South West Regional Wound Care Toolkit:
Discharge Instructions from Community Care Access Centre
Clients with New Ostomies
Your nurse has taught you about diet, travel, daily care of your stoma and ostomy equipment.You should know about potential skin problems and action to take. You are ready for your independence. Congratulations!!
If you develop problems with your stoma in the future, your stoma and supplies should be assessed by an Enterostomal Therapy (ET) nurse or ostomy resource nurse.These problems could include: irritated or ulcerated skin that does not improve, leaks under the skin barrier, or the stoma is changing in size or appearance.
For clients covered by OHIP, the Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) in your area may provide this service for you if you meet certain criteria. The ET nursewill consult with you for usually 1 - 2 visits depending on your need. You can request an ET nurse visit by calling 310-CCAC (2222).A Case Manager will need to know why you need to see an ET nurse, and will ask you some questions about your health history and current situation. She will then make a referral to the ET nurse, provided you have met the CCAC’s criteria for admission.
ADP (Assistive Devices Program) Grant
If your ostomy is permanent, or you will have a temporary ostomy for longer than 6 months, you are entitled to receive the Ontario Government grant of $600.00 / 12 months. If you are receiving social assistance benefits under Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program, or Assistance to Children with Severe Disabilities, or are a resident in a Long Term Care Facility, you may be able to receive $800.00 per ostomy. Your grant application form, with your surgeon’s signature, may have been given to you in the hospital. If you did not receive this application while in the hospital, you can contact your ET nurse for one, or you can download a copy of the form at: and take it to your surgeon for signing. Expect it to take 6 to 8 weeks for your first cheque to arrive. If it doesn’t, you can call ADP at 1-800-268-6021. You will need to have your Ontario Health Card # ready when you call.
There may be a United Ostomy Association group active in your area.
Kitchener/Waterloo Area Ostomy Chapter - 519-894-4573
London and District Ostomy Association - 519-643-0124;
Stratford and District Ostomy Association - 519-273-4327
Other Support Groups
The Ostomy Support Group is held the last Tuesday of every month (except July and August) from 2:00 p.m. – 4 p.m. at the SW CCAC Woodstock office
1147 Dundas Street Woodstock, ON N4S 8W3 519-539-1284 ext. 5028
Discharge Ostomy Supplies Instructions for use: ETN/Ostomy Resource nurses in each organization/district can personalize this with a list of their vendors and save that file.
Type of Ostomy:Pouching Supplies: /
Order #
Ostomy Supply Stores: / Phone:Ostomy Manufacturers: / Phone:
Argyle Medical
577, Rue Lépine, Dorval, Quebec H9P 2R2 / 1-877-927-4953Coloplast Canada
P.O. Box3173,Commerce CourtPostal Station, TorontoONM5L 9Z9 / 1-800-533-0464
Convatec 555 Dr. Frederik Philips,
Suite 110, Montreal H4M 2X4 / 1-800-465-6302
Hollister Limited 45 Mary Street
Aurora, OntarioL4G 1G3 / 1-800-263-3236
Medline - Web-store (not all pharmacies carry this product, and it is much less expensive to purchase it on-line. You can remove this if you prefer)
Arglaes Powder—5 gm vial code MSC9205V / 1-800-950-8585
Ostomy UOA & ADP CCAC Discharge Instructions Feb 22, 2012 1 of 2