Easter /Summer 2018
To be completed by the parent or guardian of the participating child.
CHILD’S NAME : …………………………….. D.O.B………. MALE/FEMALE SCHOOL: ……………
ADDRESS : …………………………………………………………POSTCODE………………………
PHONE : (Home) …………………………………..(Mob)………………………………
EMERGENCY CONTACT: (NAME 1)…………………… (NAME 2)……………………………
MOBILE NUMBER (1st)………………………… (2nd)……………………………
RELATIONSHIP ……………………………… ……………………………
Does your child now have or has your child ever had a history of or experienced the following :
DiabetesYes / Noexplain………………………………………
AsthmaYes / NoDo they use a preventer [Y/N] and/or relaxer [Y/N] ?
Other respiratory problemsYes / Noexplain………………………………………
HeadachesYes / Noexplain………………………………………
DizzinessYes / Noexplain………………………………………
EpilepsyYes / Noexplain………………………………………
Other type of seizureYes / Noexplain………………………………………
Difficulty withexercise/co-ordinationYes / Noexplain………………………………………
Any disabilityYes / Noexplain………………………………………
Allergy to….penicillinYes / Noexplain………………………………………
….nutsYes / Noexplain………………………………………
….bee/wasp stingsYes / Noexplain………………………………………
DispraxiaYes / Noexplain………………………………………
Attention Deficit DisorderYes / Noexplain………………………………………
Behavioural ProblemsYes / Noexplain………………………………………
Any other ‘Special Needs’Yes / Noexplain………………………………………
Please indicate here any other allergy or medical condition of which we should be aware
Currently taking medication ?Yes / Noexplain……………………………………………………….
Are there any medical reasons why your child[ren] should not take part in energetic activity?Yes / No
If yes, please explain …………………………………………………………………………
Do you give permissionfor us to:
- administerfirst aid to your child? Yes / No
- callEmergency Services to attend to any ill health / injury sustained by your child? Yes/ No
Do you give permission for us to take & use photos & digital images of your child[ren] during tennis camp activities for
eg club noticeboard, website, coaching brochure ? Yes / No [WE WILL NOT POST on social media eg Facebook, Twitter]
I, the parent / guardian of the aforementioned child[ren], acknowledge the above information to be true and accurate.
To the best of my knowledge, I have given all relevant information regarding my child’s health and ability (including a good behavioural attitude to all the other children and tennis camp staff) to participate safely and fully in their saddlertennis session(s).
Signed : ……………………………………………. Date :………………………………