Brian W. Meehan, Ph.D.

112 Union Cemetery Rd, Unit 325 336-260-7945

Hilton Head Island, SC29926

Dr. Brian W. Meehan, Ph.D.

Current Positions

Forensic DNA Expert – Private consultant

Provide forensic DNA consultation for the formation of new DNA crime laboratorys, continuing education or training of laboratory personnel, DNA case review and analysis, or laboratory audit preparation. Provide DNA expert witness service for the courts and attorneys.

Biology Instructor – Technical College of the Low Country, Beaufort , SC

Instruct a variety of biology courses that incude General Biologyand Anatomy and Physiology.

Previous Professional Experience

Director of Forensics & Technical Leader. IntelliGenetics, LLC. 24 New Orleans Rd, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928 (2009 -2010)

Direct the technical operations of the forensic laboratory, continuing education programs, proficiency programs, and accreditation/certification compliance

Laboratory Director and Executive Vice President. DNA Security, Inc. 1902 Tucker St., Burlington NC 27215 (2003-2007).

Provided leadership for technical operations of the laboratory, continuing education programs, proficiency programs, and accreditation/certification compliance. Hired and trained all technical staff to meet the quality standards of American Association of Laboratory Directors (ASCLD-Lab) and FBI Audit document. Developed in-house Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) and Local DNA Index System (LODIS) for use by law enforcement agencies. Worked with marketing and sales group to develop and implement market growth plan. Chaired annual DNA Evidence Seminar and Crime Scene Workshop.

Adjunct Faculty Instructor. Biotechnology Department, Alamance Community College. Graham NC 27253 (2001-2007).

Instructed General Biology and Zoology courses. Participated as a committee member on the departmental Biotechnology Curriculum review committee

Founder and Laboratory Director. DNA Security, Inc. 1902 Tucker St., Burlington NC 27215 (1998-2003)

Introduced home DNA collection kits for paternity for markets in the United States, Japan, Mexico and United Kingdom. Expanded laboratory operations in 2003 to include Forensic analysis and obtained Forensic DNA accreditation from ASCLD-LAB in 2004. At the time DNA Security was one of only 12 private forensic DNA labs to hold ASCLD-LAB certification and the only owner/operated lab to achieve this level.

Professional Experience (Cont.)

Director of Laboratory Automation System. Department of Paternity Evaluation. Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp), Burlington NC 27215(1998-2001).

Designed comprehensive laboratory automation system to handle DNA-PCR analysis of paternity specimens for DNA extraction, DNA quantification, PCR amplification, and preparation for analysis. All specimens tracked electronically throughout the system and only minimal hands-on required by technicians at the front and back ends of the processing. Provided leadership and training for team of technicians specialized in laboratory robotic systems.

Laboratory Director. National Legal Laboratories. 2947 Eyde Parkway, East Lansing MI 48823 (1995–1998)

Managed all laboratory technical and marketing operations. Designed a new state of the art laboratory facility and seamlessly transitioned all laboratory operations to the new facility.

Associate Director of Technical Operations. National Legal Laboratories. 2947 Eyde Parkway, East Lansing MI 48823 (1993-1995)

As Associate director, responsible for all the technical operations of the paternity laboratory including the training of technicians and compliance with appropriate Accreditation agencies. Re-organized and trained the staff for transition of laboratory from red cell and protein assays as main procedures to DNA-PCR testing as the primary testing procedure. Developed a semi-automated DNA-PCR amplification systems for analysis of Ampflps and automated phenol/chloroform CTAB DNA extraction.

Associate Director. Department of Paternity Evaluation. Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp). Burlington NC 27215 (1991-1993).

Worked as a team member reviewing paternity case reports, conducting ongoing quality assessments of the laboratory, and participating in research and development of new laboratory procedures. Developed and implemented semi-automated system for chemiluminescent detection of DNA-RFLPS for paternity analysis. Developed data management software for analysis of reverse dot blot analysis of DNA PCR-SSP HLA typing for tissue transplants.

Associate Director. Genetic Design, Inc. Greensboro, NC (1990-1991).

Conducted paternity case reviews and supervised the technical operations of the isozyme laboratory and red cell laboratory for paternity analysis. Conducted statistical analysis of genetic data for population substructure and assisted with development of first multi-race databases of DNA RFLP analysis. Served as AABB parentage testing assessor.

Professional Experience (Cont.)

Assistant Professor. Head of Population Genetics and Stock Identification Program. School of Marine Science. College of William and Mary. Williamsburg, Va.(1985-1990).

Started marine fisheries stock identification program using molecular/genetic markers. Supervised team of graduate students in applied and developmental research products that included mtDNA RFLP analysis, isozyme analysis, and quantitative protein analysis as genetic markers for population studies.

Adjunct Professor of Biology. RappahannockCommunity College. Rappahannock Virginia (1981-1985).

Instructed a variety of classes for the Biology department that included Anatomy, General Biology, Zoology, Marine Ecology.

Extramural Committee Memberships and Appointments

Biotechnology Curriculum Advisory Committee. AlamanceCommunity College, Graham, North Carolina

Adjunct Faculty in Biology. ElonUniversity. Elon, North Carolina

Laboratory Inspector for Parentage Testing Laboratories. American Association of Blood Banks. Parentage Testing Program. Bethesda, Maryland.

Faculty Member of Prosecuting Attorneys Coordinating Council, Department of the Attorney General, LansingMichigan

Adjunct Research Associate. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, MichiganStateUniversity, East Lansing, Michigan.

Institutional Biosafety Committee. MichiganStateUniversity, East Lansing, Michigan.


Ph.D. (1985)

School of Marine Science. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Dissertation title: A genetic and morphologic comparisoin of Macoma balthica from the eastern and western North Atlantic.

M.S. (1978)

University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Thesis Title: Macrobenthic infauna of the oligohaline zone of the HousatonicRiver Estuary.

B.S. (1976)

WagnerCollege, Staten Island, New York.

Publications and Presentations

Meehan, B.W. and D. Myers. 2010. DNA in criminal and civil cases: case reviews. South Carolina Association of Legal Investigators Spring Conference Annual Meeting and Educational Seminar. Charleston, SC. May 2010.

Meehan, B.W. 2010. DNA analysis for private investigators. North Carolina Association of Private Investigators Spring Conference and Seminar. Hickory NC. April 2010

Berger, B., J. Blackledge, and B.W. Meehan. 2007. DNA evolves into a community-level investigative tool for common crimes: It’s not just for court anymore. International Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference. Orlando, FL. October 2007.

Meehan, B.W. 2007. The future of DNA indexing systems. 11th Annual Southeast Law Enforcement Training Seminars. Lawrenceburg, TN. June 2007.

Meehan, B.W. 2007. Local DNA indexing systems as an effective tool for crime investigation and prevention. Mississippi Prosecutors Association Annual Meeting. Tunica, MS. April 2007

Meehan, B.W. 2007. Haystack – a software program for analysis of Y-chromosome mixture profiles. Association of Forensic DNA Analysts and Administrators. Texas. August 2007.

Publications and Presentations(Cont.)

Meehan, B.W. and J. Mason. 1998. PCR DNA analysis of AMPFLP loci: information for parentage testing assessors. Parentage Testing Assessor’s Workshop, 51st Annaul Meeting, American Association of Blood Banks, New Orleans LA.

Meehan, B.W. 1994. DNA tests for Paternity. Enforcement Support Seminar, Prosecuting Attorneys Coordinating Council and Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan, June 1994.

Stacey, T.D., B.W. Meehan, J.W. Mason and R.W. Cotton. 1994. Chemiluminescent detection of restriction fragment length Polymorphisms (RFLP). American Association of Forensic Scientists 46th Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. February 1994.

Meehan, B.W., R.W. Staub, S. Creacy and R.A. Bever. 1991. Allele frequency distribution of five single locus probes within and among populations in North America. International Congress of Human Genetics. Washington, D.C. October 1991.

Bever, R.A., R.W. Staub and B.W. Meehan. 1991. Characterization of five VNTR loci by HaeIII RFLP analysis: Applications to paternity testing. Proceedings from the Second International Congress of Human Genetics. Scottsdale, AZ. Pages 132-147.

Meehan B.W. and D. Scoles. 1989. Isolation and restriction fragment analysis of mitochrondrial DNA from the decapod crustacean, Callinectes sapidus. Bull. Mar. Sci.,46:247-248.

Meehan, B.W., J.T. Carlton, R. Wenne. 1989. Genetic affinities of the bivalve Macoma balthica from the pacific coast of North America: Evidence for recent introduction and historical distribution. Mar. Biol.,102:235-241.

Meehan, B.W. and D. Scoles. 1988. Application of molecular genetic techniques for understanding blue crab life history dynamics. J. Shell. Res.,7:196.

Meehan, B.W. 1988. A genetic comparison of Macoma balthica from San FranciscoBay (California) and CoosBay ( Oregon), U.S.A. J. Nat. Shell. Assoc.,7:170.

Mann, R., B.W. Meehan, J.S. Ranier, V.S. Kennedy, R.E.I. Newell and W.E.F. Heukelem. 1987. Influence of Low oxygen tension in the larvae and post-settlement stages of the oyster, Crassostrea virginica. In Dissolved Oyygen in the Chesapeake Bay. G.B. Mackiernam, ed. Maryland Seagrant Publication (TS-87-03).

Publications and Presentations(Cont.)

Beukema, J.J. and B.W. Meehan. 1985. Latitudinal variation in linear growth and other shell characteristics of Macoma balthica. Mar. Biol.,90:27-33.

Meehan, B.W. 1985 A genetic comparison of Macoma balthica from the eastern and western North Atlantic. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 13:41-60.

Meehan, B.W. and R. Diaz. 1985. Macoma balthica labial palps. J. Moll. Stud., 50:231-232.

Buckland, K.L. and B.W. Meehan. 1978. Feeding habits of the sea star: Arterias forbesi. Sea Secrets,22:10-11.

------Republished in Science Digest, 85:95-97.


Temperature Regulated DNA Hybridization Chamber. Patent licensed to CellMark Diagnostics - 1994

Crime Scene Investigation Tool and Method Utlilizing DNA Evidence - 2008 (pending)

Research Grants

2001 Dimorphic ALU Repeats – Applications in identity testing. Collaborator with Dr. Sudhir Sinha (principle investigator), Reliagene Technologies. Funded by the National Institutes of Health ($900,000).

1993Examination of genomic VNTR polymorphisms for describing populations: a tool for natural resource managers. Co-investigator with Dr. J. M Epifaunio. Funded by the BiotechnologyResearchCenter, MichiganStateUniversity ($13,000).

1990Recuitment and genetic analysis of spiny lobsters in the Caribbean. Co-investigator with Dr. Rom Lipcius. Funded by the National Science Foundation ($50,000).

1986Analysis of stock structure of the weakfish, Cynoscion regalis, within Atlantic Coastal waters using mtDNA restriction morph patterns. Co-investigator with Dr. H.M. Austin. Funded by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission ($80,000)

1987Analysis of stock structure of the weakfish, Cynoscion regalis, blue fish, Pomatomus saltator, and summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, using mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment polymorphisms, eye lens proteins and enzymes as genetic markers. Co-investigator with Dr. H.M. Austin. Funded by the Virginia Marine Resources Commission and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service ($820,805).

1985Research and development of molecular genetic techniques for identification of coastal and estuarine stocks that are dependent on the ChesapeakBay and its’ tributaries. Funded by the National Ocianic and Atmospheric Administration/National Marine Fisheries Service. ($143,000)

1985Influence of low oxygen tensions on larvae and post-settlement stages of the oyster, Crassostrea virginica: genetic factors. Co-investigator with Dr. Roger Mann. Funded by the Virginia Marine Science Consortium ($40,000).

1981Evolutionary ecology of Macoma balthica (Tellindae:Bivalvia). Funded by the AmericanMuseum of Natural History, Lerner Grey Foundation.


Dr. Bo Scales

Scales Biological Laboratory

220 Woodgate Drive, S.

Brandon MS 39042


George Schiro

DNA Technical Leader

Acadiana Criminalistics Laboratory

5004 West Admiral Doyle Drive

New Iberia, LA70560


Kathryn Moyse

Genetic Analyst

Scales Biological laboratory

220 Woodgate Drive S.

Brandon, MS39042


Dr. Dan Demers



24 New Orleand Rd., Suite 200

Hilton Head IslandSC29928


Dr Joe Bailey

Biology Instructor

Technical College of the Low Country

Beaufort , SC. 29902


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