Mar 2012 doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/0469r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

TGac Meeting Minutes – Big Island, Mar 2012
Date: Mar 12, 2012
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / Email
David Yang / Huawei / Huawei Industrial Base, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518129, China / +86 15914117462 /


This document contains the minutes from the TGac meeting in Big Island, Mar 12-16, 2011, taken by David Yang (Huawei), TGac Secretary. Officers of TGac are Osama Aboul-Magd (Huawei) as Chair, Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm) as Vice Chair and Joonsuk Kim (Broadcom) as Vice Chair, Robert Stacey (Apple) as Editor, and David Yang as Secretary.

TGac Meeting Minutes – Big Island, HI

1.  Monday PM1, Mar 12, 2012

2.  Chair Osama Aboul-Magd (Huawei) calls the meeting to order at 1:33 pm.

3.  Osama introduces the Vice Chair Menzo Wentink (Qualcomm) and Joonsuk Kim (Broadcom).

4.  Osama introduces the editor Robert Stacey (Apple).

5.  Osama introduces the secretary David Yang (Huawei).

6.  Osama reminds attendees to announce affiliation before speaking.

7.  Osama presents IEEE SA SB Patent Policy and Procedures.

8.  The TG members did not express any concerns/issues that the WG chair needs to be aware of.

9.  There are 56 people in the room.

10.  The TGac agenda for the Big Island meeting is in 11-12-0237-01-00ac-mar-2012-tgac-meeting-agenda.ppt.

11.  Osama reviews meeting agenda for March.

12.  Osama displays the list of submissions and completes it with suggestions from the floor.

13.  Osama presents the TGac agenda and allocates the submissions to TGac ad-hocs PHY and MAC. Changes are made to the allocations based on comments from the floor.

14.  The updated agenda is 11-12-0237-02-00ac. There is no objection to go ahead with this agenda.

15.  Osama summarizes the Jacksonville meeting, teleconferences and ad hoc meeting in the Bay area.

16.  Robert Stacey (Apple) reports with 11-11-1184-05-00ac-editor-s-report.ppt:

a.  LB187 closed on Feb. 18, 2012 with 1952 comments:

i.  655 editorial

ii.  59 general

iii.  778 technical

b.  General comments and technical comments are already assigned to ad hocs

17.  Osama reaccesses the meeting at 2:03 pm.

18.  The Jacksonville minutes for the Jan meeting are in 11-12-0187r0-00-00ac-tgac-meeting-minutes-jacksonville-jan-16.doc, TGac Teleconferences minutes, Feb. 23 and Mar. 1 are in:

•  11-12-0353-00-00ac-tgac-teleconference-minutes-20120223.doc

•  11-12-0316-00-00ac-tgac-teleconference-minutes-20120301.doc

and TGac ad-hoc meeting minutes, Mar. 7, 8 and 9 are in:

•  11-12-0317-00-00ac-tgac-ad-hoc-meeting-minutes-20120307.doc

•  11-12-0367-00-00ac-tgac-ad-hoc-meeting-minutes-20120308.doc

•  11-12-0354-00-00ac-tgac-ad-hoc-meeting-minutes-20120309.doc

Motion to approve the minutes, moved by Adrian (Intel), seconded by Minho (ETRI). The motion passes unanimously.

19.  Comment Resolution Motion #1 (MU):

Move to approve resolution of comments:


–  MU_20120308+09

•  CIDs 4726,4790,4873,4442,5090 in 12/323r1

Mark Rison (CSR) asked for deferring this motion to Tuesday.

20.  Adrian Stephens (Intel) requests for deferring all the motions of comment resolutions to Tuesday. No objection noted.

21.  Brian Hart (Cisco) presents doc 12/379r0 TPC, Operating Classes and Channel Switching.docx

22.  Brian presents doc 12/295r1 Cropping VHT Basic Supported MCS sets from below.docx.

23.  Straw poll: Do you agree with resolutions to CIDs 4164 and 4310 as in doc 11-12/0295r1?

Result: Y: 9, N: 5, Abs: 17, straw poll fails

24.  Eldad Perahia (Intel) proposes two options for the comments on COEX:

a.  Add COEX ad hoc meeting

b.  Arrange some time after TG meetings

25.  Chair Osama arranges COEX ad hoc meeting after the TG meeting on Tues.

26.  The meeting was recessed at 3:23 pm.

27.  Tue., Mar 13, 2012

28.  Chair Osama Aboul-Magd (Huawei) calls the meeting to order at 4:04 pm.

29.  There are 47 people in this room.

30.  Osama reviews the agenda, no objection noted to move forward according to the agenda.

31.  Osama allocates extra time slot for the ad hoc meetings:

a.  Wednesday PM2 (MAC)

b.  Thursday AM1 (PHY)

No objection noted.

32.  Comment resolution motion #1(MU):

Move to approve resolution of comments as in:


–  MU_20120308+09

Move: Brian (Cisco), Second: Robert (Apple), result: Unanimous

33.  Comment resolution motion #2(COEX):

Move to approve resolution of comments:


–  COEX_2012_03_09_adhoc

–  COEX_2012_03_10_adhoc

Move: Robert (Apple), Second: Eldad (Intel), result: unanimous

34.  Comment resolution motion #3(PHY):

Move to approve resolution of comments:


–  PHY_20120308_adhoc_SP_Passed

–  PHY_20120309_adhoc_SP_Passed

Move: Allert (Qualcomm), Second: Robert (Apple), result: unanimous

35.  Comment resolution motion #4(MAC):

Move to approve resolution of comments:


–  MAC_2012_03_08_adhoc

–  MAC_2012_03_09_adhoc

–  Excluding CIDs 4787, 4572, 4711, 4828, 4843, and 4844

Discussion: Mark requests for deferring CID 4844. Allert asks for the reason to remove this comment. Mark explains that they need more discussion. Adrian announced that he has emailed his resolution for CID 4844 to the reflector for more comments.

Move: Adrian (Intel), Second: Robert (Apple), result: unanimous

36.  Robert reminds ad hoc chairs to update the database.

37.  Youhan Kim (Qualcomm) reminds that CIDs 4787 and 4572 are not resolved yet.

38.  The meeting converts to PHY Ad Hoc meeting at 4:26 pm.

39.  Thurs., Mar 15th, 2012

40.  Chair Osama calls the meeting in order at 4:03 pm.

41.  Osama introduces the vice chairs, the editor and the secretary.

42.  There are 34 people in the room.

43.  Osama reviews the agenda and updates the agenda from the floor. No objection noted to proceed with this agenda.

44.  Robert Stacey presents the editor’s report.

a.  Resolved comments:

•  COEX: 7, MAC: 139, MU: 5, PHY: 91 proved on Tue

•  MAC: 67, COEX: 5, MU: 0, PHY: 73 resolved on Wed and Thu

b.  Unresolved comments

•  Non-editorial comments unresolved: 463

•  PHY: 131, MAC: 238, MU: 49, COEX: 22

Adrian suggests having a cut-off date, before which the assignees have to prepare the resolutions.

45.  Osama reaccesses the meeting at 4:20 pm.

46.  Motion #5: (COEX)

Move to approve resolution of comments in doc:


–  COEX_2012_03_13_adhoc

Mark clarifies that CID 4784 is a typo of CID 4783.

Move: Eldad (Intel), Second: Peiman (Broadcom), result: unanimous

47.  Minho requests for postponing motion #6 (PHY) for about 10 minutes because some time is needed to check the details.

48.  Motion #7: (MAC)

Move to approve resolution of comments:


–  MAC_2012_03_12_adhoc

–  MAC_2012_03_13_adhoc

–  MAC_2012_03_13b_adhoc

–  MAC_2012_03_13c_adhoc

–  MAC_2012_03_14_adhoc

–  MAC_2012_03_15_adhoc

–  Excluding CID 4881, 4248, 4249, 4252, 4257, 4258, 4259, 4260, 4346

Simone (Qualcomm) requests for separating motion for CID 4711 and 4828.

Move: Adrian (Intel), Second: Minho (ETRI), result: unanimous

49.  Motion #8 (MAC): move to approve resolutions to CID 4248, 4252, 4257, 4258, 4259, 4260, 4346 change sets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 alternate in doc 11-0379r2


Adrian: I don’t think it is necessary to run the motion in a hurry. We still have time to check the property. So I am against.

Brian: We have passed the resolutions today. I believe the changes are desirable and valuable.

Move: Brian (Cisco), Second: Vinko (Broadcom), result: Y: 16, N: 7, Abs: 11, motion fails

50.  Motion #9 (MAC): Move to accept resolutions to CIDs 4711 and 4828 as in doc 11-12/0320r2.

Move: Simone (Qualcomm), Second: Allert (Qualcomm), result: unanimous

51.  Motion #10 (MAC): Move to accept resolutions to CID 5096 in doc 11-12/0441r3


Adrian: We are creating ambiguity to HT STA. We need to define something for 40MHz in 11n. I am against this one.

Yong: Here we already have the functionality to deal with this.

Move: Yong (Marvell), Second: Robert (Apple), result: Y: 24, N: 7, Abs: 4, motion passes

52.  Motion #6 (PHY):

Move to approve resolutions of comments:


–  PHY_20120312_EVE_SP_passed

–  PHY_20120313_AM2_SP_passed

–  PHY_20120313_EVE_SP_passed

–  PHY_20120314_PM1_SP_passed

–  PHY_20120315_AM2_SP_passed

–  Excluding 4783 (reassigned to MAC) and 5115 (deferred)

Move: Minho (ETRI), Second: Allert (Qualcomm), Result: unanimous

53.  Goal for May 2012: Finish all the comment resolutions on D2.0, approve draft D3.0 and proceed to Recirculation Ballot.

54.  Ad Hoc meeting:

a.  May 9-11 meeting: Eldad says Intel has one room for 34 people. What if there are more people shown up. Brian introduces that epoll can provide the number of attendees. We can encourage the companies not to send too many people, but we cannot reject more people. Eldad agrees that we could decide what to do base on the results from epoll. Andrew (Cisco) advises that the left people should pay for the registration fee. Adrian explains that if we talk about charging, we need a motion.

b.  July meeting: Eldad agrees to have this meeting. Robert thinks the time is still enough after excluding the time for collecting the comments.

55.  Motion for Ad Hoc meeting (July 11-13): Authorize TGac to hold an ad-hoc meeting on July 11-13 in California, for the purpose of advancing the comment resolution process.

Moved: Adrian (Intel), Seconded: Brian (Cisco), Result: Y: 25, N: 0, Abs: 0

56.  Conference call time can be found in doc 11-12-0237-04-00ac. No objection to approve the times.

57.  Brian Hart (Cisco) presents doc 12/0295r3 Cropping VHT Basic Supported MCS sets from below.docx.

58.  Motion #11 (MAC): Move to accept resolutions to CIDs 4164 and 4219 in doc 11-12/0295r3

Move: Brian (Cisco), Second: VK Jones (Qualcomm), result: unanimous

59.  Mark Rison (CSR) presents doc 11-12/0401r0 Resolutions for highest supported rates

There are some discussions on this doc. Osama: Let’s leave this to conference call.

60.  TGac meeting was adjourned at 5:40 pm.

TGac Meeting Minutes – Big Island, HI page 3 David Yang (Huawei)