Think Tank Initial Recommendations/NOT Final Decisions
Operations Think Tank – Edwin Deas & John Williams - Co-chairs Date: November 9, 2011
Item of Discussion / Description / Status / Result / TimelineSTAGE 1 – Review existing budgets and contemplate savings potential from Think Tank members’ perspective
Office of the President / Reviewed functional components – President’s Office, Board of Trustees, Academic Senate and Commencement / Stage 3 / Concluded no obvious savings opportunities / ‒‒
Public Information Office (PIO) / Insufficient Information / Deferred to Stage 3 / ‒‒ / ‒‒
Information Technology & Institutional Research (ITIR) / Studied Institutional Systems maintenance commitments and staffing / Dean presented on both functions / Concluded that other Think Tank recommendations and Stage 3 approach should be focus / ‒‒
Office of Vice President, Business Affairs / Cursory review / Stage 3 / ‒‒ / ‒‒
Fiscal Services / Reviewed functions and preliminary classification / Stage 3 / ‒‒ / ‒‒
Security & Emergency Preparedness / Cursory review / Stage 3 / ‒‒ / ‒‒
Human Resources & Labor Relations / Cursory review / Stage 3 / ‒‒ / ‒‒
Facilities Services / Not reviewed, deferred to other Think Tank / Will report – Stage 3 / ‒‒ / ‒‒
Item of Discussion / Description / Status / Result / Timeline
STAGE 2 – Review specific areas identified by Summer Study Group
Board of Trustees / Studied main cost items: election, stipends, travel / Completed / No alternative to elections. Already savings on stipends and travel. Little further potential. / ‒‒
Computer Maintenance
(component of ITIR) / Much of costs related to systems adopted by other departments. Conclusion that work of other Think Tanks important. / Stage 3 / ‒‒ / ‒‒
Copy Center / Reviewed recent changes to operations and resultant total cost recovery status. Eventually will be self-supported. Concluded that operational changes in instructional departments and use of Blackboard could result in further change. / Further review in
Stage 3 / ‒‒ / ‒‒
Grants / Studied cost impact on operations departments of supporting grant funded operations. Indirect cost component not working. / Need more information from other Think Tanks / Need Policy / ‒‒
Legal Fees / Reviewed how costs are incurred / Stage 3 / No conclusions at Stage 2 / ‒‒
Other Funds and Categoricals / Discussed contention that general fund operations have to be reviewed in association with categoricals. Cannot afford existing silos. / Need information from other Think Tanks / May have to be consolidated at CPC / ‒‒
Academic Senate / Reviewed cost components. Considered change to practice of charging replacement costs. / Proposal dropped, contracting to 50% Rule completed / No Savings / ‒‒
Uncollected Fees / Dr. Nery presented alternative ideas. Facilitate registration as long as we can and control the ability to collect fees. / Think Tank supported direction of limited further changes / Cost should reduce if there is a policy change concerning payment at registration / ‒‒
Item of Discussion / Description / Status / Result / Timeline
STAGE 3 – Budget Managers in the Operations area to provide service reduction scenarios based on 30% budget reduction by end of four years. Think Tank to evaluate projected level of services and impact on user departments.
Think Tank Initial Recommendations/NOT Final Decisions Due 11/21/11 – 5:00p.m.