Minutes of Village Hall Meeting January 17th 2017
Present: Mary Smith, Ann Day, Steve Fordham,Steve Packard,Keith Raby,Nick Fiske, Jacqui & Jeff Rawlings, Andrew Cooper, Steve Hicks, Ann Burchnall.
- Apologies: Rupert Catlin, Tony Burchnall, Joan Eagle, Wendy Minchin.
- Minutes of last meeting agreed – 1st AC, 2nd AD.
- Matters Arising:
- Dog Agility – we are still waiting confirmation from Ipswich Vet Centre.
- Face Book – in hand and we hope to have this up and running by the next meeting -SP.
- Burstall Show update:
Changes in Show schedule -
- No Frog Island Jazz Band this year. It was suggested we try Morris Men and Punch & Judy for a change. The combined cost of both these is less than the jazz band. – KR.
- Background music, we will need a Public Broadcasting Licence if we do this. AB will find out.
- Marquee – still waiting confirmation for this –NF
- Wattisham contacted to see if any service personnel can come along do anything etc.
- Another dog agility club may be a possibilityTAG Dogs from Tendring. AB to contact re availability and costs etc.
- Maintenance Matters:
- Toilet windows, replacements painted and ready RC
- Repair of small leaded window pane carried out by The Stained Glass Studio. No charge for this, Ian suggested a donation to the Royal British Legion. AB has sent a thank you to Ian and Danielle.
- Lock to front door of the hall being replaced by RC at the time of this meeting. KR will purchase new keys and ensure all keyholders have a replacement. Signatures needed for our records.
- Professional advice needed for repair of the clock tower – AD
- Curtain track to be replaced to include a pulley system. This will make it easier to open and close the heavy curtains. KR.
6. Pavilion Usage: The W.I would like to use the pavilion on a monthly basis but would also like use of kettle and cups from the hall. ? Cost of use against hall hire - AD
It was suggested that it would be better to use the hallinstead of heating the pavilion and transporting items for refreshments etc. Concession given for extra groups via the W.I for short sessions if the hall is not being used by other Hirers - NF
All agreed. The first meeting will be the W.I Craft Group in February.
7.Hall Fees:
- Pricing structure - rates have not changed since September 2012 – SF
- Perhaps we should look at other village hall prices for comparison/competition -AC
- Parking for hall events is sometimes available in the farmyard with permission . Security may be an issue and the risk of fire during a dry season. –NF
- Max capacity for the hall - 80 seated or 110 unseated.
- Income on a level annually and this covers water, electricity etc., but not maintenance. Follow up at the next meeting – AC
8.Forthcoming Events:
- Quiz on 25th February. KR
- Refreshments – Bring your own food and drink - JR. All agreed and this will make the tickets cheaper with less work for the organisers.
9. A.O.B:
- Dishwasher – KR has spoken to Karen Gough about cost of a machine,Approx £1500 + VAT. It was suggestedthat this would not be viable at present. Wait until we eventually have the kitchen updated and extended.
- Hall cleaning – Julia is still doing this at present but she is about to move. We will have to address this matter very soon.
10. Date for Next Meeting: Tuesday April 25th at 7.30pm.
The meeting closed at 8.40pm