Annex 1
Enterprise-g @ Singapore
Enterprise-g @ Singapore is a joint S$25 million initiative between Oracle Singapore and the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore.
Partnership between IDA and Oracle is vital for success
In seeking to establish local enterprises as key contributors in the development of enterprise grid computing technologies and applications, both IDA and Oracle will work closely to nurture local IT application providers. This will enable them to gain leading edge technologies in developing enterprise grid applications, while IDA schemes such as the Infocomm Local Industry Upgrading Programme and Overseas Development Programme can be leveraged to promote enterprise grid development activities.
In addition, the collaboration will also contribute to manpower development, where local enterprises will be able to collaborate with institutes of higher learning to develop enterprise grid certification and courses. IDA-Oracle Infocomm Scholarships can be articulated in line with this manpower development effort, and Oracle can leverage IDA programmes, such as the Critical Infocomm Technology Resource Programme and Infocomm Training & Attachment Scheme to further develop capabilities in enterprise grid technologies.
Nerve Centre of Enterprise-g @ Singapore- the Enterprise-g Centre
Oracle and IDA have established the Enterprise-g Centre to be the nexus for all collaboration efforts and activities under Enterprise-g @ Singapore. The Enterprise-g Centre will basically serve as a resource for vendors, enterprises and developers seeking to undertake enterprise grid R&D, software development, testing, integration and promotion activities. The Enterprise-g Centre will be staffed by dedicated Oracle personnel trained on Oracle grid computing technologies. These personnel will be involved in the whole range of enterprise grid computing activities under Enterprise-g @ Singapore.
The Enterprise-g Centre will also serve as a vital link to both Oracle research & development facilities around the world, and grid standards bodies such as the Grid Global Forum, all for the benefit of expanding Singapore's enterprise grid ecosystem.
Issued by: The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
and Oracle Singapore
21 July 2004