Tuesday, August 1Morning Session
10 am-11:30 amGetting to Know VSU & Each Other
Odum Third FloorAll new faculty are invited to this opening orientation session; learn more about VSU’s history and its present day as our panel discusses daily life at VSU.
Afternoon Sessions
1:30-2:15 pmSystems Orientation/Technology Support
Odum 3270Information Technology (IT) will provide new faculty with information regarding the various technology systems most used by faculty. This session will also introduce technology training resources and Help Desk services. Additionally, our IT staff will offer tips on computer security.
2:30-4:00Human Resources & Benefits Education Session
Odum 3270Human Resources will introduce new faculty to the OneUSG Connect system used to manage human resource activities, benefits, and compensation. Additionally, HR will also provide tips on transitioning to VSU – “onboarding” checklist (parking, one card, completing paperwork, etc.). For those new faculty unable to attend the July webinars,a short presentation of benefits and retirement options will be offered.
4:15-5:30 Community and Campus Meet-and-Greet
Odum 1604/atriumThis meet-and-greet gives new faculty the opportunity to meet retirement representatives, the South Georgia Greeting service and other key organizations and departments. Spouses/partners are welcome to attend.
Wednesday, August 2Morning Sessions
9 am-10 amIntroduction to BANNER, Registration and Advising
Odum 3270The Registrar’s Office will introduce new faculty to VSU’s Registration and Advising computer system as well as to important policies and procedures. Session topics will include course rolls, attendance verification, reporting grades, the limited withdrawal policy, and dropping vs. adding.
10:15-11:30Introduction to Preparing Your Syllabi
Odum 3270Academic Affairs will provide guidelines about what information faculty should include on their syllabi while the Access Office will offer tips on how to prepare an accessible syllabus and course materials.
11:45-1:30Lunch with a faculty colleague (optional)
A sign-up sheet will be available to join a group for an on-your-own lunch to meet current faculty members.
Afternoon Sessions
1:30-2:30Working for Student Success and Retention
UC Rose RoomAt the conclusion of this session, new faculty members will be acquainted with the tools and campus resources available to assist with student success.
2:45-4:45Managing Risk and Enhancing Campus Wellbeing
UC Rose RoomNew faculty will have an opportunity to meet our panel who will introduce them to key departments and share important guidelines and procedures to ensure inclusiveness, campus well-being, lawfulness and safety for faculty and students. Through the use of stimulated discussion, we will address various potential problem situations as well as VSU procedures for those situations.
Thursday, August 3Morning Session
10-11:30TILTed Toward Success
UC Rose RoomTransparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) offers a framework for promoting student success in university courses. We will engage with examples from across different disciplines and explore techniques to make assignments more transparent in order to increase learning gains in your courses.
Optional Afternoon Sessions
1:30-3:30Using BlazeVIEW for your Learning Management System
Odum 3270This introductory session to VSU’s Learning Management System, BlazeVIEW (D2L) will help new faculty learn the following:
•How to access their online course area
•How to post their syllabus
•Available features such as discussion groups, online quizzes, online drop box for assignments, and how students can download lecture notes
Odum 3270 Using Digital Measures to Track Faculty Activities
Digital Measures is the official and required repository for faculty credentials and course syllabi. This will be a hands-on workshop for faculty to setup and begin using Digital Measures.
6-8 pmNew Faculty Welcome Reception with the Provost
IDEA CenterThe Provost will host a reception for all new faculty and their spouses/significant others at the IDEA Center. Light refreshments, beer and wine, and other beverages will be served.