The English Department is now accepting applications for Eng. 803:
Literature Teaching Assistant Practicum (Spring 2018)
Description of Eng. 803
The TA Practicum offers graduate students the opportunity to learn about pedagogical issues in the teaching of literature by assisting professors in running a large lecture course. (Please see below for a list of courses needing TAs next semester.)
In addition to working closely with a professor as a TA, students will also participate in a series of workshops on pedagogical issues including:
Planning a course, including building a syllabus, choosing texts
Writing a lesson plan
Leading a discussion
Planning and delivering lectures
Grading student writing
Workshops will be scheduled by arrangement on Friday afternoons between 1:10-3:00 pm. A list of the specific requirements of the teaching practicum follows this announcement.
Note: Eng 803 may be taken twice but may only be listed on the ATC form once. All students taking 803 for the first time are required to attend the Friday pedagogy workshops. Students taking 803 a second time are welcome, but not required, to attend the Friday workshops.
Courses needing TA’s (Spring 2018)
We anticipate a limited number of teaching assistants will be needed for the
following courses:
ENG / 583 / 01 / SHAKESPEARE-REPRESENT PLAYS / HUM 133 / TR / 11:00 AM / 12:15 PM / Shahani
ENG / 460 / 01 / LITERATURE IN ENGLISH I / HUM 408 / TR / 12:35 PM / 01:50 PM / Paulson
Other courses that may need teaching assistants, based on enrollment:
ENG / 462 / 01 / LITERATURE IN ENGLISH III / HUM0133 / MW / 02:10 PM / 03:25 PM / StecENG / 583 / 01 / SHAKESPEARE-REPRESENT PLAYS / HUM0133 / TR / 11:00 AM / 12:15 PM / Shahani
ENG / 460 / 01 / LITERATURE IN ENGLISH I / HUM0408 / TR / 12:35 PM / 01:50 PM / Paulson
ENG / 461 / 02 / LITERATURE IN ENGLISH II / HUM0121 / W / 06:10 PM / 08:55 PM / Wardley
ENG / 250 / 01 / THE STUDY OF LITERATURE / HUM0384 / TR / 02:10 PM / 03:25 PM / Jones
ENG / 251 / 01 / THE LYRIC POEM IN ENGLISH / HUM0212 / TR / 12:35 PM / 01:50 PM / Mylander
ENG / 252 / 01 / THE NOVEL IN ENGLISH / HUM0477 / TR / 11:00 AM / 12:15 PM / Klironomos
ENG / 255 / 01 / CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE / HUM0285 / TR / 03:35 PM / 04:50 PM / Cannon
ENG / 258 / 02 / AMERICAN LITERATURE / HUM0132 / MW / 03:35 PM / 04:50 PM / Wardley
ENG / 259 / 01 / INTRODUCTION TO SHAKESPEARE / HUM0114 / MW / 09:35 AM / 10:50 AM / Lyles
ENG / 260 / 01 / INTRODUCTN TO SCIENCE FICTION / HUM0203 / MW / 02:10 PM / 03:25 PM / Schoerke
ENG / 261 / 01 / THE VAMPIRE TRADITION / HUM0114 / M / 06:10 PM / 08:55 PM / Hackenberg
ENG / 429 / 01 / STYLISTICS / HUM0127 / M / 04:10 PM / 06:55 PM / Schoerke
ENG / 461 / 1 / LITERATURE IN ENGLISH II / HUM 203 / TR / 2:10 PM / 3:25 PM / Star
ENG / 461 / 2 / LITERATURE IN ENGLISH II / HUM 121 / W / 6:10 PM / 8:55 PM / Wardley
ENG / 503 / 01 / STUDIES IN MEDIEVAL LITERATURE / HUM0283 / TR / 03:35 PM / 04:50 PM / Paulson
ENG / 512 / 01 / 18TH-CENT WOMEN WRITERS / HUM0381 / TR / 09:35 AM / 10:50 AM / Christmas
ENG / 514 / 01 / AGE OF THE ROMANTICS / HUM0212 / MW / 03:35 PM / 04:50 PM / Kwok
ENG / 526 / 01 / AGE OF AMER RENAISSN:1830-1860 / HUM0212 / TR / 11:00 AM / 12:15 PM / Voloshin
ENG / 535 / 01 / LITERATURE AND ECOLOGY / HUM0203 / MW / 12:35 PM / 01:50 PM / Wardley
ENG / 555 / 01 / THE SHORT STORY / HUM0212 / TR / 03:35 PM / 04:50 PM / Krasny
ENG / 565 / 01 / SHORT STORY: GLOBAL LIT IN ENG / HUM0114 / TR / 12:35 PM / 01:50 PM / Green
ENG / 580 / 01 / INDIVIDUAL AUTHORS / HUM0126 / M / 04:10 PM / 06:55 PM / Stec
ENG / 581 / 01 / JANE AUSTEN / HUM0477 / TR / 02:10 PM / 03:25 PM / Christmas
ENG / 584 / 01 / SHAKESPEARE-SELECTD PLAYS / HUM0118 / MW / 02:10 PM / 03:25 PM / Lyles
ENG / 589 / 01 / MILTON / HUM0279 / TR / 02:10 PM / 03:25 PM / Mylander
ENG / 600 / 01 / THEORY OF LITERATURE / HUM0114 / TR / 03:35 PM / 04:50 PM / Green
ENG / 611 / 01 / MODERN CRITICISM / HUM0115 / MW / 12:35 PM / 01:50 PM / Kwok
ENG / 614 / 01 / WOMEN IN LITERATURE: AUTH/CHAR / HUM0132 / M / 06:10 PM / 08:55 PM / Cannon
ENG / 630 / 01 / SELECTED STUDIES / HUM0212 / MW / 02:10 PM / 03:25 PM / Hackenberg
ENG / 631 / 01 / POST-COLONIAL LIT IN ENGLISH / HUM0212 / MW / 09:35 AM / 10:50 AM / De Guzman
ENG / 631 / 02 / POST-COLONIAL LIT IN ENGLISH / HUM0212 / TR / 09:35 AM / 10:50 AM / Shahani
ENG / 632 / 01 / LIT OF EXILE & MIGRATION / HUM0114 / TR / 05:10 PM / 06:25 PM / Klironomos
ENG / 636 / 01 / GREEK ROMAN MYTH & MODERN LIT / HUM0212 / TR / 02:10 PM / 03:25 PM / Klironomos
Please see the SFSU online Class Schedule for further details
(days, times)
To be eligible, a student must:
- have completed at least 9 units of coursework towards their MA in Literature at the time he or she enrolls for Eng. 803
- maintain at least a 3.3 GPA
- formally apply for the Practicum on a semester-by-semester basis.
Teaching assistantships are awarded on a competitive ba
Application process
Access and print the application from the Department website at: pick up a paper version in the English Department office in HUM 484. If you are receiving this announcement by e-mail, the application is attached to the e-mail.
We will notify you as soon as possible after the deadline to inform you whether your application has been accepted. However, since the number of TAs needed for any one lecture course is based on actual student enrollment, some applicants may only be notified of acceptance shortly before the beginning of the new semester.
If accepted, students will enroll in ENG 803 and, upon successful completion of the course, will receive three graded units of credit.
Applications with supporting documents due to the English Office: Friday, December 8, 2017.
The requirements of Eng. 803 include:
1. Meeting with the class instructor at least once prior the beginning of the semester to discuss the course syllabus and specific expectations.
2. Meeting with the class instructor outside the class on an ongoing basis throughout the semester to discuss pedagogical issues and course logistics. This schedule should be determined during the first, pre-semester meeting.
3. Practicing evaluation of quizzes, papers, and/or exams. This involves honing paper-commenting skills, and can involve making grade suggestions, although the instructor of record is responsible for all final grades.
4. Attending all classes, completing all assigned readings, assisting with class records, and contributing to the preparation of course materials (specific details of these duties to be determined during the first, pre-semester meeting).
5. Students may be given the chance to lead breakout discussion sessions; one or more class discussions; and/or give one class lecture. This is considered a major component of the Practicum; each student will be given appropriate guidance and feedback from the instructor.
6. Holding one weekly office hour. Please make sure to communicate your preferred office hour time to the instructor you are working with so that the information can be included on the syllabus.
7. Full participation in Friday pedagogy workshops associated with Eng 803 (specific requirements of the workshops to be determined by workshop leaders).
8. Completion of a final reflection paper on the experience.