ECET 297
Presentations: NewInfo + Q&A
Working in groups of three, you are to develop a 4-5 minute oral presentation on a topic related to those covered in ECET 297, with theserequirements:
- The coverage of the topic may not repeat information already presented in the 297 lecture or lab, or in the manual.
- The topic must come from the list on the reverse of this page
On your selected topic, your team is to develop and make a 4-5 minute presentation with visuals. Evaluation criteria will be:
- The presentation material is relevant to the topic your team selected (35 pts).
- Material presented is at an appropriate level for an ECET elective. (20 pts).
- Why should an ECET students care about your topic (relate to electives, jobs, etc.) (10 pts)
- 3 or more References are provided for the source of the information. (10 pts). One reference may be Wikipedia, HowItWorks, etc., but other refs must be industrial/commercial in nature – data sheets, app notes, articles in technical publications, etc.
- 3 appropriate review Questions/answers are provided. (10 pts).
- It is apparent the presentation was practiced (15 pts).
Each team member must participate equally in the presentation.
Each team is to give their presentation as a stand-alone presentation. Even if a previous team presented on a similar topic, your presentation must stand complete on its own.
Do not use the phrase “like they said” !!!!! It’s your presentation.
Due to the logout and login time on ITaP network computers, if you use PowerPoint, burn your presentation onto a CD or into a USB jump drive, so it can immediately be loaded onto the local machine – or be able to ftp/e-mail your file in.
Evaluation criteria for the presentations is shown on the reverse of this sheet.
This oral presentation will be worth 100 lecture points. Plan ahead and do well on it.
NOTE THAT quizzesfollowing the presentations will be based on questions from these presentations.
Before or immediately after your presentation, e-mail to your instructor:
- your references
- your questions.
Do not wear a hat during your presentation.
Evaluation of 297 Oral Reports
Team members:______
Presentation Topic: ______
Each team is to present to the class their selected topic, following the guidelines on the reverse side. The presentations must use PowerPoint or overheads and will be evaluated as follows:
- Material relevant to the topic:
- Score /35 = ______
- Material presented is at an appropriate level for an ECET elective:
- Score /20 = ______
- Material is relevant to ECET students (why you should care):
- Score /10 = ______
- Professional Presentation with use of PowerPoint or prepared overheads (is it apparent that the presentation was practiced?
- Score /15 = ______
- Quality of reference information
- Score /10 = ______Received: ____
- 3 appropriate questions specific to the presentation topic
- Score /10 = ______Received: ____
Total = _____/100______/100
Presentation hints:
- Don’t read what’s on the screen. The audience can read.
- Visuals/pictures/drawings are very important. Words on the screen get very boring very fast.
- Practice. It will be obvious if you didn’t.
Topic Examples:
ESD/EOSPCB fabrication
PCB DesignPatents; trade secrets
PCB Design SoftwareInternationalization
Component issuesStarting your own company
IC packagingComponent failures
SMTTroubleshooting boards
Testing printed boardsAutomated assembly
Testing board assembliesXR2206 design criteria