TSC 2018 Integrated East-West Forum Oral Abstracts
9. Peak Experiences, Mystic Experiences and Epiphany: Are these same? An analysis of Practitioners of Surat Shabda Yoga
Sumita Srivastava, Anjul Dayal
This paper presents descriptions of peak experience, mystic experience and epiphany collected from 25 employees practicing Surat Shabda Yoga. These descriptions were compared parallel to the data collected from the control group (n=105). The experience questionnaire (Privette 1987) was administered on both the groups which consisted of a narrative description and a series of Likert type scale questions. Maslow advocated that peak experiences universally happen and he did not associate them with mysticism and epiphany. This study was conducted to offer a collection of experiential correlates of such events to examine if the major theoretical descriptions of the subjective characteristics of the event were consistent or not. A multivariate analysis of variance followed by t test indicates a significant difference in the two samples.
10. Do Self Actualized Employees Gain ‘Being’ (B) Values Through Peak Experiences? An Experimental Study
Sumita Srivastava, Anjul Dayal
Abraham Maslow describes peak experiences as the sudden feelings of intense happiness and well being possibly by awareness of an ultimate truth. These are termed as one of the mystical experiences. Transpersonal psychology theory suggests that people, who are high on self actualization need, experience peak experiences epiphenomenally. In a famous article ‘Towards Psychology of Being’, it is discussed that peak experiences result in short term as well as long lasting effects. To explore the possible connection of need for self actualization, occurrence of peak experiences and development of being values among employees, an experimental study was conducted. In a blended experimental setting, employees who were recorded high on self actualization need and had peak experiences in the past, participated as the experimental group. The other employees comprised the control group. The experiment was designed to observe the Being values of the subjects in an organizational setting where individuals were given tasks to perform as a team and were responsible for the achievement of the group goal. Thus, B values of subjects were observed by simulating organizational environment. Qualitative data from individual subjects was also recorded to further confirm the data derived from the observation and this helped in drawing the inference. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses confirm that B values are higher in experimental group. Additional information about the subjects regarding their practice of Surat Shabda Yoga was also recorded to further test if practice of Surat Shabda Yoga significantly carries the effect of peak experiences on being values. The results obtained through Sobel’s test reveal interesting findings.
12. Evolving Quantum teleportation circuits using NEAT
Vaibhav Kumar
A majority of the quantum theories of consciousness exploit the power of mathematical abstraction for providing a generalized model, Srivastava et. al. [1] have shown that higher level of mathematical abstractions may be well suited to understanding consciousness. A generalized view by Srivastava et. al. [2] has a promising modelling framework for contextuality based quantum teleportation using n-qubits and generalizing it for n-qudits, by extending the single quantum two-state system to a n-dimensional quantum system or n-qudits where n can even be infinite. So, to model consciousness it is imperative to model efficient quantum teleportation circuits.
In this work, we show that quantum teleportation circuits can leverage evolutionary genetic algorithms [3] to make them more efficient using Quantum entanglement. The set of quantum gates and circuits will be evolved using NeuroEvolution of Augmentation Topologies (NEAT).
References :
[1] D.P. Srivastava, V. Sahni, P.S. Satsangi “Graph Theoretic Quantum System Modelling for Neuronal Microtubules as Hierarchical Clustered Quantum Hopfield Networks”, International Journal of General Systems, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 633-648, 2016.
[2] D.P. Srivastava, V. Sahni, P.S. Satsangi “From n-qubit multi-particle quantum teleportation modelling to n-qudit contextuality based quantum teleportation and beyond”, International Journal of General Sysems , Vol 46 , pages 414-435, 2017.
[3] Kenneth O. Stanley , Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin. Risto Miikkulainen, Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, “Evolving Neural Networks through Augmenting Topologies”.
15. Meditational Spiritual Intercession and Recovery from Disease in Palliative Care : Decoded by Integrated Information Theory (IIT)
Siddharth Agarwal, Sapna Agarwal
Human body is a biological, open system and maintains itself in the changing environment. Disease state is cured by many medicinal systems for healing. Esoteric healing (through introspective hypnosis, meditation and spiritual intercession) is the system where its believers regard Supreme Being as Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient. Such persons take ill health as a boon and pray through meditation that He may by His Mercy grant health or if God wishes otherwise, they happily accept it so that they keep moving ahead on their spiritual path. This study is an observational trial ,where we have applied Integrated Information Theory(IIT) ,with phi as a physical measuring unit, to measure the effect of spiritual intercession on the outcome of the diseased person, where results clearly point towards better psychological and spiritual healing in patients who believe in esoteric cures. Modern science in terms of cognitive psychology or neurophysiology has begun to emphasize the role of consciousness but, that is confined only to the physical world. It is only with the advent of Param Purush Puran Dhani Soami Ji Maharaj (200 years ago) that in the religion of Saints, the ultimate consciousness or the Super Consciousness of the highest order has been revealed. Proponents of Integrated Information Theory (IIT) have proposed the construction of a “consciousness meter” that measures the phi (consciousness of any system),from an i-phone to a brain dead patient.
17. An Evidence of Journey Into Higher Consciousness - Near Birth And Near Death Observations
Anjoo Bhatnagar, Phoolchand Bhatnagar, Vijai Kumar
We have in this study compared the clinical signs, symptoms, reflexes and EEG findings at the time of beginning and end of life. There are certain unusual and striking similarities in these which makes us think of phenomenon beyond physical and mental planes of consciousness. This phenomenon can be explained by correlating it with eastern philosophy of birth, death and rebirth and existence of spirit and its ascent and descent in human frame and attaining highest form of consciousness at the time of death according to Religion of Saints(Radhasoami Faith) .
18. Surat Shabda Yoga - Quantum teleportation and entanglement meets its counterpart in Eastern Spirituality
Swati Idnani, Suresh Idnani, Sneha Idnani, Teena Idnani
In western science, quantum physicists have been fascinated and are actively exploring the possibility of teleportation - a process by which quantum information (e.g. the exact state of an atom or photon) can be transmitted (exactly, in principle) from one location to another, with the help of classical communication and previously shared quantum entanglement between the sending and receiving location. Quantum teleportation is not a form of transport, but of communication; it provides a way of transporting a qubit from one location to another, without having to move a physical particle along with it.
An important aspect of quantum information theory is entanglement, which imposes statistical correlations between otherwise distinct physical systems. These correlations hold even when measurements are chosen and performed independently, out of causal contact from one another. Thus, an observation resulting from a measurement choice made at one point in spacetime seems to instantaneously affect outcomes in another region, even though light hasn't yet had time to travel the distance. When we relate the two i.e. Surat-Shabda-Yoga’s underlying principles with that of the varying amount of research going on within the Quantum teleportation realm, there is a lot of similarity to be found.
23. Consciousness and Cognition: Extrapolations from Bacterial Studies for Understanding Neural Behavior through Imprints of Social Intelligence Conserved across Life Forms
Tatavarty Neh Satsangi, Raj Kamal Bhatnagar, Tatavarty Guru Sant
A parallel of forms of social intelligence evolution is happening at higher forms of life also and is being investigated intensively. Meditation, considered as platform of social intelligence and consciousness, has been shown to induce profound alterations in individuals to trigger altered brain functions. Correlation between mediation induced morphological changes in cells (telomere length) and accompanying biochemical events in practicing individuals are becoming more apparent.
According to the unified field superstring theory, waves of vibration flow from everything in universe impacting the collective consciousness. As a consequence of such oneness group meditation has been shown to amplify the consciousness behavior of participating subjects. Such perception is enhanced in the presence of a mentor, who facilitates and directs the flow of waves of mentee. A special attainment is achieved by establishing the bond between mentor and mentee (Katho Upanishad). Investigation of such paradigms in human species has revealed acquisition of social and individual intelligence through meditation practices under guidance of the mentor and it probably represents direction of human evolution. These observations may form basis of investigation for benefits of satsang community and group meditation at specified time in the presence of the mentor. The presentation will explore analogies of bacterial quorum sensing and group meditation to reach higher level of functionality or consciousness during community meditation practices.
27. Nature and Brain : Integrated study of Inner Experience and Brain Oscillations
Pooja Sahni, Jyoti Kumar, Prakash Sahni
Being in nature can yield conscious experiences that can potentially alter our process of thinking. Studies show that experiences (i.e. patterns of neuronal activity) can modify the synaptic circuitry of the developing brain. Such changes in neural activity of brain and in behaviour can be measured using EEG and through cognitive experiments of psychology (Price and Barrell, Inner Experience and Neuroscience). EEG studies have provided evidence of enhanced structural plasticity, brain synchrony and neural oscillations. In the first phase of the research, we used psychological tests to study the correlation between nature connectedness, Consciousness Quotient (measuring seven aspects of life: physical, emotional, cognitive, social-relational, self, inner growth and spiritual) and pro-environment behaviour. Significant correlations between Consciousness Quotient and the pro-Environmental behaviour (r= 0.738, p<0.01) were demonstrated. Further analysis deduced that pro- environment behaviour among subjects correlated positively with the spiritual consciousness (r=0.761, p<0.01) inner growth ( r=0.736, p<0.01) and cognitive or mental consciousness ( r=0.641, p<0.01)- sub-factors of Consciousness Quotient. In Study 2, Electroencephalography(EEG)was performed on participants by generating virtual experience through nature Audio-visual in lab. The results of study 1 and 2 were presented in TSC 2016 and TSC 2017 respectively. In the second phase, a mixed methodology approach is followed to comprehensively study the neuro-psycho pathways that are functional while engaged in natural environment. This study investigated the impact of nature experience on brain oscillations and affect through EEG , State Mindfulness Index (Tanay & Bernstein, 2013) and Qualitative first person subjective reports of inner experience (Price & Barrell, 2012) respectively. Results show that on EEG measurements of participants before and after natural environment virtual experience elicit increased power at the alpha frequency band known for creative thinking and consciously practicing mindfulness and meditation. Computation of noise free Alpha Asymmetry index, average score on State Mindfulness index and the first person subjective reports were further statistically analysed for correlations. Both Alpha activation and State mindfulness index indicated increased awareness and internal attention which further positively correlated with ‘relaxation’, ‘free flow’ and ‘Ataraxia’ main themes emergent from the first person subjective reports.
We are also proposing a Systemic model for eco-human interaction viz various attributes (components) of natural environment, based on the General systems theory and empirical data from the studies that could explain the neuro-psycho pathways that are functional while engaged in natural environment.
36. An Empirical Perspective on Meta-Cognition and Emotional Competence with Reference To Mindfulness
Kavita Kumar, Aysha Begum
Metacognitive thinking is a higher order thinking that involves active control of self over the thinking process. It brings an awareness of an individual’s self as a cognitive thinker. The present study intended to identify the difference in emotional competence between high and low metacognitive thinking among college students. Emotional competence refers to one’s ability to express or release one’s inner feelings, identification, understanding, expression, regulation and use of one’s emotions and those of others in social settings. Students life is a time when students have to constantly deal with faculty members, peer group and interact with all age groups. This is the period where emotional competence and metacognitive thinking may play a crucial role in dealing with a number of issues.
The sample of the present study constituted 100 students between age range of 18-25 years. Two scales, Metacognitive Thinking Scale (Sandhu & Goyal, 2010) and Emotional Competence Scale (Sharma & Bhardwaj,1998) were administered and ‘t-test’ was computed for data analyses. Results indicate that there is a difference in emotional competence between high and low metacognitive thinking among college students (t =3.82, p< 0.01). The results revealed that college students with high metacognitive thinking have higher emotional competence than college students with low metacognitive thinking. The results would be discussed in reference to mindfulness. Various research findings have predicted that mindfulness plays a vital role in enhancement of metacogntion and emotional competence.
41. Topological Quantum Chemistry of Tubulin Molecule
Pushpa Sahni
Several graph-theoretic approaches were proposed to predict the functions of proteins based on their shared neighborhoods (Samanta and Liang, 2003; Vazquez et al., 2003) or on their closeness in the PINs. Graph-theoretic approaches show that the topological characteristics of proteins complement their sequence and structural characteristics and enable transfer of their functional annotation (Sharan and Ideker, 2006; Yook et al., 2004). Protein function, such as enzymatic catalysis, ion channel opening, cell movement and information processing depends on regulated changes in protein shape, or conformation. Each topological atom is a quantum atom and vice versa, a property that enables the construction of a topologically inspired force field called Quantum Chemical Topology Force Field (QCTFF). Biological information processing can be explained by using topographic indices of biomolecules which signify the process of signal transmission that leads to the synchronized regulatory unit.
Topological advanced information processing systems will lead to the advent of super intelligence era. Current neurological explanations of consciousness suggest that it is a manifestation of emergent firing patterns of neuronal groups involved in specific networks. In human brain, microtubules are present in neurons and have been implicated to play an important role in function of neurons and the brain, and are purported to give rise to cognitive brain functions such as memory and consciousness. Quantum hopfield network model of the brain explains five levels of neural interaction for learning and association (Srivastava et al., 2016). Also graph theoretical applications in chemistry have undergone a dramatic revival lately. Constitutional (molecular) graphs have points (vertices) representing atoms and lines (edges) symbolizing covalent bonds. This is used to explore complete set of all possible monocyclic aromatic and hetero-aromatic compounds by a combination of Pauli’s principle, Polya’s theorem, and electro-negativities. Reaction graphs and synthon graphs differ from constitutional graphs in their meaning of vertices and edges and find other kinds of chemical applications.
Microtubules are the largest cytoskeletal filaments in cells, with a diameter of 25 nanometers. They are made out of subunits called tubulin. Each tubulin subunit is made up of one alpha and one beta tubulin that are attached to each other, so technically tubulin is a heterodimer. An Orch. OR qubit based on topological quantum computing specific to microtubule polymer geometry was suggested by Hameroff et. al. in 2002. Conductances along particular microtubule lattice geometry, e.g. Fibonacci helical pathways, were proposed to function as topological bits and qubits. Bandopadhyay (2011) has preliminary evidence for ballistic conductance along different, discrete helical pathways in single microtubules. The topology of microtubule lattices involves helical windings which repeat on any given protofilament according to the Fibonacci series (3,5,8,13,21…). Each of the winding patterns also corresponds with pathways along specific aromatic amino acid groups which may promote exciton or spin transfer along those pathways. If the winding patterns, rather than individual tubulin subunits are taken as qubits, then microtubules may be resistant to decoherence by virtue of topological quantum error correction. If any individual tubulin in a winding decoheres, it will resonate back into quantum superposition with other tubulins. There has been recent work towards addressing how symmetry constrains global band structures, but a complete and constructive approach to the problem has not yet been presented. So, our effort would be to combine group theory, chemistry and graph theory to provide a framework for topological quantum chemistry of tubulin molecule.
It is expected that in due course of time, mind-science (i.e. cognitive science) together with already advanced brain-science will develop so as to bring up the empirical sides upto the level where the details of spirit-mind-brain inter-connections will be actively probed.
42. From n-Qubit Multi-Particle Quantum Teleportation Modelling to n-Qudit Contextuality based Quantum Teleportation and Beyond
Dayal Pyari Srivastava
This talk further generalizes the modelling framework for contextuality based quantum teleportation presented at the previous East-West Forum (TSC 2017) to n-dimensional quantum states, or n-qudits (quantum odd-prime based units) which holds considerable promise for even higher mathematical abstraction (Srivastava, 2017). The proposed generalization extends the two states in the qubit model, to n states and this n could tend towards infinity. We are heading towards point-sized loops or fine-grained particles of nature, which have been rejected out of hand by string theorists. It is not physical reality when measured from the sense of Planck’s length of 10-35 metre, but finer grained particles than Planck’s length 10-35 metre may exist, although, they are not matter anymore. We argue that why stop at degree of freedom of three, but instead pursue quantum odd-prime based units with higher degree n such as 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and so on till nth degree of freedom even tending to infinity. String theorists admit its multiple landscapes with higher degrees of freedom which points its uniqueness both for particles finer than 10-35 metre as well as distances greater than 1010 light years. Modern research by physicists and mathematicians including Roger Penrose, Max Tegmark, Nick Bostrom and Herbert Bernstein provides scientific basis to this work.