Music at KS3


Music is studied as part of the National Curriculum and is delivered to students through a one-hour lesson each week. Musical skills are taught through the study of various styles and genres of music from all traditions.

Students are initially assessed when they first enter year 7 through a baseline assessment in order to provide accurate data as to each student’s musical abilities.

Students learn about the key components that make up any piece of music and then build upon this knowledge by learning practical music skills. Through listening, composing and performing the students are assessed at the end of each unit of work through the completion of differentiated project tasks.

The appraisal and reflection of music are a continuous focus and students are encouraged to listen to a wide range of music on a regular basis, both inside the classroom and at home.

To support pupils in their musical journey the CBSO invite all pupils in year 7 to attend a concert by the CBSO at Symphony Hall. We are also inviting into school members of the CBSO to perform to our pupils.

Year 7 & 8 are also encouraged to join our Young Voices Choir, Djembe Band or other extra-curricular opportunities. These activities help to support the delivery of the curriculum and also offer pupils the chance to perform regularly and enjoy making music in a more relaxed setting.


Students are continuouslyassessed on their practicalskill development throughoutlessons.

Students keep a written diary of their learning and share their www (what worked well) & ebi’s (even better if).

Peer and self-assessment are integral toevery lesson.

Dedicated ‘DIRT’ (Directed Improvement Reflection Time) is built into the year so that pupils can complete GAP tasks and ensure their full progress.

Formal assessment takesplace at the end of each unit of work.

All students sit a formal musicexamination during theyear.

Year 7

Unit / Unit Focus / Unit Content
1 / Elements / Exploring sounds, dynamics, tempo & graphic notation
2 / Rhythm / Exploring pulse, rhythm, cyclic patterns, word rhythm & conducting
3 / Melody / Exploring pitch, melody, scales, phrases & sequences
4 / Texture & Timbre / Exploring sound production, instrument construction, the families of the orchestra & descriptive music
5 / Harmony / Exploring drone, ostinato, chords & accompaniment styles
6 / Structure / Exploring organisation, development, variation & structure

Year 8

Unit / Unit Focus / Unit Content
1 / African Music / Exploring the main rhythmic musical features and devices of West Africa including; Drum strokes, improvising, cyclic rhythms, polyrhythmic texture, syncopation, off beats, call & response and instruments
2 / Soundtracks / Exploring film Music and the challenges / devices used in soundtrack composition. Pupils will use leitmotifs, themes and the cue-sheet within three genres of film
3 / Minimalism / Exploring the contemporary Minimalist style. Using repetitive motifs, phasing and music technology to create poly-rhythmic textures
4 / Indian Music / Exploring how music is used and performed in a non-western culture. Using raga and tala to create music inspired by the Indian culture
5 / Popular song / Exploring Songs and Arrangements and the structural and textural elements of the classic pop song