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note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from on 11/29/2016. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if the updated original cannot be found at the original author's site.

what's new in "Physics in Many-Sheeted Space-Time"

Dr. Matti Pitkänen

Postal address:

Köydenpunojankatu 2 D 11

10940, Hanko, Finland



(former address:)

"Blog" forum:

Book Abstract: doc pdf URL CompleteBook: URL URL-bkup

Emergent gravity and the Dark Universe (11/11/2016).

TGD interpretation for the new discovery about galactic dark matter (09/28/2016).

Does GW150914 force to modify the views about the formation of binary blackhole systems? (09/11/2016).

Is Dragonfly a "failed" galaxy? (08/26/2016).

Does GRT really allow gravitational radiation? (08/23/2016).

Cosmic redshift but no expansion of receding objects: one further piece of evidence for TGD cosmology (08/06/2016).

The new findings about the structure of Milky from TGD viewpoint (08/032016).

Blackholes do not absorb dark matter so fast as they should (07/28/2016).

The problem of two Hubble constants persists (07/28/2016).

Gravitational Waves from Black Hole Megamergers Are Weaker Than Predicted (05/02/2016).

Correlated Triangles and Polygons in Standard Cosmology and in TGD (04/05/2016).

Cyclic cosmology from TGD perspective (03/16/2016).

A gamma ray pulse was detected 0.4 seconds after the LIGO merger: what could this mean? (02/21/2016).

LIGO and TGD (02/19/2016).

Quantum fluctuations in geometry as a new kind of noise (12/07/2015).

About congruence subgroups (07/21/2015).

Does the rate of Cosmic expansion oscillate? (097/01/2015).

Variation of Newton's constant and of length of day (04/25/2015).

Planck 2013 bounds for cosmic string tension (02/07/2015).

Further progress in the understanding of dark matter and energy in TGD framework (01/13/2015).

Pioneer and Flyby anomalies almost decade later (12/28/2014).

SagittariusA and many-sheeted space-time (11/20/2014).

SN1987A and many-sheeted space-time(06/30/2014)

Further progress concerning the relationship between TGD and GRT and Kähler-Dirac action(05/26/2014).

Still about TGD and Inflation(08/04/2014)

Quantum critical cosmology of TGD predicts also very fast expansion(03/29/2014)

Could TGD allow inflationary cosmology?(03/28/2014)

BICEP2 might have detected gravitational radiation(03/18/2014)

About the notion of four-momentum in TGD framework?(12/23/2013)

What are the counterparts of Einstein's equations in TGD?(03/11/2013)

Matter-antimatter asymmetry, baryo-genesis, lepto-genesis, and TGD(02/09/2013)

Could correlation functions, S-matrix, and coupling constant evolution be coded the statistical properties of preferred extremals?(12/10/2012)

Do blackholes and Hawking evaporation have TGD counterparts?(11/02/2012)

Could hyperbolic 3-manifolds and hyperbolic lattices be relevant in Zero Energy Ontology?(10/11/2012)

Do galaxies have preferred handedness?(09/01/2012)

About deformations of known extremals of Kähler action(06/10/2012)

What small deformations of CP2-type vacuum extremals could be(06/07/2012)

Does Thermodynamics have a representation at the level of space-time geometry?(05/28/2012)

3 blows against the Standard view about Dark Matter(05/04/2012)

Icarus refutes Opera(02/16/2012)

Tachyonic models for neutrino superluminality killed(01/06/2012)

The basic objection against TGD(01/02/2012)

Could the measurements trying to detect absolute motion of Earth allow us to test sub-manifold gravity?(01/01/2012)

About the notion of conscious hologram(12/27/2011)

comparison of Maxwellian and TGD views about Classical gauge fields(12/22/2011)

Inflation and TGD(11/30/2011)

the origin of Cosmic Rays(11/26/2011)

Cold Dark Matter in difficulties(10/192011)

ICARUS refutes OPERA (really?)(10/19/2011)

Why neutrinos propagate faster in short length scales(10/04/2011)

Cosmic Evolution as transformation of Dark Energy to Matter(10/02/2011)

Do we really understand the Solar System?(09/29/2011)

Are neutrinos superluminal?(09/26/2011)

Could TGD be an integrable theory?(09/11/2011)

Entropic gravity in difficulties?(09/01/2011)

An attempt to understand preferred extremals of Kähler action(08/27/2011)

Possible role of Beltrami flows and symplectic invariance in the description of gauge and gravitational interactions(06/06/2011)

MOND and TGD(05/23/2011)

Entropic gravity in TGD framework(04/23/.2011)

Can the Graviton have mass?(03/23/.2011)

The challenge of 6 planets (09/22/2010)

Quark-Gluon plasma which does not behave as it should(09/22/2010)

New information about the distribution of galactic dark matter(01/08/2010)

Mickelson-Morley experiment revisited(12/21/2009)

Expanding Earth Model and Pre-Cambrian Evolution of Continents, Climate, and Life(12/03/2009)

A new cosmological finding challenging General Relativity(10/13/2009)

Zero Energy Ontology and quantum version of Robertson-Walker cosmology(10/072009)

A new dark matter anomaly(10/02/2009)

In what sense could the speed-of-light could be changing in the Solar System?(08/11/2009)

Einstein's equations and second variation of volume element(01/18/2009)

Quantum fluctuations in geometry as a new kind of noise?(01/18/2009)

Anyonic view about black holes(12/26/2008)

revised vision about Quantum Astrophysics(12/25/2008)

Fly-by anomaly as relativistic transverse Doppler effect?(09/26/2008)

About the anomalies of the fluctuation spectrum of Cosmic Microwave Background(06/12/2008)

from Equivalence Principle to Zero-Energy Ontology(07/05/2008)

the mystery of Mini-Galaxies and the Hierarchy of Planck constants(04/24/2008)

Dark Matter based model for fly-by anomaly(03/06/2008)

does TGD allow description of accelerated expansion in terms of the Cosmological Constant?(12/25/2007)

Two stellar components in the halo of Milky Way(12/23/2007)

Experimental evidence for accelerated expansion is consistent with TGD-based model(012/19/2007)

Quantum version of the Expanding Earth theory(06/11/2007)

Shrinking kilogram (10/16/2007)

Evidence for many-sheeted space-time from gamma ray flares(08/27/2007)

Allais effect as evidence for large values of gravitational Planck constant? (08/25/2007)

Maxwell hydrodynamics as toy model for TGD (08/04/2007)

Allais effect and TGD (07/30/2007)

Updated TGD-inspired Cosmology (07/24/2007)

Matter-Antimatter asymmetry and cosmic strings (07/24/2007)

Updated the Relationship Between TGD and GRT(07/24/2007)

Updated Cosmic Strings (07/21/2007)

A new anomaly in Cosmic Microwave Background (06/15/2007)

General View About Physics in Many-Sheeted Space-Time: Part I,II (06/14/2007)

Black hole production at LHC and replacement of ordinary black holes with super-canonical black holes (06/09/2007)

Schwartschild horizon for a rotating black hole-like object as a 3-D light-like surface defining wormhole throat (05/25/2007)

Quantum chaos in Astrophysical-length scales? (05/25/2007)

Basic objections against planetary Bohr orbitology (05/25/2007)

A simple quantum model for the formation of astrophysical structures(05/25/2007)

NASA Hubble Space Telescope Detects Ring of Dark Matter (05/16/2007)

Gravitational radiation and large value of gravitational Planck constant (04/25/2007)

Gravity Probe B and TGD (04/14/2007)

Machian Principle and TGD (03/29/2007)

About the interpretation of the parameter v0 (10/27/2006)

Orbital radii of exoplanets and Bohr quantization of planetary orbits (10/22/2006)

Dark Matter-based model for Pioneer and flyby anomalies (08/24/2006)

New Results in Planetary Bohr Orbitology (05/10/2006)

Higgs particle as wormhole contact and weakened form of Equivalence Principle (04/01/2006)

Empirical evidence for the p-adic evolution of the Cosmological Constant? (01/12/2006)

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