Monday, February 13, 2017
S. Spurlock—English 9
Weekly Objectives: 10.1, 10.3, 10.4, 10.6,10.7
Monday, 2/13:
-Students will copy the paragraph projected onto the Smart board.
-They will be given time to edit the paragraph independently; then, we will correct the paragraph as a class and discuss the grammar rules that were applied.
-Lesson presentation:
-Students will complete the guidance’s survey that is due on Tuesday
-Students will take a vocabulary quiz for Lesson 12.
-Then, students will complete vocabulary lesson 13 which they will be quizzed on next week.
-Students will read “Stockings” and “Church” in The Things They Carried
-As they read, they will annotate on a notecard, and we will discuss the stories when they are finished.
-Students will, then, work independently on their character charts for The Things They Carried
-Students will complete a concept analysis question about the stories.
Tuesday, 2/14:
-Students will copy the paragraph projected onto the sMART BOARD.
-They will be given time to edit the paragraph independently; then, we will correct the paragraph as a class and discuss the grammar rules that were applied.
-Lesson Presentation:
-Students will take a reading quiz on the following stories from The Things They Carried: “The Dentist,” “Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong,” “Stockings,” and “Church”
-As a class, we will read “The Man I Killed”
-As we read, we will discuss the language and literary devices used in the text.
-Students will then analyze the story in a journal entry using three quotations to validate their opinions.
-Students will complete a concept analysis question.
Wednesday, 2/15:
-Students will copy the paragraph projected onto the Smart Board.
-They will be given time to edit the paragraph independently; then, we will correct the paragraph as a class and discuss the grammar rules that were applied.
-Lesson Presentation:
-Students will read and annotate the following stories in The Things They Carried: “Ambush” and “Style”
-We will discuss the stories as they read.
-Students will then complete the following writing assignment:
-Students will complete a concept analysis question
Thursday, 2/16:
-Students will copy the paragraph projected onto the smart Board.
-They will be given time to edit the paragraph independently; then, we will correct the paragraph as a class and discuss the grammar rules that were applied.
-Lesson Presentation:
-Together, we will begin “Speaking of Courage” in The Things They Carried
-Students will then complete a graphic organizer concerning figurative language that appears in the text.
-Students will complete a concept analysis question.
Friday, 2/17:
-Students will review their bell ringers for their test.
-Lesson Presentation:
-Students will take a bell ringer test on their last ten paragraphs.
-They will be expected to correct the paragraphs for grammatical/syntactical correctness.
-While they take the test, I will take up this week’s bell ringers for a daily grade.
-Next, we will review yesterday’s reading assignment.
-We will, then, finish reading “Speaking of Courage”
-Students will complete the following writing assignment:
-Students will complete a concept analysis question
S.Spurlock—English 9
Weekly Objectives:
Monday, 2/13
-Students will copy the paragraph projected onto the Smart Board and edit it independently; then, we will correct the paragraph as a class and discuss the grammatical conventions applied.
-Lesson Presentation:
-Students will take the survey for guidance.
-Students will take Vocabulary Lesson 12 quiz
-They will then begin Lesson 13
-We will review Act IV of Romeo and Juliet
-We will, then, begin reading Act V
-We will discuss and translate as we read.
-Students will then be given time to complete the questions for the first two scenes featured on the Act V study guide.
-Students will complete an exit slip.
Tuesday, 2/14
-Students will copy the paragraph projected onto the Smart Board and edit it independently; then, we will correct the paragraph as a class and discuss the grammatical conventions applied.
-Lesson Presentation:
-We will review the first half of Act V as a class.
-Then, students will read the remaining scenes of Act V aloud for a grade.
-They will, then, be given time to complete Act V study guide.
-Should they finish the study guide they will be given a series of prompts to write about corresponding to the text. They are to pick one and free write.
-Exit Slip
Wednesday, 2/15:
-Students will copy the paragraph projected onto the Smart Board and edit it independently; then, we will correct the paragraph as a class and discuss the grammatical conventions applied.
-Lesson Presentation:
-Students will take a quiz on Act V of Romeo and Juliet
-We will, then, go over the Act V study guide together after I check for completion.
-Students will, next, be divided into groups.
-Each group will select a scene from the play to react for a test grade on Friday.
-Conditions: Students may write their lines on note cards, but they will not be allowed to read from the book. Extra points will be awarded to those who dress up/bring props.
-Students will use the remainder of the period to select their scenes and fill in note cards with their lines.
-Students will watch a clip from Romeo and Juliet as told by Andy Griffith
Thursday, 2/16:
-Students will copy the paragraph projected onto the Smart Board and edit it independently; then, we will correct the paragraph as a class and discuss the grammatical conventions applied.
-Lesson Presentation:
-As a class, we will review a PowerPoint presentation reviewing the literary devices used in Romeo and Juliet.
-Students will, then, complete a worksheet in which they label excerpts from the play in accordance to the literary devices found within them.
-Next, we will review the conventions of persuasion. We will assume that Friar Lawrence and the Nurse are on trial for the murders of Romeo and Juliet. We will brainstorm as a class reasons why each are responsible for the murders. Students will, then, compose a thesis statement using the formula on the board. They will be responsible for writing an introduction and body paragraph on the topic in their SOL notebooks.
-Students will use the remainder of class to practice for tomorrow’s presentations.
-Exit Slip
Friday, 2/17:
-Students will not have a bell ringer today in effort to conserve time for the presentations.
-Lesson Presentation/Activities:
-Students will be given five minutes each to reenact their scenes of Romeo and Juliet.
-We will, then, watch the 1960’s version of Romeo and Juliet. Students will be given a note taking sheet to complete as they watch the movie.