
Joanne Brennan ,Tony Brennan, Mary Read, Rose Kimmings, Rob Hewis, CllRr Ron Oxby, David Bean, James Dunn, Shell Arlis, Laura Wainwright


Rob Hewis – Advocacy review.

Total Voice staff asked if Rob would like them to leave the room for this part of the meeting and Rob advised it was not required at this time as he is not consulting at this time just advising about the process and engagement.

The questionnaire (which is currently still in draft format) will be available on line, in hard copy and can be completed through group working.

Independent review completed of advocacy last year for LCC. They came up with reasons why advocacy was and wasn’t being accessed e.g. in East Lyndsey there are less referrals for advocacy, stats generated from this independent review. Ways LCC could improve advocacy generated (use media more, talk to OAP homes about services.

Service up for renewal next year. ICAS work with people in NHS and this was also reviewed (PoWHER currently provide the ICAS service in Lincs )

Going to talk to those who have/have not used services, parents, carers, advocates and people who refer in currently.

Results could influence contract decisions in the future as advocacy important for this area. Stressed services will not be lost in the process but this is a positive process and will make things better for people.

Awareness, access, the service itself, the future are headings in the questionnaire that goes out for consultation next week.

LCC are not saying that services provided are not good in the area but want to identify what works and what doesn’t and what LCC needs to do to make things better (e.g. provide more training etc.).

Rob went through the questionnaire and asked attendees to advise if things needed to be changed in it and if they did need to be changed how.

Please contact Robfor further information about the consultation, groups they would like to be consulted with etc. Details; Public Health Directorate ,Orchard House, Orchard Stree, Lincoln, LN1 1BA. Tel: 01522 554253.

Roles and responsibilities of the PSI Board

The group looked at the paperwork for ground rules, Role descriptions and priorities of Board members. (Paperwork is attached)

David Bean suggested people go through the documents and advise of changes they would like to be made by the end of September as there was a lot of information shared.

Responses to go to Laura contact details; ; 5 Saxilby Enterprise Park, Skellingthorpe Rd, Saxilby, Lincoln, LN1 2LR; 07770013002

  • Mary Reid suggested from the web site we include the ‘what we do’ information needs to be included in the paperwork
  • Cllr Ron Oxby is chasing up the finances of both the LD and PSI groups to feed back to the group as this has been discussed many times with nodefinitive answers even being given
  • The group discussed if meetings need to continue in the format they currently do (meetings in a physical room) or should they be done remotely and electronically
  • Mary Reid suggested that the title of’ Lincolnshire Physical and Sensory Impairment Board’ needs to recognise the neurological (cognitive) conditions in part of its title. Suggest PS & N Board?

If you have any views and opinions on any of the above please respond to Laura on the details above by the end of September so things can be progressed for the group.

Structure of the Learning Disability Partnership Board

This information was presented by David and is attached to this paperwork.

Discussions took place around:

  • HealthWatch needs/could be included in the structure and an integral part of any possible structure
  • The Wellbeing Service is coming in to place next year and should be part of the structure also (this is a new service), should the group be involved in initial meetings around setting up this service?
  • Questions were asked about how If there was an emergency issue would a meeting be called? As it was felt that the length between meetings would be too great and this would need to happen
  • How is priority decided of issues at these meeting when people with such varying disabilities meet?
  • Welfare reforms (benefits) is a concern with lots of referrals to advocacy being made for this issue (joint meetings could be held)
  • Housing – access to it and suitability of it is an advocacy concern
  • Accessing suitable health services is an advocacy concern (joint meetings could be held)
  • Day services are an advocacy concern (joint meetings could be held)
  • Physical disability has a wider remit of conditions, how would it be decided what to focus on and guide what needs to be done to (realistically) benefit the people concerned?
  • Where does this group go from here? Do we need a set number of people to attend? Should user groups be the majority number? Should it be open to anyone to attend? Is reasonable adjustments been made to enable everyone who wants to attend to be able to? Should we have a regrouping meeting to look at this? Do people want this? Can you respond before the end of September so a meeting can be arranged if people want it? (Laura to do a letter to accompany this email to explain why this may take place – service used involvement/influence decisions etc.) Decision makers (LCC) need to be invited and involved also
  • Task and Finish/working groups, are they required? Could a meeting for Neurological conditions group be arranged asap to restart this?

PSI website

  • Should all 3 websites (LD, PSI and MH) all be accessed through one central page?
  • Should Facebook and twitter be used to let people know about the Boards?
  • We are restricted with what we can do with the PSI website due to the programme used for it (that was inherited through LCC). Do we need a new PSI website that can be used and utilised better)
  • Do we need links on the websites to move between the 3 websites?
  • Would leaflets and posters to advertise the Boards be of use?
  • Laura to send out to ask for addresses and contact details to update the information held
  • Colin Warren is lead for the County on Neurological and dementia; could he be invited to future meetings?

Meeting closed at 2.20 pm