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*** DRAFT ***

September 7, 2005

CSCN Conference Call

Telephone Number Mapping (tElephone NUmber Mapping (ENUM))

Participants:Doug Birdwise – BellCanada

Chris Busch – Incognito Software

Andy Gallant – AG Design, LLC

Terrence Wong – TELUS Mobility

Louis Bourbeau – Cogeco Cable

John Wang – MCI Canada

Patricia Steadman – Incognito Software

Jean Sebastien – Union des Consommateurs

Suresh Khare – SAIC Canada (CNA)

Glenn Pilley – SAIC Canada (CNA)

Fiona Clegg – SAIC Canada (CNA)


The Chair of the CSCN welcomed the attendees.


It was noted that no formal agenda had been distributed to the CSCN ENUM participants' list.

Review of Minutes and Action Items from June 9, 2005 Meeting/Conference Call:

It was noted that the draft version of the minutes from the June 9, 2005 CSCN TIF53 meeting were distributed on June 17, 2005.

Action Items:

1)Bernard Turcotte of CIRA volunteered to determine if there are any known U.S. companies that will conduct Tier 1 B functionality tests during the trial. (Outstanding from April 25, 2005)

2)Francois Menard provided the URL for the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) ENUM standards document to the CSCN ENUM participants on July 4, 2005.

3)Jean Sebastien indicated that he intends to provide a contribution on the stakeholder-based organization. (Outstanding from June 9, 2005)

It was noted that the CSCN Chair and Secretary are unaware of any contributions for discussion during today's meeting.

Jean Sebastien, Union des Consommateurs, stated his association's intention was to submit a contribution on the stakeholder-based organization within the next few weeks.


It was noted that the ENUM forum is having a meeting with the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), on September8,2005, from 10:0012:00noon Eastern Time. In addition, a conference call is scheduled for October 3, 2005 from 10:00 – 12:00noon Eastern Time. More details are available from

It was noted that Steve Lind, from AT&T, had submitted a PowerPoint presentation as a contribution to the ENUM Forum meeting with NTIA on September 6, 2005 regarding the U.S. CC1 ENUM Trials Framework. The contribution number is GEN01136R and is available at: It was also noted that this document is specific to a U.S. framework for trials.

It was noted that some correspondence with respect to MCI Canada's participation in the Country Code 1 (CC1) ENUM trial had been sent to the Chair of the CC1 ENUM LLC and that MCI Canada was interested in participating in the CC1 ENUM trial.

Doug Birdwise, Chair of the CSCN, indicated that in previous meetings MCI Canada and Xit Telecom had stated an interest in participating in a Canadian ENUM trial. In response John Wang, MCI Canada, indicated that MCI Canada is interested in participating in the Country Code 1 ENUM trial. MCI Canada is currently waiting to understand what would be required as a trial participant.

It was noted that Bell Canada had developed a contribution with respect to a potential Canadian ENUM trial early in 2004 which was discussed at a previous CSCN meeting.

The Chair asked if there was any thought as to how to continue today's conference call as there are no contributions to discuss, which had been the original purpose of the conference call.

The question was asked whether the current work of CSCN ENUM TIF 53 was concentrated on carrier or public ENUM. In response, it was noted that the focus of the discussions to date has concerned a public ENUM infrastructure, and that carrier ENUM had been discussed briefly but set aside pending contributions to the CSCN containing a formal description of carrier ENUM for CSCN consideration.

As a conclusion to this part of the conference call, it was specifically asked what types of contributions are being requested. The following list resulted:

  1. During previous meetings and conference calls, contributions had been sought to describe the consortium company approach and how it would be operated, funded and governed.
  2. Previously, contributions had also been sought to describe the stakeholder-based organization approach and how it would be operated, funded and governed.
  3. It was recommended that contributions be submitted where there is a need for additional information in the ENUM Q&A draft. (It was noted that these areas have been highlighted in the document text.)
  4. It was noted that it would be useful to have some contributions on "carrier" or "infrastructure" ENUM.

It was noted that Michael Haberler, from the Austrian ENUM registry, had given a presentation to certain members of the CSCN that had attended an information session on September 1, 2005 hosted by CIRA. An invitation to attend the September 1 session was extended to all members of the CSCN ENUM TIF 53 task force.

It was asked whether Michael Haberler's presentation had indicated a preference for carrier or public ENUM. In response, it was noted that the presentation did not espouse either, but that at the international level, there have been further discussions concerning carrier versus public ENUM. Questions were also raised as to how carrier ENUM might be integrated with the public ENUM system.

It was noted that a contribution for the ENUM Forum had been developed by PennPfautz, that was subsequently updated by a contribution from Steve Lind (both AT&T), which discusses how a common registry might support both public ENUM and infrastructure or carrier ENUM. It was noted that while these contributions have not reached consensus by the ENUM Forum, some support is developing internationally for carrier ENUM. Michael Haberler also indicated that there may be more demand for carrier ENUM than for public ENUM.

It was explained that in Michael Haberler's presentation, he demonstrated three options under the CC1 structure where other "branches" for private ENUM could be applied. For example, branches could be inserted after Domain Name .e164.arpa, Country Code or NPA levels. More information is available from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) website. Louis Bourbeau volunteered to provide a URL for the IETF contribution that is the basis for these examples.

It was reiterated that internationally there is still no consensus on the form carrier ENUM should take.

Doug Birdwise presented a brief synopsis of Michael Haberler's presentation. It was noted that it had been understood during the September 1, 2005 session that Michael Haberler's presentation may be available for distribution to the CSCN ENUM task force. Alternatively, it may be made available for review at: shortly after these minutes have been released.

It was noted that a letter from the United States Department of State, dated September2,2005 had been sent to Karen Mulberry, Chairperson of the Country Code1 ENUM LLC. A copy of the letter and its attachments was distributed to the CSCN ENUM task force and is also available from In this letter the CC1 ENUM LLC is encouraged to proceed with its activities including requests to CC1 counties to request the ITU to temporarily delegate the ENUM domain for CC1 to the CC1 ENUM LLC for the purpose of conducting an ENUM trial. Certain terms and conditions that must be met for a U.S. trial of ENUM are provided with the letter.

It was also noted that ThierryHusson of Industry Canada has contacted the CSCN Chair and advised that Industry Canada will be submitting a request for comments to the CSCN with respect to various issues, terms and conditions concerning a Canadian ENUM trial. Further discussion of the potential response to Industry Canada led to a call for contributions on a Canadian ENUM trial framework and the terms and conditions that should be required for participants.

In response to a question concerning MCI Canada's interest in participating in an ENUM trial, it was noted that MCI Canada had not specifically limited its participation to the use of Canadian NPAs if it were to participate in such a trial.

In response to a question about what the CSCN would consider a Canadian ENUM trial, the Chair suggested that the trial would be one performed on Canadian infrastructure by a Canadian carrier. He also suggested that a Canadian ENUM trial framework needed to be discussed and documented at the CSCN, and submitted to the CRTC and/or Government of Canada for approval via the CISC process.

A question was raised as to the Canadian position on privacy concerns related to ENUM DNS records, and the various ways Michael Haberler had described inputting carrier ENUM records into the DNS tree. Potential issues were raised as to who could access the data. For example, a carrier might wish to have SIP URIs in NAPTR records put into carrier ENUM for the carrier's subscribers, but if the data is in the public DNS, in theory anyone could retrieve the data. In response, it was noted that this question had been posed to Michael Haberler and he noted that a telephone number is in the public domain, but that not all information associated with a DNS record has to be provided in response to an inquiry.

It was noted that DNS is a public access tool with a unique structure. Those that query the DNS would be provided with essentially the same information. However, this does not mean that all the information contained in a DNS record would be provided in response to queries. It was further noted that it is conceivable to maintain some measure of security over a DNS resolver.

It was noted by Jean Sebastien that CIRA has a proposed new WHOIS policy. Under the new policy, CIRA would continue to collect detailed information from dot-ca domain name registrants, but would only make a small amount of the information accessible to the general public in its web-based WHOIS directory. Minutes of the meeting where this was discussed are available from: A new consultation on implementation of the policy will take place later this year and actual implementation is slated for 2006.

Next Meeting:

It was noted that CSCN 75 will be held in Ottawa from October 18 through October 20, 2005. It was suggested that the morning of October 20 might be a good time to schedule a CSCN ENUM meeting. It was also noted that there may be a requirement for an emergency conference call in the interim, to address any questions that may be posed by Industry Canadaregarding the delegation of the ENUM domain to the CC1 ENUM LLC for the purpose of conducting ENUM trials in CC1 nations that wish to do so.

Agreement was reached to recommend on the CSCN Agenda Setting conference call, set for October 4, 2005, that a CSCN ENUM meeting be scheduled for the morning of October 20, 2005.

Questions were raised about the Country Code 1 ENUM LCC meeting that will be hosted by MCI Canada in Toronto also from October 18 through 20, 2005. It was asked whether it would be beneficial to coordinate with the CC1 ENUM LLC to take advantage of the potential synergies created by some of the CC1 ENUM LLC participants being in Toronto.

The Chair of the CSCN volunteered to contact Karen Mulberry, Chair of the CC1 ENUM LLC, and to ask whether it would be beneficial for the CSCN ENUM task force to somehow participate in or follow up on the activities of the CC1 ENUM LLC during or after their October meeting.

The Chair of the CSCN thanked the attendees for their participation during today's conference call.

Summary of Agreements Reached:

1)Agreement was reached to recommend on the CSCN Agenda Setting conference call, set for October 4, 2005, that a CSCN ENUM meeting be scheduled for the morning of October 20, 2005.

Summary of Action Items:

1)Bernard Turcotte of CIRA volunteered to determine if there are any known U.S. companies that will conduct Tier 1 B functionality tests during the trial. (Outstanding from April 25, 2005)

2)Jean Sebastien, Union des Consommateurs, stated his association's intention was to submit a contribution on the stakeholder-based organization within the next few weeks.

3)Contributions are requested on the following:

  1. Descriptions of the consortium company approach and how it would be operated, funded and governed.
  2. Descriptions of the stakeholder-based organization approach and how it would be operated, funded and governed.
  3. Additional information required for completion of the ENUM Q&A draft. (These areas have been highlighted in the document text.)
  4. Information regarding "carrier" or "infrastructure" ENUM.
  5. A Canadian ENUM trial framework and the terms and conditions that should be required for participants.

4)Louis Bourbeau volunteered to provide a URL for the IETF contribution that is the basis for the various ways of inputting carrier ENUM records into the DNS tree.

5)The Chair of the CSCN volunteered to contact Karen Mulberry, Chair of the CC1 ENUM LLC, and to ask whether it would be beneficial for the CSCN ENUM task force to somehow participate in or follow up on the activities of the CC1 ENUM LLC during or after their October meeting.