We Know How to Make Money and How to Manage It!


Project Overview

You will demonstrate proficiency in the use of deposit slips, checks and check registers. You will create a business name and products or services that will be sold in the classroom. You will design checks in the proper format for your business. Using the checks and your check registers, you will purchase products or services from each other’s businesses. After the “shopping” is finished, you will complete a deposit slip for all of the sales at your business. The person who ends up with the most money in their account will win a prize! Each student will begin with $1000 in your account.

Part 1

You must decide what type of business you would like to have and choose a name and the products or services that you plan to sell (NOTHING ILLEGAL OR INAPPROPRIATE FOR SCHOOL). You should keep in mind that you want to sell something that will be appealing to your target market which is other students.

You will design a check for your business with all of the necessary parts. You should leave a line for the Check Number which will be written in when the activity begins. The check should include both the business name and your name. Each business should have a logo that will be included on the check. Creativity is encouraged and rewarded! You may use MS Word or MS Publisher or PowerPoint.

Your check will be copied and pasted twice on the page for a total of 3 checks per page. Please consider this when designing the size of the check. Three pages should be printed so that you have 9 checks. You will then cut out your checks.

Part 2

You will create a PowerPoint for your business. This will show your business name and will advertise your products or services. Be sure to include pricing information. This is how other students will know who to write their check to and how much to pay. Creative PowerPoints draw more customers which result in more sales!

Part 3

In this section, you will “go shopping” to purchase products from each other. You should number each of your checks 1-9. This step is crucial! You should record the $1000 opening balance in your check register. You will move about from one “store” to another and decide what you want to buy. When you find an item that you want to purchase, you will write the check to the business. All checks should be recorded in the check register and filled out properly. You will leave your check at the “store” where it is written. All 9 checks must be written and you MUST spend at least $500. You may not buy from any seller more than once and you may not buy from yourself. All transactions will be recorded in the check register as they occur. A new balance must be entered after every transaction.

Part 4

After all shopping is completed and all students have written their 9 checks, you will come back to your seat and complete a deposit slip for all of the checks that were left at your business. Youmust record the deposit in the check register. You will attach all checks and the check register to the deposit slip and go the “bank” (teacher’s desk) to make your deposit.

The group with the highest ending balance wins!

You will be graded on your product presentation, check design, accuracy of your recordkeeping, and time management.

Before you go shopping, you will turn in:

  • One page of printed checks (in color)
  • A copy of your powerpoint (print 2 slides per page)

After you go shopping, you will turn in:

  • Your completed check register
  • Your completed deposit slip w/written checks