Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra
© Satsang Publishing House, SATSANG, Deoghar
Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra
Contains Dharma,Ideal and Pursuit of Dharma and Ideal
Pubished by
Amarendra Nath Chakraborty
Satsang Publishing House
Satsang, Deoghar, Jharkhand
© All Rights Reserved
First Edition—1100
October, 1964
Second edition—2000
Juy, 1978
Third Edition—2200
January, 1993
Printing Centre
18B, Bhuban Dhar ane
Kolkata-700 012
Price—Rs 20.00
The first volume of “The Message”, containing the dictation of Sri Sri Thakur in English, was first published in 1935, the history of which was very admirably narrated in the beautiful introduction, written by the late revered Krishna Prasanna Bhattacharya. Another book called ‘Magna Dicta’ comprising his original English sayings upto 1947, appeared in 1949. Thenceforth Sri Sri Thakur has dictated as many as 2189 messages in English on different topics, subjects, interests, problems and aspects of life. They are of infinite value so far as our life hers on earth and life eternal are concerned. He has unmistakably indicated the way to a richer and fuller life for the whole of humanity. These maxims have been divided subject-wine and some 8 volumes of ‘The Message’ are going to be published combining some allied sections in each single volume. The present book embodying the utterance of Sri Sri Thakur on ‘Dharma and Ideal” from the second volume of “The Message”, the first volume of which first saw the light of day some three decades ago. As there was no knowing if other volumes would be forth-coming, so the number of the first volume was not explicitly mentioned on the cover of the book, which remains to be done in the next edition. It will not be irrelevant to mention here that Shri Sushil Chandra Bose, Harinandan Prasad, R.A. Hauserman, R. Cumming, Devi Prasad Mukherjee, Rebati Mohan Biswas, Atapendra Roychoudhury, Kumar Krishna Bhattacharya and Guru Prasad Haldar took active part in the compliation of this series. Shri Mani La Chakraborty, Prafulla Kumar Banerjee and Sarat Chandra Haldar put forth the best of their efforts in this work. Shri Prafulla Kumar Das was actively and stead-fastly associated with this sacred task from the very beginning of recording dictations right upto the preparation of the final press-copies.
The present volume deals with Dharma, Ideal and pursuit of them. Without specifically emphasizing the metaphysical and transcendental aspects of things, Sri Sri Thakur declares in clear and concrete terms that the function of Dharma is to uphold, sustain and nurture the all-round, harmonious life and growth of the individual along with those of the environment. In fact, it comprehends the totality of life, individual and collective, with a meaningful adjustment of the past, present and future. Life is a many-sided, multi-dimensional complex whole and it does not admit of a fragmentary solution. So nothing that contributes to human existence and enhancement should be ignored. And it cannot be ignored without jeopardizing the interest of life as a whole. So an all-embracing, integrated approach has to be made to solve the problems of life effectively. This concentric, synthetic integration of all aspects of life that restores balance and poise and leads to dynamic evolution is, according to Thakur, the keynote and quintessence of Dharma. So Dharma has nothing to do with escapism, isolationism, exclusiveness, other worldliness or lack of enthusiasm, as is often erroneously assumed. It lies in achieving life abundant and love abundant out of an active emotional attachment for a man who is the very embodiment of love, life, light and wisdom in flesh and blood. And He is called the Ideal or the Prophet.
As active urge to follow and fulfill the ideal brings out the best that lies latent in us, adding tremendously to our energy, efficiency and puissance. This adherence also moulds our character towards higher becoming, because we are shaped and fashioned by what we love. Thus our divided personality becomes unified and we acquire real personality by concentric love. And unified personalities do succeed in uniting men on the common platform of the all-fulfilling Ideal. They bring about a coordination of the Ideal, individual and environment, which is the consummation of Dharma.
Time and again Sri Sri Thakur asserts, illustrates and demonstrates that God is one, Dharma is one and Prophets are the same. His life and teachings normally promote mutual understanding and amity. In this context he describes the specific characteristics of true Prophets or Ideals. He says that all-fulfillingness and nurturing of individual distinctiveness are the twin hallmarks of their genuineness. So under their guidance, international tensions, communalism, provincialism, parochialism, mutual hatred, discord and other disintegrating forces are sure to be eliminated, of course if people choose to apply their principles in life. He gives the most universal, scientific and rational interpretation of Dharma. He shows how Dharma operates s the most progressive forces in the world, combining all the benefits of the realm of matter and spirit, which are basically inseparable. He lovingly beckons us to the materialization of the dream of a united world without impairing the distinctive existential traits and traditions of individual nations. He again elucidates how the fulfilling Prophet or Ideal of the age at once serves as the pivot, the foundation, the centre, the focal point, the way, the truth and the goal of every human being. Complete living is impossible without Him. He is our personal God, to whom we must surrender ourselves. This act of indissolubly binding ourselves with Him constitutes the basis of religion. Unrepelling love for the latest fulfilling Ideal is the criterion and touchstone of the sincererity of our love for God and Prophets. Again loving service to fellowmen is the true index of our love for the Ideal. All these truths have been brought home to the reader very convincingly and conclusively.
Sri Sri Thakur has explained in detail how we can grow in spiritual life through daily individual practices of prayer, repetition of Name, meditation, propagation of the Lord’s message, devout offering, self-analysis, self-correction, formation of good habits, imbibing the character and conduct of the Lord, resisting evil, devotion to existential culture and tradition and many other kindred points. He never fires of focusing our attention on the fundamental fact that life is fruitful to the extent it is dedicated to the realization and manifestation of the divine in the concrete details of our day-to-day life. And there lies the culmination of human personality. Out of an urge to help suffering and questioning souls, whom Thakur feels as his own, these marvelous divine dicta flowed from him spontaneously and irresistibly—suffused and charged with the ‘glow of a celestial light and the pulsation of a vital spirit all their own. We believe they will prove to be perennial sources of inspiration and guidance to all.
Let us devoutly and fervently pursue and practice these lofty teachings, so that we may usher in a new era of love, life and light, peace, plenty and progress, constantly enjoying and glorifying the Lord—our God—Bande Purushottamam. (Salutations to Fulfiller the Best)
Amarendra Nath Chakravarty
Satsang, Deoghar
Do surrender to and serve
the Almighty One and unique ;
do serve devoutly
the solemn seers
who fulfill the past ;
be devout unto the forefathers
who roamed on the route of
eternal go ;
do serve devoutly the grouping
of the varieties of similar instincts,
that specifically inhere in the being ;
and do thou dedicate thyself
to the present Fulfiller, the best—
the adjusted abode
and resurrected meaning
of the past ;
the superb and sovereign path
of consummation ;
this—the Dharma of existence
and this to follow eternally.
Dharma is
the providential flow
to uphold life and growth
the law of uphold
by which existence is prolonged
with ability and growth
and with every compatible interaction
and systematic coherence ;
do observe
and sustain.
What makes anything stand on
with life and growth
is Dharma.
Upholding urge
of our existence
is Dharma.
Dharma is nothing but
the culture of
existential go of life
with honest exercise of it
and a rational adjustment of
psycho-physical traits
by which
we can achieve
the personality
of an adjusted becoming
mingled with the
specific characteristics
of man
and his normal environmental
to enjoy the providential blessings
with glow of
heavenly life.
What makes us live and grow
with healthy maintenance—
is Dharma in short.
means the laws
that sustain
life and growth
with every effulgence
of personally
both individually
and collectively.
Dharma is an opsonin *
to life and growth.
* Opsonin—A constituent of blood serums, which makes bacteria more readily eaten by phagocytes.
That which upholds
every individual
with due nurture of
both individual and collective life
may be called Dharma.
Where the nurture of existence
evolves into upheaving
enthusiastic ardent active urge
with complacement service,
interest flows there,
people gather,
community flourishes,
comes into being
with the luster of freedom
and rolls into One—the Love—
the Anointed Advent,
Whose doctrine is love, life,
growth and piety ;
commune of people smiles there
with the trickle of nectar ;
hence, Dharma
that upholds existence
is the only ‘ism’ of life,
interest of the common ;
sovereignty blossoms there
and the Love winks in smile.
Dharma is normally
a self-sufficient ‘ism’
that upholds individuals
fulfilling their distinctiveness
and traditional traits
with every adjustment
of their traits
nurturing their wholeness
in tune with
the universal existential
progressive propitiousness
both individually and collectively
regulating their inherent
harmful attitude
so that an active valorous
serviceable admiration
may grow spontaneously
through love for the Anointed Prophet—
the realized Beloving Master—
imbibing His conduct
and character.
Dharma is not a lazy devotion,
it is active devoutness
that upholds our being
with a run towards becoming—
moulding the environment accordingly
with a meaningful adjustment
of one’s intelligence
and knowledge,
that effulges through
one’s personal characteristics actively.
Ardour and action
which uphold existential trail
with observance of
thoughts, conduct
and characteristics of behaviour
with conscientious discerning
that brings propitious existential growth
in a pious proficiency
to oneself and others too—
normally is Dharma,—
which keeps up resistance
and makes the throb of life
propitious ;
Providence provides one
With the resources of the universe
Which uphold and maintain
With every nurture
Fulfilling the innate hankering of life ;
So observe Dharma—
the laws of Providence
with every revering role
of your life,
act accordingly
and impart it to everyone
in your environment ;
be blessed
and make others blessed too.
Dharma acts
as an opsonin
in human life.
Dharma is ever compact
with love, life and
active, existential propitious service
to oneself and to others too—
concentrated in its
centered figure—
the Beloving Advent ;
so it is ever-communed
with existence to thrive—
elongated with peace, health, happiness,
appeasing peaceful service
and complacement sufferings for it ;
the meaning of Dharma
is to keep up and uphold
existential homage
and benevolent service
and to be educated actively
in all such affairs.
Dharma, the uphold of existence
conglomerates varieties
of people
to commune with the One,
to attain higher forms of life
and growth
through proper culture—
with all activeness
in and out—
of the commandments
of a Realized Person
whose character and conduct
are the living demonstration
of a meaningful, adjusted
fulfilling also other individuals’
specific specification ;
Dharma, in short
is commune-ism* in its true form (*commune-ism = Communism)
that induces each and everyone
to follow the One
and to achieve the purified
go of life
and its trail ;
He is the central soma* (*soma—body)
of conglomerated commune
that binds all
with normal exuberance
of fellow-feeling and fulfillment.
What nurtures
the life and growth of the people
is the elixir of being
making existence sprout into,
existence stands on the follow of Lord,
and follow means to observe,
and workout His commandments ;
thus Lord—the Watch of Bread
is the prime pivot of stay.
Becoming is the cry of existence
and existence enjoys the universe
through it
and feels it exists ;
do thou welcome
the uphill move of being
with every nurture
of existence
and every adjustment go of life ;
do enjoy—
and help others too
with elixir of life and growth.
What gathers
for existential welfare
with meaningful adjustment
exalting being into becoming
is good.
To observe
the upholdment
of the laws of existence
both mental and physical
with an honest interest
in the environment
with every nurture of
individual specific specification
is the observance of Dharma.
Where existence
in its process of ‘live’ and ‘grow’
exists with the hankering
and display of factual discernment
with conscientious consciousness
in a staying continuity,
Dharma resides there
with the hankering of solace
in a sovereign conglomeration of
ideas and facts ;
and it is inevitable.
The object of Dharma
is to attain truth
in all its perfection
and to enlighten existence
with the effulging radiant
of all the mechanism
of existential, enlightened,
penetrating intelligence
which can serve
the existential properties
through psycho-physical
exalting upliftment,—
by which
one can achieve
conscientious immortal elixir of life
with every devout adherence,
allegiance and active service
to Beloved the Great—
the emblem of Love
through the blessings of Providence.
Every ‘ism’
which gathers in One—
the Lord, the Beloved
with faithful love in Him,
observing the doctrines of
existential uphill becoming
is nothing but Dharma
the mission of
existential upholdment
that gives correct guidance
and lead
and any device
opposed to it
drags one down to hell.
Dharma is to achieve
existential bliss
in conduct and character
through the service
concentrated in the Love-Lord
to keep the existential go of life
imbibing Him
in thoughts and deeds.
To observe the uphold and welfare
in every work actively
exercising intelligence and sympathy
with every cautious adjustment,
and to perform with due correctness
and beautified finish
all that fulfills
Ideal and existence—
are essential
to nurture Dharma in one’s life.
Dharma upholds and adjusts
the psycho-mechanic system,
often the inner core,
which manifests itself
as a character
mingled with faith, hope and charity
to the faithful service
of the Love-Lord
and through Him of all.
Dharma induces one to evolve
out of ardour
in an all-round development
to a particular oneness.
Dharma is the culture of
uphold of existential proficiency
resisting evil—
the deteriorating element
of life and growth
with conscientious culture of
consciousness all through ;
and, to be ‘ligared’ with
the lead of culture
is Religion.
To deal with and do that
which unfolds existential uphold—
propitious to the life and growth
of oneself as well as of others
manipulating conduct
and characteristics
with distinctive traditional trail
is the route
on which ‘Dharma’ rolls.
Dharma comes down with the Prophet
who is the emblem of Dharma,
and who presents
with His attributes,
conduct and characteristics
resonating with His voice
the essence of existential uphold,
the clue to the watch of bread
for existence
which nurtures one’s
being and becoming
to uphill enlightenment ;
love thy Beloved Lord,
worship Him
and observe His commandments
with every hearty service ;
that is the aurora of
enthusiastic uplift
which makes the observer
the blessed aurora of existence
with every heavenly enlightenment ;
do bow
and follow Him
with every sincere, intelligent
and active service ;
be blessed
and make all blissful
imparting His echo
with thrilling admiration
and resonating existential echo.
Do love thy Lord, the Beloved
and serve Him
with all thou hast—
for His welfare,
and love thy environment
as He wishes thee to love ;
thus be thou
up to His liking
in all respects
and with all thy possibilities ;
be blessed ;
the stand of Dharma.
is nothing but to assemble
round the One—
the Ideal—
the Love—
the fulfiller of one and all
individually and collectively—
to serve all
with His tidings