Effective Date April 5, 2015 / Policy Number BCCI-35
LOP: Sexual Assault/Sexual Harassment Policy
Sexual Assault/Sexual Harassment Policy
Bulloch County CI promotes a productive safe environment for staff and inmates and has zero tolerance for verbal or physical conduct that harasses assaults, disrupts, traumatizes or interferes with another’s work performance or the quality of life for its inmates. Behavior that creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment is immediately reported and addressed. BCCI has a zero tolerance policy toward all forms of sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual activity among offenders. The purpose of this policy directive is to further strengthen the Department’s efforts to prevent all forms of sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual activity among offenders by implementing key provisions of the U.S. Department of Justice’s standards for the prevention, detection, and response to sexual abuse in confinement facilities, in accordance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA).[1]
The intent of this procedure is to provide uniform guidelines to prevent, detect, and respond to sexual harassment and assault.This document clarifies the Bulloch County CI zero tolerance policy and provides guidelines toaddress the following prohibited and/orillegal sexuallyabusivebehavior involving:
- Offender perpetrator against staff victim.
- Offender perpetrator against offender victim.
- Staff perpetrator against offendervictim.
Theseguidelines areprovided to:
- Help detectincidents, perpetrators,and offendervictims of sexuallyabusivebehavior.
- Help preventsexuallyabusivebehavior.
- Educatestaff to interveneproperlyand in atimelymanner.
- Document, report,and investigatereported incidents.
- Disciplineand/orprosecute perpetrators.
Bulloch County LOP 35 will remain in compliance with 28 CFR § 115 and in accordance with the following Georgia Department of Corrections SOPs
28 CFR Part 115 Prison Rape Elimination Act National Standards
203.03 (IIA04-0002) Incident Report
209.01 (IIB02-0001) Offender Discipline
227.02 (IIB05-0001) Statewide Grievance Procedure
209.06 (IIB09-0001) Administrative Segregation
103.10 (IK01-0005) Evidence Handling and Crime Scene Preservation
103.06 (IK01-0006) Investigation of allegations of sexual contact, Sexual Abuse, and Sexual Harassment of Offenders
508.22 (VG55-0001) Mental Health Management of Suspected Sexual Abuse, Contact or Harassment
508.19 (VH25-0001) Receiving Screening
507.04.19 (VH25-0003) Health Assessment and Medical Diagnostics
507.04.21 (VH30-0001) Health Screening Offender Transfers
507.02.02 (VH78-0002) Confidentiality of Health Record and Release of Information
507.04.84 (VH81-0001) Medical Management of Suspected Sexual Abuse
507.04.91 (VH85-0002) Medical Management of Suspected Sexual Assault, Abuse, Harassment; and O.C.G.A. § 16-6-5.1
The Bulloch County CI prohibits any form of retaliation against employees/inmates for making a complaint or providing information about harassment.
Any employee, supervisor or manager who violates this policy, and in accordance with the Bulloch County CI Standards of Conduct, is subject to disciplinary action, including termination. All volunteers, vendors, contractors and their representatives shall also comply with this policy or the working relationship/contract may be severed. Any contractor or volunteer who engages in sexual abuse shall be prohibited from contact with inmates and shall be reported to law enforcement agencies, unless the activity was clearly not criminal, and to relevant licensing bodies. BCCI will take appropriate remedial measures, and shall consider whether to prohibit further contact with inmates, in the case of any other violation of agency sexual abuse or sexual harassment policies by a contractor or volunteer.
All claims of sexual assault will be immediately reported to the contracting law enforcement agency (Bulloch County Sheriff Department) to include notification GDC Office of Professional Standards.
All terminations for violations of agency sexual abuse or sexual harassment policies, or resignations by staff who would have been terminated if not for their resignation, shall be reported to law enforcement agencies, unless the activity was clearly not criminal, and to any relevant licensing bodies.
- Community confinement facility for purposes of the Department includes Transitional Centers.
- Direct staffsupervisionmeans thatsecuritystaffis in the same roomwith,and within reasonablehearing distanceof, theresidentor offender.
- Exigent circumstancemeans anyset oftemporaryand unforeseencircumstances that require immediateactionin order to combat a threat to the securityor institutional order ofafacility.
- Gender nonconformingmeansapersonwhose appearance ormannerdoes not conform totraditional societalgender expectations.
- Intersexmeans apersonwho’ssexualorreproductive anatomyorchromosomal pattern doesnot seem tofittypical definitions ofmale or female. Intersex medical conditions aresometimes referred to as disorders ofsexdevelopment.
- Juvenilemeansanyperson under theageof 18, unlessunder adult court supervision and confined or detained inaprison or jail.
- Sexual abuse of an offender, detainee,or residentbyanother offender, detainee,or resident includesanyof the followingacts,if the victim does not consent, is coerced into suchact byovert orimplied threats of violence, oris unableto consentor refuse:
- Contact between the penis and the vulva or the penis and the anus, including penetration, however slight;
- Contact between the mouth and the penis, vulva, or anus;
- Penetration of the anal or genital opening of another person, however slight, by a hand, finger, object, or other instrument; and
- Any other intentional touching, either directly or through the clothing, of the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or the buttocks of another person, excluding contact incidental to a physical altercation.
- Sexual abuse of an offender, detainee,or residentbya staffmember,contractor, or volunteerincludes anyof the following acts,with orwithoutconsentof the offender, detainee, orresident:
- Contact between the penisand thevulva or the penis and the anus,including penetration, however slight;
- Contact between the mouth andthe penis, vulva,or anus;
- Contact between the mouth andanybodypartwhere thestaffmember, contractor, or volunteer has the intent to abuse,arouse, or gratifysexual desire;
- Penetration oftheanal orgenitalopening, however slight, byahand,finger, object, or other instrument, thatisunrelated to official duties orwherethestaff member,contractor,orvolunteer has the intentto abuse,arouse, or gratify sexual desire;
- Anyother intentional contact, either directlyor throughthe clothing,ofor with the genitalia,anus, groin,breast,inner thigh, or the buttocks,thatis unrelated to official duties orwherethestaffmember,contractor, orvolunteer hasthe intent to abuse, arouse,or gratifysexual desire;
- Anyattempt, threat, or request bya staffmember,contractor, or volunteerto engage in theactivities describedin paragraphs (1) through(5) of this definition;
- Anydisplaybya staffmember,contractor, or volunteer of hisor her uncovered genitalia,buttocks, or breastinthe presenceofan offender, detainee, or resident.
- Voyeurism by a staff member, contractor, or volunteer. Voyeurism by a staff member, contractor, or volunteer means an invasion of privacy of an offender, detainee, or resident by staff for reasons unrelated to official duties.
- Sexual harassment includes:
- Repeated and unwelcome sexualadvances,requests for sexual favors, or verbal comments, gestures, oractionsofa derogatoryor offensive sexual nature byone offender, detainee, or residentdirected towardanother; and
- Repeated verbal comments or gestures of a sexual nature to an offender, detainee, or resident by a staff member, contractor, or volunteer, including demeaning references to gender, sexually suggestive or derogatory comments about body or clothing, or obscene language or gestures.
- Substantiated allegation means an allegation that was investigated and determined to have occurred.
- Transgendermeansa personwhosegender identity(i.e.,internal senseoffeeling maleor female) is differentfromthe person’s assignedsex at birth.
- Unfounded allegationmeansanallegation thatwas investigatedanddetermined notto have occurred.
- Unsubstantiated allegationmeansan allegation thatwasinvestigated and the investigation produced insufficientevidenceto makea final determinationas to whether or notthe eventoccurred.
- Youthful offendermeans anypersonunderthe age of 18who isunder adultcourt supervision and incarceratedordetained in a prison orjail.
Hiring and Promotion:
Any incident of sexual harassment shall be considered in determining whether to hire or promote any individual, or to approve the services of any contractor, who may have contact with inmates.
- Bulloch CCI will decline to hire or promote anyone who may have contact with inmates who:
- Has engaged in sexual abuse in a prison, jail, lockup, community confinement, juvenile facility or other institution;
- Has been convicted of engaging or attempting to engage in sexual activity in the community facilitated by force, implied threats of force, or coercion, or if the victim did not consent or was legally unable to give consent; or
- Has been civilly or administratively adjudicated to have engaged in the any of the above listed activities.
- All applicants and employees who may have direct contact with inmates shall be asked about previous misconduct for hiring or promotions
- Sexual Abuse/Sexual Harassment form will be completed upon application for employment and as part of the promotional interview process.
- Sexual Abuse/Sexual Harassment form shall serve as verification of an employee’s fulfillment of his/her continuing affirmative duty to disclose any sexual misconduct as described in this policy.
- Background Checks
- Before hiring new employees who may have contact with inmates BCCI shall
- Perform a criminal background records check; and
- Consistent with federal, state, and local law make its best effort to contract all prior institutional employers for information on substantiated allegations of sexual abuse or any resignation during a pending investigation of an allegation of sexual abuse as defined by this policy.
- BCCI shall perform a criminal background check before enlisting the services of any unescorted contractor who may have contact with inmates
- BCCI shall conduct criminal background check at least every five (5) years of current employees and unescorted contractors who may have contact with inmates.
Prevention Planning
Staffing Plan
Staffing plan shall provide for adequate levels of staffing, and, where applicable, video monitoring, to protect inmates against sexual abuse. In calculating adequate staffing levels and determining the need for video monitoring, agencies shall take into consideration:
The physical layout of each facility;
The composition of the inmate population;
The prevalence of substantiated and unsubstantiated incidents of sexual abuse; and
Any other relevant factors.
In circumstances where the staffing plan is not complied with, the facility shall document and justify all deviations from the plan.
Whenever necessary, but no less frequently than once each year, the facility shall assess, determine, and document whether adjustments are needed to:
The staffing plan established pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section;
Prevailing staffing patterns;
The facility’s deployment of video monitoring systems and other monitoring technologies; and
The resources the facility has available to commit to ensure adequate staffing levels.
Cross Gender Viewing
Where strip searches are permitted, staff shall not conduct cross-gender strip searches or cross-gender visual body cavity searches (meaning a search of the anal or genital opening).
Cross-gender pat-down searches of inmates are not permitted unless exigent circumstance then it must be logged in Cross-gender pat-down search log sheet in PREA book in main control.
Inmates may shower, perform bodily functions, and change clothing without staff of the opposite gender viewing their breasts, buttocks, or genitalia. Staff of the opposite gender is to announce their presence when entering an area where inmates are likely to be showering, performing bodily functions, or changing clothing.
Offenders shall not be searched or physically examined for the sole purpose of determining the inmate’s genital status. Genital status may be determined during conversations with the inmate, by reviewing medical records, or from information as part of a broader medical examination conducted in private by a medical practitioner.
Security staff shall be trained in how to conduct searches of transgender and intersex inmates, in a professional and respectful manner, and in the least intrusive manner possible, consistent with security needs.
Intermediate-level or higher-level supervisors conduct and document unannounced rounds to identify and deter staff sexual abuse and sexual harassment, during both night and day shifts. Supervisors are to ensure to prevent staff from alerting other staff members that these supervisory rounds are occurring, unless such announcement is related to the legitimate operational functions of the facility.
Inmates with Disabilities
BCCI does not house offender with disabilities (due to limited medical staff) however in the event one is here temporarily steps have been put in place to assist them.The appropriate steps shall be taken to ensure that inmates with disabilities (including, for example, inmates who are deaf or hard of hearing, those who are blind or have low vision, or those who have intellectual, psychiatric, or speech disabilities), have an equal opportunity to participate in or benefit from all aspects of the agency’s efforts to prevent, detect, and respond to sexual abuse and sexual harassment. Such steps shall include, when necessary to ensure effective communication with inmates who are deaf or hard of hearing, providing access to interpreters who can interpret effectively, accurately, and impartially, both receptively and expressively, using any necessary specialized vocabulary. In addition, Site Administrators and Program Directors shall ensure that written materials are provided in formats or through methods that ensure effective communication with inmates with disabilities, including inmates who have intellectual disabilities, limited reading skills, or who are blind or have low vision.Counseling staff will read material to inmates with intellectual disabilities, limited reading skills, or who are blind or have low vision.There is a mobile device for inmate use, if needed, to assist with hearing impair to use the phone system. This device is located in the Warden’s office.
Reasonable steps shall be taken to ensure prevention, detection, and responses to sexual abuse and sexual harassment to inmates who are limited English proficient are made, including steps to provide interpreters who can interpret effectively, accurately, and impartially, both receptively and expressively, using any necessary specialized vocabulary.
Bulloch County CI shall not use or depend on inmate interpreters, inmate readers, or other types of inmate assistants except in limited circumstances where an extended delay in obtaining an effective interpreter could compromise the inmate’s safety, the performance of first-response duties under § 115.264, or the investigation of inmate’s allegations. Bulloch County Sheriff Department will assist with interpreters, inmate readers, or other types of inmate assistants when necessary. If they are unable to assist BCCI has a contract with LangaugeLines. Information on how to use these services is in the PREA book in Main Control. In the event that an inmate interpreter, reader or other types of inmate assistants are used it must be logged in the PREA handbook located in main control.
Where interpreters are necessary yet unavailable, the contracting authority will be notified for assistance and in the meantime the assigned case manager shall use Google Translate or other online translation programs to review all intake and handbook information including all PREA information, training and procedures.
Upgrades to facilities and technologies
When designing or acquiring any new facility and in planning any substantial expansion or modification of existing facilities, the agency shall consider the effect of the design, acquisition, expansion, or modification upon the agency’s ability to protect inmates from sexual abuse.
When installing or updating a video monitoring system, electronic surveillance system, or other monitoring technology, the agency shall consider how such technology may enhance the agency’s ability to protect inmates from sexual abuse.
Responsive Planning
Evidence protocol and forensic medical examinations
To the extent the Bulloch County CI Group is responsible for investigating allegations of sexual abuse; the Bulloch County CI shall follow a uniform evidence protocol that maximizes the potential for obtaining usable physical evidence for administrative proceedings and criminal prosecutions.
BCCI response tosexual assault follows theU.S. Department of Justice’s Officeon ViolenceAgainst Women publication, “A National Protocol forSexual Assault Medical Forensic Examinations, Adults/Adolescents,” dated April 2013,orthemost currentversion.. All victims of sexual abuse shall have access to forensic medical examinations an outside facility (Statesboro Regional Sexual Assault Center), without financial cost. Such examinations shall be performed by Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners (SAFEs) or Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) where possible. The agency shall document its efforts to provide SAFEs or SANEs.
A victim advocate from a rape crisis center shall be made available to all victim
As requested by the victim, the victim advocate shall support the victim through the forensic medical examination process and investigatory interviews and shall provide emotional support, crisis intervention, information, and referrals.
The Bulloch County CI is not responsible for investigating allegations of sexual abuse. Therefore, a request will be made that the investigating agency follows the requirements of paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section.
Policies to ensure referrals of allegations for investigations
An administrative or criminal investigation is completed for all allegations of sexual abuse and sexual harassment.
All allegations of sexual abuse or sexual harassment are referred for investigation to an agency with the legal authority to conduct criminal investigations. This policy shall be published on the Bulloch County CI website. All such referrals shall be documented.
Training and Education - Community Confinement
Employee training
BCCI shall train all employees who may have contact with inmates on its zero-tolerance policy for sexual abuse and sexual harassment and how to fulfill their responsibilities under the Bulloch County CI’s sexual abuse and sexual harassment prevention, detection, reporting, and response procedures.
Staff is to be trained on Inmates’ right to be free from sexual abuse and sexual harassment, the inmates and staffs’ right to be free from retaliation for reporting sexual abuse and sexual harassment.
The dynamics of sexual abuse and sexual harassment in confinement;
The common reactions of sexual abuse and sexual harassment victims;
How to detect and respond to signs of threatened and actual sexual abuse;
How to avoid inappropriate relationships with inmates;
How to communicate effectively and professionally with inmates, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, or gender nonconforming inmates; and