Staff selection-Equal opportunity
Policy statement
The staff selection of Hillsvale Community Centre will be conducted in a fair and consistent manner which reflects equal employment opportunity (EEO) legislation and aims to employ the best person available for the position advertised. This will be conducted by selecting staff in a fair and equitable manner through open competition based on merit. Merit refers to the nature of the duties of the position and to the abilities, qualifications, experience, standard of work performance and personal qualities that are relevant to the performance of these duties in the centre.
Our clients need continuity of warm and caring staff, and staff with appropriate knowledge to provide appropriate programs and routines. They need staff to advocate for their rights. Parents need opportunities to communicate openly with staff members. Staff need fair selection procedures, secure employment, fair conditions, and people who can work as part of a team. Management needs:
- the best person available for the position advertised
- to attract staff and encourage them to stay
- to ensure the rights of staff are recognised and observed.
Procedures and guidelines
All staff positions will be advertised according to EEO legislation and we will request applications in writing that address the selection criteria for the position and include the names and contact numbers of two referees. Information packages will be available for each applicant which clearly state the essential and desirable skills, qualifications as well as a knowledge and understanding of EEO and any licencing regulations. The management of the centre will ensure that the position’s job description and selection criteria:
- reflect the centre’s philosophy of creating a warm and caring environment
- include a requirement for good communication skills
- include a requirement for appropriate knowledge to meet the our clients’ special needs and their interests
- ensure that listed qualifications meet Regulation requirements.
- are current and pertinent to the position
- accurately describe the position
- clearly define essential and desirable skills and qualifications
- will be advertised widely to attract a field of applicants who have the appropriate skills and qualifications.
Selection panel
A selection panel will be formed comprising of at least two people from the committee, the director and a staff member. There should be both male and female representation. No member of the panel should have a close personal relationship with another member or with any of the applicants. Confidentiality of applications is paramount. No part of the selection process is to be discussed outside the selection panel. The composition of the selection panel needs to be determined prior to culling of applications to allow all members to participate in the formulation of the assessment strategy, the cull and the interview process. The role of the selection panel is to assess the suitability of applicants for the position and make recommendations to the management committee.
Assessment of applicants
The selection panel determines an appropriate strategy for assessment of applicants and identifies their relative merit and suitability. The initial culling or short listing should involve the assessment of the written applications received against the essential criteria. Applicants can only be selected for interview if each of the essential criteria has been addressed and met. Where there are a large number of applicants who have addressed and met the essential criteria more emphasis will be placed on the applicant’s ability to address and meet the desirable criteria. This is known as ‘competitive culling’. In the situation where none of the applicants address or meet the essential criteria the position will need to be re-advertised. Applicants who do not address or meet the essential criteria will not be considered further. These people will be notified of their unsuccessful application by letter.
The short-listed applicants will be invited for an interview. The selection panel will discuss and agree upon the interview questions prior to the interview day. It is probably most practical to do this when the panel meets to cull applications. Successful applicants will be called for interview with at least three working days’ notice. Applicants should be given a brief description of the position, the terms and conditions of employment, desired commencement date and salary at the beginning of the interview. Each applicant will be asked identical questions during the interview process. No questions will be added or deleted. At the end of the interview session each applicant should be graded in order of merit by each member of the panel, then as a group. Applicants will be provided with information about their conditions of employment and given opportunities to raise their own questions.
Post interview
After the interviews the panel will determine which applicant most fully meets the selection criteria. This applicant’s referees will be contacted and their suitability confirmed. Written records of responses are to be kept with the applications.The panel recommendation will then be made to the committee and after approval from the committee the applicant will be offered the position. The new employee will be notified of the terms and conditions of their employment in writing prior to commencing work and will be placed on a three-month probationary period.
Only when the successful applicant has accepted the position can the unsuccessful applicants be notified. Unsuccessful applicants should be telephoned promptly after the position has been accepted. This will be followed by a letter. Where the successful applicant declines the position, the next person on the merit list should be made an offer of employment. After the panel has made a decision on the most suitable applicant an eligibility list will be developed in order of merit. In the event that the successful person cannot accept the position, the position will be offered to the next person on the list.
OTEN, 2004