It’s a night of silence
Lights systematically turned off.
Occasionally a toilet flushes-
Followed by a smoker’s cough.
A flashing light quickly fades-
Along with the sounds of heavy boots.
Alas the vibes are calmer now,
Returning to the creators of their roots.
Tinted black dusty windows
Partially limit my vision;
As the strength of the cold iron
competes with the strength of my religion.
Tonight my thoughts debate-
Between reminiscing or imagination.
These few keys to freedom
Are mental escape methods from incarceration.
Interrupted by the moans and groans
Of the condemned dreamin’
I sympathize with the tortured soul-
Fighting to defeat his retaliatory demon.
The casted shadows from the bars
Remind me of the shadows of my mistakes.
Oh, how adversity increases wisdom-
Constantly disciplining my traits.
Another night of midnight madness;
In a modern day dungeon for political show.
In purity, these are my thoughts-
As I record the sounds of the nights on death row.

Anthony Mungin, 2000 December 16,


To the Creator of Life –
The Father of Love.
To the God of my heart,
In Heaven above.
I do not come to beg;
for this is not a request.
I didn’t bring a list of sins –
that I came to confess.
Lord I stand in your presence –
to give you thanks.
Just as Jesus did –
standing on your river banks.
I thank you for my life,
and the days that I see.
I thank you for the ability –
to be all I can be.
Thank you for giving me peace,
when I become angry and tense.
Forever I will be grateful,
that I’m blessed with good sense.
I thank you for my eyes;
to see the beauty you created.
Thanks for giving me time to change,
cause I know how long you waited.
And though I went astray
and lived my way….
You allowed no one to take my life,
but gave me another day.
So I’m grateful for the struggle,
the pain and tears.
Grateful for the experience through the years,
that helped me conquer my fears.
I thank you very much –
for the beautiful color of my skin.
Thank you for salvation –
and the power that’s within.
I thank you for my family,
especially grandmother.
She introduced me to your word –
and set an example like no other.
Lord I thank you for my friends –
their love and care.
No matter how low I fell,
you made sure one was there.
Father I thank you with all my heart –
for your mercy and grace.
Thank you for the victories
in the battle that I face.
When all is said and done:
my ups and downs, good times and bad,
I thank you Most High Almighty Creator –
for the bless’d life I’ve had.

Write to Speak

If I don't write,

I don't feel right

Something is missing,

Maybe it's the blissing;

The way the pen and paper be kissing,

A poet needs someone to be listening.

Perhaps not, maybe we just need to express,

To get things off our chest;

Our hearts need emotions to caress,

Like all the rest, it's the nature of the flesh.

How else will the world know-

There are more than just evil minds on death row,

If poets don't let it out,

Dispersing it through the postal route

For unbiaised minds to read,

Through you comes the miracle we need.

I simply just need to write,

To expose my inner light.

Despite what the media is exploiting you to keying-

Like you I came to exist through another human being.

Anthony MUNGIN, 2004 November 23rd


External Battles does n’t compare
With internal perpetual affairs,
Ghost of past,
Bad habits steadfast-
Conflicts within
Never ends.
In seeking ways out
I pause and sigh with doubt,
Because those I love
May not understand,
That uncertainties,
Hinders veracity-
Mystifying this capricious man.
Presumptuous loneliness feared
Derived from unforgettable tears,
Affects my clutch
On the hearts I touch.
O inconsistent Soul
That only God knows,
Pray the remedy to this Inner War
Will tarry not afar.

Anthony MUNGIN, 2003 January 3rd

Weathering the Storm

The heart gloomily beats—
As the soul sadly weeps.
Staid prayers are uttered,
Grief pathetically muttered.
Hope exist in sorrows prime,
But fades during the continuation of time.
The mind awaits divine intervention—
Desperate for heaven’s center of attention.
Oh, if calamities were only dreams,
And the dreamer’s will could change scenes;
Roles of hardship would not prevail—
Conspiracies to oppress would remain in hell.
Seemingly when all appears lost,
And delusions cuts confidence off;
Heaven’s light of grace engulfs the weak,
Bestowing favor upon the meek.
Soon strength arises like the morning sun;
A bright attitude supersedes the pessimistic one.
Suddenly new perspectives form—
Providing enlightenment to weather the storm.
Inevitably in life trials exist,
And improbabilities has its sinister list.
Yet, nothing exhibits more dignity than this:
Pursuing goals and dreams despite the risk.

Anthony MUNGIN, 2007 July 1st

(New Year’s Resolution)

Imma Try to stop cursin’—
On the strength to become a better person.
Imma Try not to be so quick to judge—
Besides it’s bad for the ulcers to hold a grudge.
Imma Try to stop seeking revenge, in fact,
Imma stop dwelling on cats I wanna get back at.
Imma Try to improve my relationship with God—
Despite the opinions of those who think it’s odd.
Imma Try to be the first to practice what I preach—
Which should increase the credibility of what I teach.
Imma Try to be quick to listen and slow to speak—
And let the voice of experience guide my feet.
Imma Try to be more open-minded—
For understanding rewards those who find it.
Imma Try to think the best of those who’ve died—
Instead of harboring their mistakes inside.
Imma Try to have a better attitude—
Because negativism is just the same as being rude.
Imma Try to love others as I love me—
Those who are free, and the human beings in penitentiary.
Imma Try to feel the next man’s pain,
For at the end of the day we’re all the same.

Anthony MUNGIN, 2008 January 1st


Imagine being an eagle -
with fresh wings to flee;
Or a shark that hunts
in the depths of the sea.
Imagine having the heart of a lion -
that knows no fear;
Or ability to glide with swiftness
in the prime of a deer.
Imagine possessing the quickness
of a modern house cat;
Or having sight at night -
like that of a bat.
Imagine having the strength
of a young drama bull;
Or the courage to fight till death -
like a treacherous pit-bull.
Imagine being a dove -
that symbolises freedom;
The most recognised displays
of the charisma kingdom.

Now, imagine being something…
Or someone else than yourself;
Then, I’ll show you an indolent creature -
With only imagination left.

Anthony MUNGIN, 2001, February 25th


My Precious Love, I need you -

More than you'll ever know/

But, because of dignity -

I may not always let those needs show.

So I need you to understand -

Why, at times, I display pride,

It’s just my way of dealing with -

The scars still healing inside.

Angel, I need you to realize -

I’m not perfect by all means,

Still, I believe in the power of love,

And I have the most beautiful dreams.

I need you to know, Princess -

That I adore your charming style,

And I understand I’m not the only man -

That is going to make you smile.

Precious, I need you to believe -

Together we can endure all things,

Even the mysteries of misunderstandings -

When we're going through our mood swings.

I need you to know when we're apart -

I often feel alone,

Though you live deep within my heart -

It’s not the same when your body's gone.

I need you to believe what’s in my heart -

Is deep, beautiful, strong and real,

Love is about the only thing -

That I know man can't kill.

You are my inspiration and strength,

To overcome adversity and strife;

I feel your love and it’s why I know/

I need you in my life.

Anthony MUNGIN, 2004 September 5th


I rewind the journey I've traveled,

Pondering the molding of whom I've become;

Dry tears unattended and a soul that's baffled ,

Feeds the mystery of the purpose that's yet to come.

The momentum of maturity increases my appetite,

Giving me visions my haunting past could not grasp;

For reasons I experience the seasons to ripe,

Impregnating me with dreams for future tasks.

What be cometh of tears I've shed in chaos?

Have that which I've not dealt with prolong my rise?

Shall heaven's accountant reimburse my loss,

Or purify the rivers rained from my eyes?

No, it shall not be a tear of mine dries in vain,

What falleth in vexation shall maketh me strong.

For the tears of love from which I've come,

Shall give me the perspective to carry on.

Anthony MUNGIN, 2002


They can make their mouth sound like the radio,
But even fools and cowards can flow.
Tongue wrestlers got a m-e-a-n bark—
All that ain’t nothing but protection talk.
Feed into the madness fools spit,
Then you deserve every bit
Of the trauma you get.
So many pots calling the kettles black—
Got all the sense but ain’t got jack.
You can peep the ones ain’t never had nothin’
They get brand new when they get a little somethin’
A fool with money is like the dead with bread;
It’s no good in his hands is what the Bible said.
And which elite party can we trust—
Who care about ordinary people like us?
The poor; the working class; the multi-colored faces,
Living in 2007 and still dealing with racist.
I question agendas of political powers—
Trying to straighten another country when it’s flaws in ours.
Criticizing Saddam’s execution—calling it botched,
The same country killed blacks when they decided to march.
You may say that happened way back then,
But history has a way of repeating again.
There’s slime in the mix when the people protest,
Camouflaging with a mission to blend with the rest.
Protestor’s compromise defeats the purpose—
Time is of essence for truth to reach the surface.
Don’t hate the player; hate the game,
Gather votes or don’t complain.
Politics is more than deceptive garbage,
Folk suffer for the lack of knowledge.
Until juridical secrecies has been demolished—
Capital punishment won’t be abolished.
Thus capital defendants remain subjected to evils—
Being killed through the law by the stabbing of needles.
For those who got some’em under the cap—
You are not the reason why I decided to snap.
It is for those who are singing the American song,
But won’t do nothing though looking dead at wrong.

Anthony MUNGIN, 2007 January 22nd


Who on earth classifies pain,

Then defines the source by which it came ;

Established unwritten rules to shift the blame,

And deem opposing views as duplicitous game ?

Who on earth hides truth beneath the hate,

Stage worse case scenarios to force truth to wait ;

Exploit the hype the press bought and sold,

Then revamp the truth before it’s told ?

You break the code !

Who on earth fears the compassion of the free,

Those containing volumes of afflictions collectively ?

Could this be the reason to police the sites –

To disconnect those who protect the rights ?

Who on earth knows what’s in a heart –

Provided bias and imperfections are set apart ?

Even the wisest analysis becomes divinely barred,

Unless someone on earth can prove that they are God !

Anthony MUNGIN, 2012, March 22nd

Play By Da Rules
(4 Da Youth)

Da # 1 Rule
At least finish high school!
If u can learn songs n rap hooks,
U can learn what’s n da books.

Rule # 2
B U!
U R not being real acting like somebody else,
U get more props when u r yourself.

Rule # 3
Stay your butt free!
1 wrong decision out of life,
Can take a lifetime 2 pay da price.

Rule # 4
Don’t pick at da poor!
Don’t stoop dat low,
Cuz u reap what u sow.

Rule # 5
4 get suicide!
Whatever u r going through,
Is not worth more than u.

Rule # 6
Stay out of quarrels u can’t fix!
If friendship comes n 2 play,
Just grab your friend n walk away.

Rule # 7 is 4 your foes—
U got what it takes 2 achieve your goals!
Others might doubt what u can do,
But achievement is totally up 2 u.

Anthony MUNGIN, 2006 March 31st

2012 march 22

Til You’re Free At Last

Why don’t you pray – til you’re free at last
Pray – til you’re free at last (bis)
Then thank God Almighty that you’re free at last
When troubles come
Some friends hide and run
It’s a proven fact
Sometimes family – will turn their back
Now what you do
Is totally up to you
Depending on your soul
You can fight back or you can fold
Despite circumstances
Regardless of your chances
There’s not a soul on earth
That can tell Jesus Christ – what you are worth
To God be the glory
We all got our story
You got top face the task
And pray through the struggle til you’re free at last (ter)
Then thank God Almighty that you’re free at last
For goodness sakes
No matter what it takes
Find a way to cope
There’s a lot of strength in the spirit of hope
The roads may be rough
And times may get tough
You know what they say
Baby if there’s a will – then there’s a way
It might hurt your pride
To let somethings ride
But the wise rely
On what will make you laugh – will make you cry
To God be the glory
We all got our story
You got to face the task
And pray through the struggle til you’re free at last
Pray – til you’re free at last (ter)
Then thank God Almighty that you’re free at last
If you lack self-esteem Think about your dream
Don’t be ashamed to praise
For God really works in mysterious ways
Don’t get the wrong assumption
People can’t teach you nothing
Self-check your ego
There are things in life – that you don’t know
The Gospel truth
To the old and youth
Have faith within
You’ll get out of life – what you pray in
To God be the glory
We all got our story
You got to face the task
And pray through the storm til you’re free at alst
Pray – till you’re free at last (ter)
Then thank God Almighty that you’re free at last!