PAAL Newsletter Spring 2005
Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics
PAAL Newsletter Spring 2005
Dear PAAL members,
Since the beginning of March, the weather in Far East Asia has been milder and it looks like spring is just around the corner. Soon, we will be enjoying cherry blossoms, magnolias, and other flowers in full bloom. We are very pleased to inform you that our first e-newsletter has just been published and that it carries productive activities of our members. Several of them have moved to new positions and to new universities. The last several months seem to have been active and productive for all of us. The PAAL Japan has been especially busy organizing our 10th anniversary conference to be held from Aug. 2nd through 4th this year in the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK. We believe many of you have already made your travel plans to Edinburgh. We were told that the period we will be holding the conference is the best time of the year in Edinburgh. We hope this year’s conference will be another successful, joyful and rewarding one in which many of you can take part and share information, ideas and knowledge regarding ELT, and meet other professional colleagues and scholars. In order to be a resourceful teacher, we need to refine and present our ideas in front of many expert teachers and scholars as often as possible. We wish you a good luck with your research. We always appreciate your concern and interest in working together for the continued development of PAAL. We sincerely hope that you have a productive semester and we will be able to see many of you at the 2005 PAAL Conference.
Best wishes,
Michiko Nakano, Ph. D. / Kyung-JaPark, Ph. D.
Co-chairpersons of PAAL
PAAL Newsletter Spring 2005
1. PAAL Conferences
2. Call for news for PAAL Newsletter
1. Appointments
Bok-Myung Chang (NamseoulUniversity): Director of the Office of External Affairs and Cooperation; Chair of English Department, NamseoulUniversity. (March, 1st, 2005).
Byung-Bin Im (Kongju Univesrity): Chairman of the English Teachers Association of Korea. (Sept. 1st, 2004).
Eunkyung Maeng (KoreaUniversity): Assistant professor, Graduate School of Education, AjouUniversity. (March 1st, 2005).
Hikyoung Lee (KoreaUniversity): Director of Multi-media Education Room, Korea University. (Feb. 1st, 2005).
Hera Chu (KoreaUniversity): Adjunctprofessor, Department of Hotel and Tourism, Far EastUniversity. (Sept. 1st, 2004).
Hye-ryeong Hahn (DaejeonUniversity): Full-time instructor, Department of English Education, SeowonUniversity. (Sept. 1st, 2004).
Hyun-Jin Kim (KoreaNazareneUniversity): Assistant professor, Department of English Education, Cheongju National University of Education. (March 1st, 2005); PAAL Treasurer. (Sept. 1st, 2004).
Jayeon Lim (KoreaUniversity): Assistant professor, Department of English Language and Literature, The University of Seoul. (March 1st, 2005).
Kang-Young Lee (HanyangUniversity Ansan Campus): PAAL Liaison Officer. (Jan. 1st, 2005).
Kyu-Cheol Shin (Far EastUniversity): Assistant professor, Department of English Language, Far EastUniversity. (March, 1st, 2004).
Kyunghee Choi (KoreaUniversity): Full-time instructor, Department of Tourism, Hanyang Women’s College. (March 1st, 2005); Postdoctoral position funded by Korea Research Foundation at Korea National University of Education, (Nov. 1st, 2004 – Feb. 28th, 2005); PAAL Newsletter Editor. (Jan. 1st, 2005).
Larry Chong (GyeongjuUniversity). President of SorabolCollege. (March 1st, 2005).
Miseon Lee (University of Reading): Assistant Professor, Division of English Language and Literature, HanyangUniversitySeoul Campus (Sept. 1st, 2004)
Sun Lee (SeowonUniversity): Full-time instructor, Department of Primary English Education, Gongju National University of Education. (Sept. 1st, 2004).
Seongchan Kim (SungkonghoeUniversity): Sabbatical leave in Nairobi, Kenya. (Jan. 1st - Dec. 31st, 2005).
2. Publications
Kyung-JaPark (KoreaUniversity): Distance Education and Language Learning – a project between KoreaUniversity and WasedaUniversity. Kyungjin Publications. (June 30, 2004).
3. Research Activities
▣ Article publications
Akane Watanabe (WasedaUniversity): Learner errors, teacher feedback, and learner uptake in small groups: A case study in the Japanese university context. Journal of PAAL, 8(1). (2004).
Bok-Myung Chang (NamseoulUniversity): A critical analysis of communicative strategies among non-native English speakers. Modern English Education. 5(2). (2004).
Byung-Eun Cho (SungkonghoeUniversity): A report on the guided extensive readings in English. Journal of PAAL, 8(1). (2004).
Ho Han (AjouUniversity): Functional projections in early FLA and SLA: Underspecification or truncation? Journal of PAAL, 8(1). (2004).
Hye-ryeong Hahn (SeowonUniversity): Are we being globalized? A contrastive analysis of application essays. English Language & Literature Teaching, 10(3). (2004).
Hyun-Jin Kim (Cheongju National University of Education): The relationship among perceived competence, actual competence, and language anxiety: Biases in self-ratings of second language proficiency. Modern English Education, 5(2). (2004); Pronunciation error types and sentence intelligibility of Korean EFL learners. English Language & Literature Teaching. 10(3). (2004).
Kazuharu Owada (WasedaUniversity): Learner errors, teacher feedback, and learner uptake in small groups: A case study in the Japanese university context. Journal of PAAL, 8(1). (2004).
Kota Kodachi (WasedaUniversity): Learner errors, teacher feedback, and learner uptake in small groups: A case study in the Japanese university context. Journal of PAAL, 8(1). (2004).
Kwan-Young Oh (YosuNationalUniversity): A study of English learning improvement by multimedia. Modern English Education, 5(20). (2004).
Kyu-Cheol Shin (Far EastUniversity): Learner-based reading strategy with a focus on extensive reading. Journal of PAAL, 8(1). (2004).
Michiko Nakano (WasedaUniversity): Learner errors, teacher feedback, and learner uptake in small groups: A case study in the Japanese university context. Journal of PAAL, 8(1). (2004).
Mohammad Aliakbari (IlamUniversity): On the limitation of SLA/SCA parallelism: Supporting the priority of cultural recognition over cultural production. Journal of PAAL, 8(1). (2004).
Moonbok Lee (KoreaUniversity). An investigation of the relationship between motivation and language learning strategies. Journal of PAAL, 8(1). (2004).
Sang-Hee Yeon (University of Florida): Perception of English palatal codas by Korean speakers of English, Journal of PAAL, 9(1). (2004).
Youngjoo Bang (MyongjiUniversity): A promising practice for enhancing reading skill. Journal of PAAL, 8(1). (2004).
▣ Lectures
Soraj Hongladarom (ChulalongkornUniversity): A series of lectures on bioethics at University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines. (Feb. 2005).
▣ Presentations
Bok-Myung Chang (NamseoulUniversity): An efficient English learning methodology using English newspapers. Paper presented at the 2005 MEESO Winter Conference, Seoul. Korea. (Feb. 19, 2005).
Hera Chu (Far EastUniversity): Critical thinking through asynchronous on-line discussions. Paper presented at the 2004 ETAK Winter Conference, Chonan. Korea. (Jan. 14, 2005).
Hye-ryeong Hahn (SeowonUniversity): Are we being globalized?: A contrastive analysis of application essays. Paper presented at the 2004 ETAK Winter Conference, Chonan, Korea. (Jan. 14, 2005).
Jonghee Kim (ChonanForeignLanguageUniversity): A study of team teaching. Paper presented at the 2004 ETAK Winter Conference, Chonan, Korea. (Jan. 14, 2005).
Kang-Young Lee (Hanyang University Ansan Campus): A conceptual model of culture teaching and learning in FL/L2 conversation classrooms. Paper presented at the 2004 ETAK Winter Conference, Chonan. Korea. (Jan. 14, 2005).
Kyu-Cheol Shin (Far EastUniversity): Creative reading strategy for EFL learners. Paper presented at the 2005 MEESO Winter Conference, Seoul, Korea. (Feb. 19, 2005).
4. Degrees
Eunha Lee (ShinHeungCollege): Doctor’s Degree in English Language, Korea University. (Feb. 25th, 2005).
Eunkyung Maeng (KoreaUniversity): Master’s Degree in Curriculum & Instruction, University of Texas, Arlington,Texas. (May 20th, 2004).
Hyunjin Kim (KoreaUniversity): Master’s Degree in English Language, Korea University. (Feb. 25th, 2005).
Kang-Young Lee (Hanyang University Ansan Campus): Doctor’s Degree in English Language, KoreaUniversity, (Feb. 25th, 2005).
Nari Lee (KoreaUniversity): Master’s Degree in English Language, Korea University. (Feb. 25th, 2005).
Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL)
Membership Application/Renewal Form
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Type of Request / Individual
($ 26) / Institution
($ 85)
Membership is for calendar year 2005.
This form may be duplicated as required. Please return this form with your check payable to PAAL to:
Post office, account number 313031-02-026533
Prof. Hyun-Jin Kim
PAAL Treasurer
c/o English Education, Cheongju National University of Education,Korea