LINDA MARIE RICHARDS, Department of History
Corvallis, OR97330USA
PhD in History of Science, minor in History, June 2014.
Dissertation: “Rocks and Reactors: An Atomic Interpretation of Human Rights, 1941-1979”
2007 M.A. in Management, Nonprofit Track
Southern OregonUniversity (SOU) Ashland, Oregon
Thesis: “SOU and Veterans’ Access to Education Project Plan”
1997 Post baccalaureate coursework in Masters in Teaching Special Education, SOU
1994 Post baccalaureate coursework in Masters in Environmental Education, SOU
1991 B.Sc. in Interdisciplinary Science/Math,
first Peace Studies Minor at SOU, President’s and Dean’s Lists
1981-85Undergraduate coursework in biology, University of Oregon
Select Fellowships, Grants and Awards
2014 Chemical Heritage Foundation: Postdoc Doan Fellowship June-August
2012-2013 National Science Foundation: Science, Technology and Society Dissertation
Improvement Grant
2010-2011 Tokyo Foundation Sasakawa Young Leadership Fellowship Fund (SYLFF):
Leadership Initiative Grant to organize an environmental justice forum at ASEH
Annual Meeting in Phoenix, April 15 and to three Oregon campuses October 5-7
OregonUniversity System: Laurels Scholarship
Chemical Heritage Foundation: Doan Fellowship
OSU Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Special Collections: Scholar in Residence
2009-2010 Oregon University System and Tokyo Foundation SYLFF Fellowship for
International Research
2008 Nonprofit Peace House, Ashland, Oregon: “Peacemaker of the Year Award” for
twenty years of public nuclear history education including facilitation of the
Annual Hiroshima Nagasaki commemorations
2007 Southern OregonUniversity: Universidad de GuanajuatoGraduate Student Award
For Outstanding SOU Female Graduate Student
BusinessSchool: Outstanding Nonprofit Student
Oregon Lottery Scholarship
U.S.Oregon Congressperson Greg Walden:Outstanding Citizenship Award,
Presented with a flag flown over the U.S. Capital for collaborative work with
Military Science and Major Travis Lee at SOU to increase access to education for
2006 Southern Oregon UniversityWomen’s ResourceCenter: Women’s History Month
Leadership Appreciation Award
1986 New BrunswickCounty Commissioners, NC: Certificate of Appreciation Award
Academic Journal
“Beyond the Lucky Dragon: Japanese Scientists and Fallout Discourse in the 1950s” co-authored with Jacob Darwin Hamblin, Special issue “Nuclear Peril in International Contexts” Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan 25, no. 1 (August 2015): 36-56
“Fallout Suits and Human Rights: Disrupting the Technocratic Narrative” Peace and Change Journal of Peace History 38, no.1 (January 2013): 56-82
Academic Reviews
Atomic Frontier Days: Hanford and the American West by John M. Findlay and Bruce Hevly. Environmental History 17, no. 3 (July 2012):668.
Made in Hanford: The Bomb that Changed the Worldby Hill Williams. Oregon Historical Quarterly, 112 (Winter 2011): 520-1.
“In a Yucca-tomic Pickle,” review of The Road to Yucca Mountain: The Development of Radioactive Waste Policy in the United States by J. Samuel Walker. Metascience 19, no. 3 (2010).
Public Outreach Articles and Reports
“On Poisoned Ground” Chemical Heritage Magazine 31, no.1 (Spring 2013) 32-38.
Co-authored with Perry H. Charley of the Navajo Nation, “Nuclear Environmental Justice in Arizona and Beyond, Part 2” Voices from the Sylff Community(January 2013):10-14.
“Nuclear Environmental Justice in Arizona and Beyond” Voices from the Sylff Community (October 2011): 7-11.
“From the Profession: Environmental Justice Outreach in Japan and Arizona” American Society for Environmental HistoryNews 21, no. 3 (Winter 2010).
“Report from the First World Congress of Environmental History,” History of Science Society Newsletter 38, no. 4 October (2009).
“Human Dynamos vs. Nuclear Weapons: A Tribute to Ava Helen Pauling and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom” Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Magazine 69, no. 1 (2009): 4-5, 18.
“No More War: 50 Years Later” Life@OSU, October 2, 2008, 2.
“Uranium Mining Banned on Navajo Nation” Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Magazine67, no. 1 (2007): 10.
“Three Mile Island” entry in Encyclopedia of American Environmental History (Facts on File, 2011) 475-7.
Courses Taught
History of Medicine, HSTS 417 Summer 2015 with HST 481 e-campus on line course “Environmental History of the US;” HSTS 419 “Scientific Controversies.” Sole instructor of record.
“Why War” HST 317 winter, spring, fall 2015
“History of Science in the 20th Century,”HSTS 414/514 fall, winter 2015
2015 fall, winter, spring: HST 481 e-campus on line course “Environmental History of the US;” HSTS 419 “Scientific Controversies;” and 514/414 HSTS “History of Science in the 20th Century” and HSTS 417 History of Medicine. Sole instructor of record.
Fall 2014 HST 481 e-campus on line course “Environmental History of the US;” HSTS 419 “Scientific Controversies;” and 514/414 HSTS “History of Science in the 20th Century.” Sole instructor of record.
Summer 2014 HST 481 e-campus on line course “Environmental History of the US.” Sole instructor of record.
2013-4 Six sections of History of Science (HSTS) 419 e-campus on line course “Scientific Controversies.” Sole instructor of record.
Fall 2011and Summer 2012 HSTS 422 “Science and Politics.” Writing Intensive Course. Sole instructor of record.
Winter 2009 HSTS 499/599 Environmental History, Special Topics, “Fission, Fusion, Psychosis.” Co-instructor.
Additional Academic Teaching Experience
2007-2015 Invited lectures in OSU History, Philosophy,and History of Science classes as well as Southern Oregon University Communication/Negotiation courses. Topics included non-violent communication skills, medieval science, slave narratives, the nuclear disarmament movement, ethics, environmental justice and indigenous peoples’ interactions with uranium mining, nuclear science, and technology, Hanford Nuclear Reservation, and the atmospheric weapons fallout controversy
Graduate Teaching Assistant
2010 Civil Rights History (HST) 499 Special Topics
2009 Holocaust History HST 425
Public History HST 499 Special Topics
2008 American History HST 202
“Why War: A Historical Perspective” HST 317
American History HST 201
2007 TA and substitute instructor for Southern Oregon University Communication Conflict/Negotiation Class
1997-2003Special Education/Teaching Assistant Briscoe Elementary School, Ashland, Oregon
Select Volunteer Teaching Experience
Spring 2013 Phronesis Project, OSU Philosophy Department “Peace and Justice” volunteer teacher and invited lecturer for at risk youth.
2005-2007 Volunteer Mediation Trainer with Mediation Works, Medford and Ashland, Oregon
1991-2007Volunteer Community Conflict Resolution/Nonviolence Instructor, Certified by the Fellowship of Reconciliation of Nyack, New York
1998-2003 Briscoe Elementary, AshlandOregon, volunteer coordinator of reading program
Invited Academic Lectures
“Frederick Soddy, Alchemy and an Atomic Interpretation of Human Rights,” Oxford Seminar in the History of Alchemy and Chemistry, Maison Francaise d’Oxford, England, June 10, 2015
“Rocks and Reactors: An Atomic Interpretation of Human Rights,” public Dissertation Presentation, OregonStateUniversity May 15, 2014
“The Accidental Scholar: How to Integrate Social Justice and Peace into Academic Life” OSU History Department May 31, 2013
Panelist “Dirty Energy Panel” Committee Against Environmental Racism Conference, University of Oregon, Eugene April 7, 2012
“Starfish, Atomic Law, and Human Rights” Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Scholar in Residence Lecture, Valley Library, OregonStateUniversity March 7, 2012
“The Return of Navajo Boy” film presentation and discussion, with Oliver Tapaha of the Navajo Nation, Public Interest Environment Law Conference, University of Oregon, March, 2011
“Folding Friendship into Nuclear History” OSU History Department, October 2010
“The Case of the Navajo Nation” University of Oregon Coalition Against Environmental Racism Conference, May 2010
“American Nuclear Science and the Navajo Nation”Nuclear International Research Group, University of Toronto, November 2009
“A Collage of Nuclear Science History using the Biographies of Five Women: Dorothy Day, Ava Helen Pauling, Rachel Carson, Dr. Alice Stewart, and Winona LaDuke” Oregon State University Women’s Center, 2008
Academic Presentations and Conferences
“The Iran Nuclear Agreement and the NPT” OSU, SCARC, November 5, 2015
“Radioactive Uncertainty and the Taint Inside,” Nuclear Experts and NuclearExpertise in a Global Context after 1945 Conference, Humboldt University, Berlin October 5-7, 2014
Cascadia Environmental History Collaborative Retreat, PackForestCenter for Sustainable Forestry, WashingtonState, October 18-21, 2014
“Health Physics: Uncertainty and the Taint Inside” 2nd World Congress for Environmental History, Guimarães, Portugal July 7-14, 2014
“Rocks and Reactors: An Atomic Interpretation of Human Rights” Holocaust Memorial Week Social Justice Conference, OregonStateUniversity,May 2, 2014
Roundtable Organizer, “Diversity Committee: Food Justice in San Francisco,” American Society for Environmental History Annual Meeting March 13, 2014
Panel Introduction, “The Limited Test Ban Treaty at Fifty: Perspectives on Impact” OSU Special Collections and ArchivesResearchCenter, October 11, 2013
“Is it a Human Right to not be Contaminated by Radiation or Threatened by Nuclear War? Why Linus Pauling Thought So” Canadian History of Science and Philosophy Annual Meeting, Victoria, BC, June 2-4 2013
“Linus Pauling and his Chemistry of Peace” Annual Meeting of the Peace and Conflict Studies Consortium, OregonStateUniversity, February 2, 2013
“Starfish, International Law, and Human Rights” History of Science Three Society Meeting, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, July 13, 2012
“Carol Urner: From Fallout to Keep Space for Peace Week” Women of the World International Conference, ParisUniversity 13, November 18, 2011
“Why Nuclear History is a Technocratic Narrative” History of Science Society Meeting, Cleveland, November 2011
“From Fallout to Fukushima: How Nuclear History can be Told as a Struggle for Human Rights” Peace History Society Meeting, Miami, October 2011
“Nuclear Bodies in Controversy” American Society for Environmental History, Phoenix, April 2011
“Breathing Fallout: An Oregon Snapshot” 2011 Gordon Cain Conference on “Chemical Weather, Chemical Climate: Body, Place, Planet in Historical Perspective” Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, March 2011
“The Return of Navajo Boy” film presentation and discussion, with Oliver Tapaha of the Navajo Nation, OSU, November 2010
“Disrupting and Restoring Hozho: Nuclear Colonialism and the Navajo Nation” Oregon State University Social Justice Symposium as part of Holocaust Week: Cultural Memory and the Representation of Genocide as a Concern for Social Justice, April 2010
“Being Non-Violence” with the Thoreau Society at the Philadelphia Modern Language Association Conference, January 2010
“First Nations and Nuclear Science: Disrupting Hozho” First World Congress of Environmental Historians in Copenhagen, August 2009
Panel Organizer“Making Nuclear War Preparations Visible” at the First World Congress of Environmental Historians in Copenhagen, August 2009
“The Oregon Centennial, a Nuclear Snapshot, 1957-1959” Oregon History Conference,Portland, April 2009
“The Battle of the Radioactive Barrel: July 4, 1959” Columbia History of Science Group, FridayHarbor, March 2009
“First Nations and Nuclear Science” Talking Across Borders Conference, University of Washington, Seattle, 2007
Public Outreach Lectures and Conferences
Panelist, “The Iran Nuclear Deal,” OSU SCARC, November 6, 2015
“Surviving Hiroshima, Blooming Peace: Hideko Tamura Snider” lecture organizer Oct 22 andfacilitated two days of cross campus events at OSU with Snider to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the nuclear bombings in Japan, October 22-23, 2015.
Invited Keynote Speaker, “Poverty, Injustice and War: Martin Luther King Jr.” Salem, First Congregational Church, September 21, 2015-11-06
Invited play and poem reading, “Art, Music and Words” First Congregational Church, Ashland, Oregon, August 8, 2015
Invited Keynote Speaker, “The Meaning of Sunflowers” LithiaPark, Ashland, Oregon, August 9, 2013 and 2015.
Invited Lecturer, “Nagasaki Day Lecture: Open the Door to a Nuclear Free Future” Peace House, Ashland, Oregon, August 9, 2013
Invited Lecturer, “Happy Hour Peace Talk: Renewed Global Action for Nuclear Abolition" Peace House, Ashland, Oregon, July 15, 2013
Invited Speaker, “Hibakusha and the Nagasaki Commemorations,” AshlandHiroshimaNagasaki Vigil, August 9, 2012
Presenter, “Global Nuclear Weapons Disarmament, Human Rights, and Nuclear History” Peace Jam conference for youth, April 15, 2012
Invited Lecture, “Peace as a Learning Process” Linus Pauling Chapter of Veterans for Peace Corvallis, Oregon February 27, 2012
Organizer and Panel Moderator, Workshops on Environmental Justice and the Nuclear Fuel Chain at ASEH Annual Meeting (Phoenix, April 2011) Southern Oregon University (Ashland, with United Nations Club Celebration of the 2007 Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People) University of Oregon (Eugene), and Oregon State University October 5-7, 2011
Invited Speaker, International Women’s Day Celebration, Ashland, Oregon, March 2011
Invited Lecturer, “How Friendship and Remembrance Could Help Save the World” Whitefeather Peace House, Portland, Oregon and Corvallis Friends Meeting, September 2010
Invited Lecturer, “Friendship, Ava Helen Pauling and Disarmament” Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Western Regional Conference, Ashland, Oregon July 2010
Invited Lecturer, “Ava Helen and Linus Pauling and the OSU Special Collections,” at the original Linus Pauling House in Portland, Oregon, September 2, 2008
Invited Lecturer, “Satyagraha and Feminism” Woman’s Leadership Conference, Southern Oregon University, 2007
Presenter, “Weapons in Space” First U.S. Social Forum, Atlanta, Georgia 2007
Presenter, “Nuclear History Lessons” at Hiroshima Nagasaki Commemorations 2005-2008, Ashland, Oregon, topics ranging from health effects of radiation, disproportionate exposure of indigenous people to radiation, Oregon nuclear history, nuclear power and the scientists who worked for international disarmament
Poster Presentations
“Twenty Nine Thousand Six Hundred Hiroshimas: A Numerical Pictograph of Nuclear Weapons Test Explosions” ASEH annual meeting, San Francisco, March 15, 2014
“Pictograph of Diné College’s Uranium Education Project and DinéEnvironmental Institute,” with Perry Charley of DinéCollege, American Society for Environmental History, Phoenix, April 2011
“CeliloFalls: Falls of Life” with Samantha Chisholm Hatfield of the Siletz Tribe and OSU Archivist Tiah Edmunson-Morton. American Society for Environmental History and Public History Conference, Portland, Oregon, March 2010
“Comparing Nuclearity between the OSU Campus and the Navajo Nation” American Society for Environmental Historians Conference,Tallahassee, February 2009
Participation in Additional Meetings & Conferences
OxfordSeminar in the History of Alchemy and Chemistry, Maison Francaise d’Oxford, England, June 17, 2015
Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry Bi-annual Meeting, Clare Hall, CambridgeUK June 15, 2015
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Congress, Detroit, July 31-August 3, 2014
Abolition 2000International Annual Meeting, Kulturzentrum Amerlinghuas,Vienna, Austria, May 5, 2012
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Conference, DiplomacyAcademy, Vienna, Austria, April 28-29, 2012
Observer, Conference on Disarmament, Second Part, United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland, May 14, 2012
Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference Preparatory Meeting for Non Governmental
Organizations and Observer of International NPT Review Preparatory Meeting Negotiations, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria 30 April – May 11, 2012
Anti Nuclear Alliance Nuclear Lobby Days and Strategy Planning Retreat, Washington, DC,
March 18- 23, 2012
Lessons of Fukushima Conference, WillametteUniversityLawSchool, Salem, Oregon, February 24-25, 2012
Continuity and Discontinuity in the Physical Sciences Since the Enlightenment Conference, American Institute of Physics, College Park, Maryland, July 2011
Attended official 65th Commemorations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki August 6 & 9 in Japan and met with then Mayor of Hiroshima Tadatoshi Akiba, to discuss nuclear education in America as an official representative of the Mayors of Ashland and Corvallis, Oregon, 2010
World Conference against Atom and Hydrogen Bombs Nagasaki and HiroshimaJapan, August 2010
Global Network International Meeting, Darmstadt, Germany, 2007
World Peace Forum, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 2006
Indigenous World Uranium Summit, Navajo Nation, Window Rock, Arizona 2006
Invited Delegate, Iraqi and US Women’s Peace Delegation, “Women Say No to War” WashingtonDC, 2006
Recent Additional Training
World Peace Game educator training, OregonStateUniversity, August 10-13, 2015
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation Peace Leadership Training, Santa Barbara, California, July 21-27, 2013
Technical Training on Nuclear Issues, Institute for Energy and Environmental Research with Arjun Makhijani, Takoma Park, Maryland, June 2011
AmericanUniversity’s Japan Nuclear Studies Course, Hiroshima and NagasakiJapan, July 30- August 11, 2010
Advanced Oral History Institute, Regional Oral History Office, University of California at Berkeley, August 2009
World Congress of Environmental Historians Pre-Conference PhD Workshop on Multi-disciplinary Research, Roskilde University, Denmark, August 2009
Oregon Mediator Certification Training, Southern OregonUniversity, 2006
Scholarly Societies
American Society for Environmental History (ASEH)
History of Science Society (HSS)
Peace History Society
Society for the History of Technology
Columbia History of Science Group
ASEH Diversity Committee
Nuclear International Research Group
OSU Holocaust Remembrance Committee
OSU Martin Luther King Jr. Committee
Ashland and Corvallis Branches of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
Linus Pauling Chapter 132 Veterans for Peace
Related Project Management
2011 Created four environmental justice forums with Navajo tribal members and elders
2010 Created a public nuclear history project while folding 1000 peace cranes with Corvallis and Ashland citizens for the commemorations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
2008-2012 Organized three on-campus Hanford Reservation forums and lectures and one international activist lecture on nuclear weapons in space
2009 Organizer of a collaboration with OSU Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics, “How OSU Grew Nuclear Science” 50th Anniversary Oral History Collections of faculty, staff and students
1998-2007 Organizer, HiroshimaNagasaki Commemorations in Southern Oregon
1987-2007 Organizer, Community Events on Nuclear Issues, Conflict Resolution, Communication, and Non-Violence, Southern Oregon
Related Work and Service
2006-2007 Volunteer JacksonCountyCourthouse Small Claims Mediator
2006 Organized relief medical aid sent to Haditha, Iraq
2003-2005Peace House,AshlandOregon nonprofit, Assistant and Co-Director, author and administrator of numerous grants, including management of a weekly free meal for the homeless and a children’s community garden
1991-2007 Numerous interviews on local TV and radio news broadcasts
1987-2005 Peace House Volunteer and Clear ActionsNewsletter, editor and writer
2003-2007 Numerous independent media articles and postings on nuclear issues and peace at
1986 Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament, 9 ½ month walk from Los Angeles to Washington, DC
1985 to 1987Journalist for the Free Press in Shallotte, North Carolina
1982-1985 Volunteer, Council for Human Rights in Latin America, Eugene, Oregon
Select Articles and Interviews
OSU Panelists Back Iranian Deal
Discussing the Iran Nuclear Deal
Jordan Wilkie, “Hiroshima Survivor to Speak about WWII Impact” The Daily Barometer, Oct. 22, 2015, 3,6.