: - People not filling membership forms out when they pay subs. Suggested we take it to tennis eastern to see what all clubs do. Then there is a consistent system. ? re casual members and short term members.

General Business:

TSA - report Greg moved we accept Simon to go ahead and ask the council regarding deck extension. Natasha seconded. All in favour. Unaimous.

Balls - Greg moved we get rid of Head balls and sole purchase Wilson tennis balls. All in favour.


Strategic Planning -see Jays report

Meeting closed 7pm

5 March 2016


1. I have contacted Supergreene. The cost to groom the courts is $200 - $250 per court = $1500 - 2000 and takes about 2 days overall for the 9 courts. I have had a few members ask what we are going to do about the way they play and I think grooming is the starting point and to see how they go after that. There is a lot of sand and this has also been driven up by some heavy rains. We may not need to worry aout the back bay which would reduce the cost and the front bay would need less work, nearer the $200 per court cost.

2. Re the blue courts shedding blue fluff. This seems to have quietened down, not sure if it was a heat thing? Mike Hinton says this will be wear dust and particles that have been surfaced by the heavy rain, which is consistent with the problem passing over time.

3. I have also asked Mike for a price to remove the one bay of courts in preparation for the hardcourts. He has said if they have someone who wants it then they would remove it for about $900 per court. If it had to go to the dump disposal would be about 18 tonnes at $170 per tonne or around $3000. This would be about $6000 or so overall. Then all we need is the high pressure water blasting . We could potentially save $10000-$15000 on the costs quoted by the Christchurch crew.

4. He has also given pricing for fitting some remnants into the grass areas between both bays. This would be about $4500 for the back area + $30 per square meter for limebase – approx $750. The main area would be less due to the paving and seats. We could also possibly cut and do this ourselves if we wished. Food for thought. Less to dump = less cost in that regard.

5. The hard courts issue has been widely discussed post the resolution to continue. We voted to proceed and that is what will happen. The only alteration to the plan going forward is that I believe we have to be prepared to contribute up to 50% of the funds.

6. Strategic planning meeting phase one went really well. The strength / weakness / opportunity / Threat session went well with a small turnout of key people. Nidal was enlisted to help and turns out he has a good working knowledge of strategic planning process. It seems Sarah has the right idea of where to strart so I will continue to direct this but will look to those with the knowledge to lead the planning process.

7. My thoughts for spirit of the club – Simon Cowan – Tennis Eastern, auditor, helps junior coaching and was Santa Claus for Christmas Juniors end of year break up. Most improved – Mens – Andrew Shand. Womens – Frances Faudemer.

8. Attached are the fina ncial reports from the month as provided by treasurer, Susanna Taylor.

9. Attached is an opportunity to obtain funding from KIWISPORT for some junior tennis trining programmes.

10. Attached is a letter to the Napier City Council asking confirmation there is no objection to the club laying the hard courts and suggesting we would welcome any assistance they may be prepared to give.

11. Attached below Susanna’s funding resolutions.


The following resolutions are to be proposed for the funding of upgrading 3 x courts to a plexicushion surface.

It was resolved that a request be made to the Eastern and Central Community Trust for funding towards upgrading three courts to a Plexicushion surface for the amount of $40,000.

Proposed By: Sarah Shand

Seconded By: Greg Margerison


It was resolved that a request be made to Pub Charity Limited for funding towards upgrading three courts to a Plexicushion surface for the amount of $20,000.

Proposed By: Sarah Shand

Seconded By: Stacey Skilton


It was resolved that a request be made to Infinity Foundation Limited for funding towards upgrading three courts to a Plexicushion surface for the amount of $10,000.

Proposed By: Sarah Shand

Seconded By: Natasha Purcell


4 It was resolved that a request be made to the New Zealand Community Trust for funding towards upgrading three courts to a Plexicushion surface for the amount of $10,000.

Proposed By: Sarah Shand

Seconded By: Ian Smith


Greendale Tennis Club

Committee Meeting - 5th March 2016

Treasurer’s Report

Per the Financials attached – please sign Jay.

Inwards Email – sent by J.M

Hi Suzanna

Thank you for confirming that Greendale Tennis Club would like to engage my consultancy services to try and raise $80,000 (towards the $121,500) needed to upgrade three courts with a Plexicushion surface. Grants are extremely hard to come by and it is a big ask but I will explore all avenues of funding to try and raise as much as possible. It may be that the club will end up having to contribute more than initially suggested depending on the results of the grant applications.

As discussed, the fee for grants $10,000 or under will be 10% plus GST and for grants over $10,000 the fee will be 5% plus GST. This fee includes completing the audit returns when the project has been completed.

Inwards Mail

Confirmation from Endeavour Community Foundation thanking us for the Audit Reconciliation I sent for Luke’s coaching - $2,100.00.

Endeavour Community Foundation has closed shop so we will need to seek another organisation to cover Luke’s coaching next year.


Reimbursement for the Greendale members playing in the Prem Ladies league.

Committee need to decide what to pay each of the players.

Last year – 8 players: ($35 each is now being paid)

H Blackburne

S Kay

N Purcell

V Roberts

T Campbell

A Timms

H Roper

S Skilton

This year - 8 players ($35 each is now being paid)

S Kay

V Roberts

A Timms

H Roper

S Skilton

C van Asch

I O’Malley

S Agnew