2 January 2019
Dear Parents/ Carers,
Re: Proposal to change the School Day
The Governors and the Senior Leadership Team would like to canvas opinion from our chief
stakeholders about amendments to our existing school day. The alteration will bring about significant changes to the curriculum that we provide for our students.
The times of the proposed change are attached, but in essence, it means that we will move from 25 lessons per week to 30 fifty minute lessons per week and every day will finish at 3:15 pm as opposed to the existing finishing time of 3:00pm or 3:30pm, depending on the day.
The reasons for making this change are numerous but most importantly a 30 period lesson week will enable us to provide additional teaching time to key areas of study across the key stages. A move to fifty minute lessons will also enable further flexibility of lessons as well as inject a greater sense of urgency and pace to our lessons, something that we believe will be beneficial in the foreseeable future. The changes are outlined below:-
Key Stage 3
- Additional time in the core and EBacc subjects across the key stage. However, this will result in slightly reduced time in the open block subjects across the key stage.
We believe that this change is necessary for the following reasons:-
-The Key Stage 4 curriculum is now more challenging and additional time to develop and improve basic literacy and numeracy skills during Key Stage 3 will help to prepare students for the increased rigour of the new exams as well as prepare the students for the demands of the EBacc subjects.
-Proficiency in the written word is essential for all the new GCSE courses. We want to ensure that our students are fully prepared to meet these challenges.
Key Stage 4
- Additional time in the core subjects, Religious Education and Physical Education across the key stage.
We believe that this change is necessary for the following reasons:-
-To provide students with the best possible preparation for the new GCSE exams.
-RE is one of the few subjects that is mandatory. We believe that RE allows students to develop an understanding and appreciation of different religions and cultures. We believe that, as a member of our school community and a citizen of Burton upon Trent, students will be far better equipped to understand what it means to be a global citizen.
-By studying RE it also enables our students to study for an additional GCSE qualification. Currently, all students study 8 subjects. By studying RE, students will be able to secure passes in 9 subjects.
-The additional time in PE meets the recommendation of the Department of Education and emphasises the importance of physical health and wellbeing.
Key Stage 5
- The changes will give the students additional time for personal study, volunteering or work experience. It will also provide a greater flexibility when timetabling the curriculum.
By changing the school day, we believe that we will achieve significant benefits for our students. The consistent finishing time will still enable us to hold meetings as well as run clubs, intervention sessions and extra-curricular lessons. Students will still be home in good time at the end of the day and the buses will be organised to meet our new requirements.
We are looking to make the change from September 2018. This letter marks the start of the formal consultation period. The Local Authority has been notified of the changes and supports our proposals. The Local Authority response will be available at the consultation meeting if requested.
There will be an opportunity for you to attend a meeting about the proposed changes. The details are as follows:-
Consultation Meeting 1 date:Monday, 26th March 2018
Venue:School Library
Consultation Meeting 2 date:Monday, 26th March 2018
Venue:School Library
Consultation Meeting 3 date:Monday, 26th March 2018
Venue:School Library
Consultation Meeting 4 date:Thursday, 29th March 2018
Venue:School Library
Consultation Meeting 5 date:Thursday, 29th March 2018
Venue:School Library
Consultation Meeting 6 date:Thursday, 29th March 2018
Venue:School Library
In the meantime, if you would like to comment on any of the proposals, please contact us using one of the following methods:-
- return the attached feedback form to the school office by Wednesday, 18th April 2018 3:00pm
- email your comments to by Wednesday, 18th April 2018 3:00pm
- attend a consultation meeting on one of the above dates.
I hope that you share our optimism about the proposed minor changes. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at school.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Tim JonesMr Ian Brierly
Chair of GovernorsHeadteacher
The Proposed School Day & Week: 2018-19
Timings Example 1 / NotesWarning Bell / 8.45am
Registration/Form / 8.50am – 9.10am
Lesson 1 / 9.10am – 10.00am / 5 x 6 = 30
Lesson 2 / 10.00am – 10.50am
Break / 10.50am – 11.05am / Monday6
Lesson 3 / 11.05am – 11.55am / Tuesday6
Lesson 4 / 11.55am – 12.45pm / Wednesday6
Warning Bell / 12.45pm – 1.35pm
1.30pm / Thursday6
Lesson 5 / 1.35pm – 2.25pm / Friday 6
Lesson 6 / 2.25pm – 3.15pm
Proposal to change the School Day
Please feedback your comments about the proposal to change the school day and return this form to the school office by Wednesday, 18th April 2018 3:00pm. Thank you for your help with this matter.Signed: Date: