English 11 Syllabus
Welcome Parents and Students!
My name is Amanda Alcala and I will be your student’s English teacher for the 2016-2017 school year. I am eager to share my passion for learning with your student. I have a strong commitment to the belief that students achieve, excel, and maintain high standards in my class. I look forward to working with your student and you. I know it will be a rewarding year for us all.
I am sending this packet home with your student to inform you about this year’s coursework and expectations. It is my absolute goal that I provide as much help and as many resources as possible to ensure your student does his or her absolute best.
Mrs. Alcala
This course is a chronological approach to the study of American literature. We will read and study personal narratives, essays, poetry, short and long fiction and drama that deal with the following themes and issues: sense of place, national identity, conscience, race, gender and family. Readings will be drawn from the following literary periods: Native American, Colonial, Puritan, Revolutionary, Romantic, Civil War, Realistic, Jazz Age, and Modern.
This course will support student mastery of Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards for eleventh grade and will prepare students for both the AZMERIT and ACT exams.
- McDougal-Littell American Literature anthology – print and online editions
- Supplemental novels and plays – The Crucible, Into the Wild, A Streetcar Named Desire, The Great Gatsby, A Raisin in the Sun
- Short Stories
- Nonfiction
- Informational Texts (essays, current events, speeches)
- Poetry selections
- Essay Writing (Narrative, Expository, Research, Literary Response, Argumentative)
- Short Story Writing
- Poetry
- Daily bell work with emphasis on grammar and annotation
Classroom Expectations
In order to uphold the high standards of Hamilton High School, the following is a list of classroom procedures and expectations:
- When the bell rings you should be in your seat and working on your warm-up. FAILURE to do so will result in a loss of points for that warm up.
- Homework will always be due the first five minutes of class or else it will be considered late.
- You should be seated and listening when someone is speaking in front of the class.
- Follow directions the first time they are given. If you don’t understand what to do or how to do it, please let me know.
- Have a positive attitude and do your best in everything that you do for this class.
Consequences for Behavior
1st – Warning
2nd – Parent phone call
3rd – Parent/Teacher conference
4th – Written referral
All Hamilton High School rules are enforced, specifically those concerning electronic devices. NOTE: ARS statute 13-3019 states that it is unlawful for any person to knowingly photograph, videotape, film or digitally record or by any other means use a device to secretly view or record another person without that person’s consent. Translated: Students MAY NOT have a camera or camera phone out in this class.IMPORTANT: I will take your cell phone if you have it out during class. This is to ensure the integrity of the aforementioned statute.
Diversity Statement: All individuals have a right to an educational environment free from bias, prejudice and bigotry. As members of the Hamilton High School educational community, students are expected to refrain from participating in acts of harassment that are designed to demean another student’s race, gender, ethnicity, religious preference, disability or sexual orientation.
Tardy Policy: In order for a student to be excused from class when he/she is late to school, the student must check in at the attendance desk to be signed in. The attendance office must receive a phone call within a 24 hour period from a parent/guardian. A note from the doctor’s office, dentist office or court system will also excuse a student in lieu of a parent calling. An unexcused reason for a tardy will result in an unexcused pass to class. Students who receive an unexcused tardy will be assigned to After School Detention (ASD) for the following day.
English 11 Syllabus Acknowledgement Form
Mrs. Alcala
Please sign and date below after you have read the syllabus. In doing so, we all agree you and the student are aware of my classroom expectations and the school policies set forth by HHS. If he/she does not follow the expectations, we are also aware of the sequence of consequences.
Please sign and return to Mrs. Alcala by this Friday, July 25, 2016. Thank you.
Student SignatureDate
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
Parent/Guardian e-mail address
Parent/Guardian phone number
If you have any additional concerns or comments that you would like to share with me concerning your son/daughter, feel free to call me anytime or leave a note here:
Student Name______Period______
(please print)
This page must be signed and is due on or before Thursday/Friday 7/28-29. This syllabus is a type of contract. By signing it, you are indicating that you understand the policies, objectives, and expectations for 11th grade English. The syllabus should be placed in your notebook and retained throughout this course.
Student Signature Date
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Communication is an important element for your child’s success in this class. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact me. The best mod of communication for me is email—I check it daily. My email address and phone number are at the top of the syllabus, as well as on the website.
Use of video and film.Throughout the year I may show pertinent clips and possibly full length, rated PG-13 movies that coincide with the curriculum. Your signature is required for these viewings. If you do not feel comfortable with your child seeing a PG-13 clip or film, simply write a blurb by your signature, and I will find something else for him/her to do during that time.
As this year progresses, you can keep track of your student’s grades through Infinite Campus. The system automatically sends out missing-assignment emails at the end of each week.
I enforce the CUSD and HHS policies as presented in the Hamilton High School Handbook; please review it on the school web page.
Open House
I look forward to an incredible year and hope to see you at the Parents’ Open House on______.
Mrs. Alcala
I have reviewed this syllabus with my child, and we understand the objectives, policies, and expectations of this class.
Parent Signature Date
(2016-2017 School Year)
Full Name: ______
I understand that I must complete the summer read assignment and read the accompanying book, Thank Your For Arguing: What Aristotle, Lincoln, and Homer Simpson Can Teach Us About the Art of Persuasion (2013 edition), by Jay Heinrichs.
I must finish reading the book and completing the assignment by August 11th/12th.
As of today, ___/___/2016, I have
Done Nothing
Acquired a copy of the book
Completed reading the book OR am on page ______of 432
Completed the summer read assignment (six rhetorical précises)
I understand that the assignment is available on the Hamilton website.