Wednesday 15thMarch 2017

Present:Arthur TaylorSteve Floyd

Martin JamesMark Spurgeon

John HendersonBen Foley

Apologies:Jim AllwoodAlison Crompton

1.Minutes of Last Meeting

The minutes of the committee meeting held on 12thJanuary 2017 were agreed.


There were no actions.


Railfuture East Midlands Branch AGM Notice

4.Treasurers Report

SFreported that the accounts were up to date and passed a copy round. Membership renewals to date 56. A further reminder will be sent out.


AT reported that the next newsletter would be sent outend of March. Any article for the newsletter to be sent to AT.


GTRperformance continues to be poor especially with the reliability of the class 700’s. A further two software updates are at present being installed which should hopefully resolve the present issues. Further upgrades will no doubt be requires as further issues arise.

Concern was expressed at delays to trains resulting from sitting at Bedford South awaiting platforms at Bedford, poor train regulation and general time keeping. AT said that he as well as APTU are in constant contact with Senior Managers at GTR pressing for improvements.



AT met the timetable planners in a further meeting about the 2018 timetable on 7th March. We are now awaiting a copy of the detailed draft timetable expected late spring which will kick off Phase 2 of the consultation. As a result of the 2018 timetable changes the BCA/APTU have requested a review of the evening travel restrictions.


AT responded to the changes to the Sunday timetable starting in May which will mean a reduction of three trains to/from Sheffield that stop at Bedford. The BCA totally reject this change. APTU have also replied in a similar manner as the BCA. Details will be sent to members in the next newsletter.


AT reported back on the meeting with Stuart Cheshire. He confirmed that all class 319’s will go by the end of June and the services will be all class 700 by September. He updated AT on the reliability issues with class 700’s and that further software updates were planned for the end of February. Driver training continues apace and is on target. Cancellations due to drivers not being available have considerably reduced to just a few. No problems are expected when route learning for drivers commences in January when the through route is reinstated via London Bridge.

AT to attend a GTR Stakeholder Meeting on 21st March.

9.East Midlands Trains

EMT franchise – still awaiting publication of the Consultation document.

AT reported back on his meeting with Duncan Cale in February. He confirmed that the current franchise will run to November 2018. Electrification to Corby on schedule but no decision on rolling stock yet. Changes to Sunday services from May – consultation imminent. Jayne Moyse is new General Manager MML.

10.Thameslink Programme

AT to attend aThameslink Programme Stakeholder Reference Group Meeting on 21st March.

There will be blockades at London Bridge on all Bank Holidays in 2017 for infrastructure work for the new station.

AT confirmed that the Christmas 2017 Blockade will also affect Thameslink services as the core will be closed for 10 days (between Xmas and New Year) to allow the signal/track work between Blackfriars and London Bridge to be reinstated and made ready for use. EMT services will also be affected by a blockade at Kentish Town for track work. Further details will be made available later in the year.


Nothing to report.


JH gave a report on the latest situation.

13.Bedford Matters

AT reported back on his meeting with Sam Bowler. 2 old TVM’s will be replaced at Bedford with newer ones, a speed hump is to be installed, reconnection of an over flow tank to combat flooding of the car park is out to tender and a new CIS at Bedford will be operational at the end of January. There have been changes to staffing as follows (Monday to Friday):

06.00 – 1 person

06.15 – 2 people

06.30 – 3 people

07.00 – 4 people

There will be additional staff on Saturday.

AT to meet Joe Healy the new Station Manager for Bedford and Flitwick on March 23rd. Any issues to AT.

The next Bedford Station Travel Plan Meeting is on 27th March.

14.Flitwick Matters

No date set yet for a further meeting on the Station Travel Plan.


Concern was expressed at capacity issues on EMT services on Saturday and Sunday evenings.(5 car trains). AT to speak to Duncan.

16. Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting is Thursday 13thJuly 2017 at Alison’s house commencing at 19.30