Meeting Started 19.05
10/05/1 Election of Chairman 2010-2011. AP Proposed by RC
Seconded by GS
10/05/3a There were no questions from members of the public, however AD made the sad announcement that Janet Harris had suddenly passed away. Our thoughts are with her family and friends.
Action: AD to pass on details to PT for inclusion in a letter of condolence which is to be written on behalf of Colyton Parish Council. Resp: AD, PT, AP
10/05/3b AP stated a conflict of interest as he was a member of The Feoffees and handed over the Chair to AD.
The motion from the Annual Parish Meeting on 28 April 2010 was considered by Council that: Colyton Parish Council therefore requests on behalf of the people of the town that the Feoffees agree at their next meeting (May 6th 2010) to write to the trustees advising:
i) that the £25,000 loan amount be recorded in both organisations' minutes as a non-repayable grant
ii) that they (The Feoffees) wish to contribute a further and final £55,000 to The Reece Strawbridge Centre (RSC) charity
iii) that both converting the loan into a grant and the additional grant be unconditional and the additional amount paid in full within twenty- eight days of the May Feoffee meeting iv) the Parish Council will be delighted to acknowledge this conclusive contribution to this wonderful new building when we (The Parish Council) next meet on May 10 2010, and look forward to a positive working partnership in future.
Proposed by RY.
It was not seconded.
Discussion points raised as follows:
Colyton Parish Council appears to be the 'piggy in the middle' between RSC Trustees and The Feoffees. RT has been approached by two organisations to request help from The Feoffees which are both youth related. WW asked the question, was the letter which was received at The Annual Parish Meeting, discussed by RSC Trustees and do they support all the statements? it (the motion contents) should be taken up with The Feoffees in the first instance PA stated that no more funding is to be asked for after this request and that it was agreed by the RSC Trustees to write simultaneously to The Feoffees with a breakdown of the funding requirements.
The new building is opened and functioning with visiting groups and now it needs to be completed so that all public can use the new facility in the town. The majority supported this request at The Annual Parish Meeting.
The financial request was similar to the one regarding Colyford Memorial Hall (CMH). However it was noted that in the case of CMH it was a direct request for funds from Colyton Parish Council.
DH voiced concerns that no information was given to the Parish Council about the financial shortfall, before The Annual Parish Meeting PA stated that The RSC will succeed and will continue to fundraise and their account is in the black as a positive cashflow has been established and already it is serving the young people in our community. The motion was simply a request for support from Colyton Parish Council who were elected by and paid for by the people of the parish.
RY was in support of the motion and stated that the general feeling in Colyton was one of great support of The RSC and that the financial legacies from the people of Colyton were for the benefit of the youth of Colyton.
PA noted that The Feoffees were present in both The RSC Trustees and Colyton Parish Council and this (the motion) was a clear statement from the people of Colyton which clearly establishes the very positive nature of the relationship between The RSC and The Feoffees. The request is so that The RSC can be fully functional.
AD requested a copy of the proposed letter from The RSC Trustees to The Feoffees could be given to The Parish Council.
AD proposed that The Council write to The RSC trustees including a copy of the motion received at The Annual Parish Meeting and request more information of the financial situation of The RSC.
PA requested that the vote on this motion should be only by Parish Councillors who are not members of The Feoffees - 7 Councillors stood up as independent of The Feoffees and would vote independently. AD’s motion was not passed
WW proposed that a copy of the letter from The RSC Trustees to The Feoffees requesting further funding is to be received by Colyton Parish Council in the first instance and then further instruction can be taken to have an informed discussion on the issue of the original motion put forward. WW motion passed:
7 For
1 Against
Election of Vice Chairman 2010-2011
A.D Proposed by WW
Seconded by RT
Appointments to the following committees were made as follows:
Finance: PA, CC, RC, AD, DH, Cq Ag GS, CS' NW'
Planning: PA, CC, RC, AD, DH, AP, GS, CS' RT, WW, RY.
Amenities: CP, AD, AP, GS, RT, NW RY.
Action: Update List for distribution - see 6 also. PT
Appointments to external bodies and charitable trusts were made as follows:
Action: Update list for distribution - see 5 also. PT
Axe Valley Promotions: D M Action: Letter to DM to request continuing appointment PT/AP
Axe Valley Ring and Ride: K J Action: Letter to KJ to request continuing appointment PT/AP
Colyton Chamber of Feoffees: none
Community Woodland Trust: CP and NW. Action: Error on spreadsheet not due for nomination
until May 2011 PT/AP
DALC Axminster Area: RC and DH
P3 Coordinator: J Freeland Action: Letter to JF to request continuing appointment. PT/AP
Joint Management Committee Chairman - Memorial
Playing Fields: C Chesterton Action: Letter to CCh to request continuing appointment. PT/AP
Memorial Social Club: AP and AD
Parish Tree Warden: J Cady Action: Letter to JC to request continuing appointment PT/AP
Memorial Playing Fields Committee: RC and RT
Reece Strawbridge Trustee: none
Action: Error on spreadsheet not due for nomination until
May 2012 therefore a reference to the minutes of June 2009 meeting to be made. PT/AP/PA
Seaton Locality Health Care Team: J Dauncey Action: AD stated that Jane (JD) was willing to
continue. Seaton Hospital to be contacted with name of contact and dates of future meetings to be given to PT. PT
St Andrews Fabric Committee: AP
10/05/7 Matters arising from the minutes:
09/159 redrafted by AP
CC and PA proposed to accept the changes by AP as a true record
Seconded by WW
09/158 amendments and proposed changes distributed by PA which included a letter from Denise Lyon - Deputy Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer EDDC which was received by the previous Clerk Mrs Mary Thomas' Appendices 1 and 2
Action: Email correspondence between PA and Denise Lyon to be included in Minutes PT
AP stated that 09/158 had been agreed and that the received amendments and letter from EDDC would not be discussed.
Minutes of the Full Council held on 8th February 2010 were finally approved and signed.
Action: to file PT
Minutes of the Full Council held on 12 April were approved and signed
Action: to file PT
a. Standing Orders were deemed to be under consideration by CC
Action: Standing Orders to be reviewed as a matter or urgency as none have been updated for 10 years. PT required these to be valid/current for the Audit Commission Return June 2010. ALL
b. Lengthsman reference East 10337973
Action: To be discussed at the next Traffic Meeting 16/06/10 CS
c. DH requested that the document written by PA which was received by all Councillors earlier this year alleging fraud within Colyton Parish Council be withdrawn. AP requested an apology from PA.
PA stated no comment and did not offer an apology.
AP alleged that there had been intimidation and a threat from PA
PA wanted the letter from Denise Lyon referred to in 7 above, to be read and understood by all Councillors
GS referred to the letter he had received from PA regarding the alleged fraud by Colyton Parish Council and asked PA if he had made a statement to the police as stated within the letter
PA was reluctant to answer this question from GS on the advice given to him by the investigating officer, not to let the Council know if he had reported the alleged incident to the police. However, under
pressure from individual Councillors, PA reluctantly stated that he had made a statement to the police.
Action: PA left meeting at 20.1.4
10/05/9 The printed report from C' Cllr Sara Randall Johnson was received after the start of the Annual Parish Meeting.
Action: The printed report from C. Cllr Sara Randall Johnson received for The Annual Parish Meeting is to be displayed on the Parish Council Notice Boards. PT
No report was received for this meeting but all Councillors had received an email/hard copy of the above report prior to this meeting.
10/05/10 No report was received from D. Cllr Helen Parr
10/05/10 Generic issues were discussed relating to the many old and new potholes within the parish
and further safety issues when driving were considered to be of paramount importance.
Action: A composite list of all dangerous or potentially dangerous highway issues is required by 16/06/10. WW/AD/AP
Road markings and street signage are wearing very thin (yellow rumble strips and junction markings especially; and this is adding to the dangerous situation when driving.
The Sustrans Cycle Route will increase the need for improved safety within the parish but no response has yet been received following AD making email contact with DCC.
Action: Response to be followed up. AD
10/05/12. DH reported that DAPC now known as DALC - Devon Association of Local Councils
At the last meeting attended by DH Governance and Accountability of Local Councils 2010 was
launched and discussed showing tfre importance of internal audits and the changes and complexity of
VAT within Councils.
DH submitted notes which he had made at the last meeting concerning VAT
Appendices 3 and 4
Action: Further advice to be sought regarding VAT issues surrounding Councils. CC/PT
Next Meeting is AGM 27/07/10 in Beer Action: Attend AGM RC/DH
RY attended the Sustrans Cycle Route Group Meeting and read out her report Appendix 5
Discussion surrounding revised route maps, traffic and parking issues, the proposed interactive speed sign. Pear Tree Corner priority/narrowing of lane and the possibility of Colyford becoming clogged as a result . RC proposed that a letter be sent voicing the Council's concerns, this was seconded by AD. It was then decided later in the meeting NOT to send the letter following the statement made by RY see 10/05/16b
Action: Clarification required about letter to be
sent from Council to Sustrans. AP/RY/PT
10/05/13. a) Register of electors alterations noted. Action: Register to be located and updated. PT
b) Website sponsorship Action: Meeting with Bank Manager LTSB. PT
c) Honiton Hospital Midwifery Service response to letter written by CC received from Ann
James, Chief Executive NHS Devon. Action: Consultation to take place so Councillors
are directed to:
for future meeting dates and more information. ALL
d) Clerk CPD - Society of Local Council Clerks SLCC
Action: 29th June 2010 - Working with your Council £160.00 cheque to be written and application sent. PT/CC
e) Colyton Memorial Social Club Meeting. Action: Wednesday 19th May 2010 at 8pm. Feedback to Council. AP/AD
f) Signage Clay Lane. Action: To be discussed on 16/06/10 - Next
Traffic Meeting. CS
g) DALC Annual Report. Action: Article and pictures to be submitted of The RSC and individuals involved in its development. CP
h) WW informed the Council that The Royal British Legion do not meet very frequently but he
is working with Branscombe and Colyton Branches to source maroons for Remembrance Day
Purposes. Action: Feedback to Council when
maroons are sourced. WW
i) DCC v Mrs Molly White. Action: Correspondence noted
j) Standards Committee Vacancy Action: No interest was shown
10/05/14 a. Bradford’s cheque 2768 now void as account already paid.
b. Income: Cemetery Fees Bond £555.00 Action: To be banked PT
c. Invoices to be paid as follows:
Cheque # / Date / Payee / Detail / VAT / £ / Transfer2778 / 10/05 / NALC / Subscription Renewal / 0 / 13.50 / NO
2779 / 10/05 / EDDC / Non-Domestic Rates Bill 2010/11 Store and Premises / 0 / 323.47 / NO
2780 / 10/05 / EDDC / Non-Domestic Rates Bill 2010/11 Cemetery and Premises / 0 / 470.51 / NO
2781 / 10/05 / EDDC / Non-Domestic Rates Bill 2010/11 Peace memorial Playing Fields / 0 / 317.93 / NO
2782 / 10/05 / EDDC / Annual Licence Fee Pavilion / - / Void / -
2783 / 10/05 / Mary Thomas / Leaving gift for previous Clerk / 0 / 350.00 / NO
2784 / 10/05 / Colyton Chamber of Feoffees / Office Rent / 0 / 1200.00 / NO
2785 / 10/05 / DAPC Axminster / 2010 Subscription Fee / 0 / 10.00 / NO
/ 0 / 2685.41 / -10/05/14. d. Notice of Appointment of date for the Exercise of Electors' Rights.