Result chains, Preliminary SMART objectives and KAP Survey Questions for Your Site
ToC / Inputs from Concept Model / Result chain intermediate result / Preliminary SMART objective / Corresponding KAP Survey QuestionCR / coral health, fish and invertebrate population / Increase in coral health, fish and invertebrate population / 1) The percentage of live coral cover in the Caramay MPA will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014.
2) The percentage of fish biomass in the Caramay MPA will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014.
3) The percentage of invertebrates in the Caramay MPA will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014.
TR / Intrusions and illegal fishing within the Caramay MPA core zone and buffer zone / Decrease in intrusions and illegal fishing in the MPA core and buffer zone / 1) The percentage of intrusions in the Caramay MPA buffer zone will decrease from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2012.
2) The percentage of illegal fishing activities in the Caramay MPA will decrease from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014.
(1) / -Intrusion in the MPA core zone / -Fishers will not intrude into the MPA core zone / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who intrudes in the Caramay MPA core zone will decrease from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / I am going to read you a list of different types of fishers, and for each one, I would like you to tell me whether you remember seeing someone like that fishing in this area in the past 6 months (show the Core Zone on a map of the area but don't mention whether it is Core zone ornot)
a) Subsistence fishers from your barangay
( )Seen ( ) Not seen( )Not sure
b) Subsistence fishers from nearby barangay
( )Seen ( ) Not seen( )Not sure
c) Subsistence fishers from outside areas
( )Seen ( ) Not seen( )Not sure
d) Small scale commercial fishers from your barangay
( )Seen ( ) Not seen( )Not sure
e) Small scale commercial fishers from nearby barangays
( )Seen ( ) Not seen( )Not sure
f) Small scale commercial fishers from outside areas
( )Seen ( ) Not seen( )Not sure
g) Commercial fishers using trawls, ring net, etc
( )Seen ( ) Not seen( )Not sure
h) Large-scale industrial fishers using large trawls, purse seiner
( )Seen ( ) Not seen( )Not sure
(2) / -Illegal fishing in the buffer zone / -Fishers will only use allowed fishing gears inside the buffer zone / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who uses prohibited fishing gears in the Caramay MPA buffer zone will decrease from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / In the last 6 months, have you seen someone fishing inside the buffer zone? (show the bufferzone on a map of the area but don't mention whether it is Core zone ornot)
( ) Yes ( ) No
If yes, what types of fishing gears are they using?
( ) kawil
( ) pamente
( ) kitang
( ) pang-alimasag
( ) pamugita
( ) pang banak
( ) baklad
( ) others (pls. specify) ______
(3) / MPA violations/infractions not reported by fishers and community / -Fishers will report MPA violations/infractions whenever they witness it / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who will report MPA violations/infractions whenever they witness it will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / In the last 6 months, have you seen anyone reporting about someone breaking the Caramay MPA rules and regulations?
( )Yes, more than 3 times
( )Yes, 3x
( )Yes, twice
( )Yes, once
( )No, never
If yes, to whom did he/she report it?
( ) MPA Mgt
( ) Bgy (officials, Tanod)
( ) fish warden
( ) bantay dagat
( ) police
( )other fishers
( ) OMA
( ) Mayor
( ) others (pls. specify) ______
BR / -MPA is not equipped and is managed poorly / -Improve governance structures within the MPA and enforcement system of the MPA / -By 2014, the Roxas LGU will be included in the Caramay MPA Management Board.
-By 2014, there will be a 24/7 patrol in the Caramay MPA.
(1) / -Fishers are not talking to each other about not going into the MPA corezone / -Fishers will talkto each other about not going into the MPA core zone / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who talks to each other about not intruding into the Caramay MPA core zone will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / In the past 6 months, have you to talked to anyone about going into the Caramay MPA Core zone?
( ) Have not talked to anyone
( )Talked to spouse/partner
( ) Talked to parents, or in-laws
( ) Talked to your children aged 16 or older
( ) Talked to your children aged 15 or younger
( ) Talked to friend or neighbor
( ) Talked to Bgy. Officials
( ) Talked to Municipal officials
( ) Talked to NGO
( ) Talked to local fisher
Other ______
Can you please tell me what your main topic is? ______
(2) / -Fishers are not talking to each other about the allowed fishing gears in the MPA / -Fishers will talk to each other about the allowed fishing gears in the MPA buffer zone / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who talks to each other about the allowed fishing gears in the Caramay MPA buffer zone will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / In the past 6 months, have you to talked to anyone about the allowed fishing gears in the Caramay MPA buffer zone?
( ) Have not talked to anyone
( )Talked to spouse/partner
( ) Talked to parents, or in-laws
( ) Talked to your children aged 16 or older
( ) Talked to your children aged 15 or younger
( ) Talked to friend or neighbor
( ) Talked to Bgy. Officials
( ) Talked to Municipal officials
( ) Talked to NGO
( ) Talked to local fisher
Other ______
Can you please tell me what your main topic is? ______
(3) / Fishers are not talking about reporting MPA violation and infractions is safe to do / -Fishers will talk to each other that reporting MPA violations/infractions and that it is safe to do / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who talks to each other that reporting MPA violations/infractions is safe to do will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / In the past 6 months, have you talked to anyone about reporting violations in the Caramay MPA is SAFEto do?
( ) Have not talked to anyone
( )Talked to spouse/partner
( ) Talked to parents, or in-laws
( ) Talked to your children aged 16 or older
( ) Talked to your children aged 15 or younger
( ) Talked to friend or neighbor
( ) Talked to Bgy. Officials
( ) Talked to Municipal officials
( ) Talked to NGO
( ) Talked to local fisher
Other ______
Can you please tell me what your main topic is? ______
(4) / -Fishers are not talking about reporting MPA violation and infractions is easy to do / -Fishers will talk to each other that reporting MPA violations/infractions and that it is easy to do / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who talks to each other that reporting MPA violations/infractions is easy to do will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / In the past 6 months, have you talked to anyone about reporting violations in the Caramay MPA is EASY to do?
( ) Have not talked to anyone
( )Talked to spouse/partner
( ) Talked to parents, or in-laws
( ) Talked to your children aged 16 or older
( ) Talked to your children aged 15 or younger
( ) Talked to friend or neighbor
( ) Talked to Bgy. Officials
( ) Talked to Municipal officials
( ) Talked to NGO
( ) Talked to local fisher
Other ______
Can you please tell me what your main topic is? ______
(5) / -Fishers are not talking about reporting infractions in the MPA to proper authorities / -Fishers will talk to each other about reporting violations/infractions in the MPA to proper authorities / Percent of fishers who will talk to each other about reporting violations/infractions within the Caramay MPA to proper authorities will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / In the past 6 months, have you talked to anyone about reporting violations done in the Caramay MPA?
( ) Have not talked to anyone
( )Talked to spouse/partner
( ) Talked to parents, or in-laws
( ) Talked to your children aged 16 or older
( ) Talked to your children aged 15 or younger
( ) Talked to friend or neighbor
( ) Talked to Bgy. Officials
( ) Talked to Municipal officials
( ) Talked to NGO
( ) Talked to local fisher
Other ______
Can you please tell me what is the violation reported? (check)
( ) trawl
( ) fine mesh net
( ) cyanide fishing
( ) dynamite fishing
( ) fishing without permit
( ) others______
(6) / -Fishers do not talk to each other about the benefits of MPA participating in MPA activities / -Fishers will talk to each other about protecting the MPA, the MPA will replenish their fish stocks and sustain their livelihoods / The percent of fishers in the municipality of who talks to each other about participating in MPA activities/undertakings will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2012. / In the past 6 months, have you talked to anyone about their role in the Caramay MPA?
( ) Have not talked to anyone
( )Talked to spouse/partner
( ) Talked to parents, or in-laws
( ) Talked to your children aged 16 or older
( ) Talked to your children aged 15 or younger
( ) Talked to friend or neighbor
( ) Talked to Bgy. Officials
( ) Talked to Municipal officials
( ) Talked to NGO
( ) Talked to local fisher
Other ______
Can you please tell me what your main topic is? ______
(1) / -fishers do not follow MPA rules and regulations / -Fishers will agree that it is not allowed to enter into the core zone / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who believe that is it not allowed to enter into the Caramay MPA core zone will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / If people will fish into the Caramay MPA Caramay MPA core zones, fishes will decrease.
( ) Strongly Agree( ) Agree( ) Disagree( ) Strongly Disagree
(2) / -fishers do not follow MPA rules and regulations / -Fishers will agree that there are prohibited fishing gears in the buffer zone / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who believe that there are prohibited fishing gears in the Caramay MPA buffer zone will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / Please say if TRUE or FALSE.
a)Allowing all fishing gears in the Caramay MPA buffer zone will decrease fish stocks.
True ( ) False ( ) Not sure ( )
b)Fine mesh nets do not catch small fishes.
True ( ) False ( ) Not sure ( )
(3) / -Fishers do not report MPA violations/infractions / -fishers will believe that it is easy to report MPA violations/infractions / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who believe that it is easy to report violations/infractions in the Caramay MPA will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / Please say if TRUE or FALSE.
Reporting violations and infractions in the Caramay MPA is SAFE to do.
True ( ) False ( ) Not sure ( )
(4) / -Fishers do not report MPA violations/infractions / -fishers will believe that it is safe to report MPA violations/infractions / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who believe that it is easy to report violations/infractions in the Caramay MPA will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / Please say if TRUE or FALSE.
Reporting violations and infractions in the Caramay MPA is EASY to do.
True ( ) False ( ) Not sure ( )
(5) / -fishers do not agree where to report MPA violations/infractions / -fisher will agree on where to report MPA violations and infractions to proper authorities / The percent of fishers who will agree to report violations/infractions in the Caramay MPA to proper authorities will increase from X% 2012 to Y% in 2014. / Do you agree or disagree that anyone who does not follow the Caramay MPA rules and regulations should be reported to proper authorities?
( ) Strongly Agree( ) Agree( ) Disagree( ) Strongly Disagree
(6) / -Fishers do not see the benefits of participating in MPA activities / -fishers will agree that by protecting the MPA, the MPA will replenish their fish stocks and sustain their livelihoods / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who agree that by protecting the MPA, the MPA will replenish their fish stocks and sustain their livelihoods will increase fromX% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / Fishers play a role in protecting the Caramay MPA.
() Strongly Agree() Agree() Disagree() Strongly Disagree
(1) / -Lack of knowledge and awareness of fishers about MPA rules and regulations / -Fishers will know that it is not allowed to enter into the core zone / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who know that it is not allowed to enter the Caramay MPA core zone will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / Please state if true or false.
Fishing is allowed in the Caramay MPA Core zones.
True ( ) False ( ) Not sure ( )
(2) / -Lack of knowledge and awareness of fishers about MPA rules and regulations / -Fishers will know the allowed fishing gears inside the buffer zone / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who know the types of fishing gears allowed in the Caramay buffer zone will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / Please state if TRUE or FALSE.
Fishing is allowed in the Caramay MPA Buffer Zone.
True ( ) False ( ) Not sure ( )
If TRUE, what are allowed fishing activities in the Caramay MPA buffer zone?
( ) kawil
( ) pamente
( ) kitang
( ) pang-alimasag
( ) pamugita
( ) pang banak
( ) baklad
( ) others (pls. specify) ______
a)Do you need a permit to fish in the Caramay MPA buffer zone?
Yes ( ) No ( ) not sure ( )
If yes, where do we need to get permit?
( ) MPA Mgt
( ) Bgy)
( ) OMA
( ) Mayor
( ) others (pls. specify) ______
(3) / -Fishers do not know the MPA core zone / -Fishers will know where the MPA core zones are / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who know where the Caramay MPA core zone will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / I am going to show you a map. Can you point to me the core zone boundaries of the Caramay MPA?
correctly pointed out( )
Incorrectly pointed ( )
not sure ( )
(4) / -Fishers do not know the MPA buffer zone / -Fishers will know the where MPA buffer zone is / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who know where the Caramay MPA buffer zone will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / I am going to show you a map. Can you point to methe buffer zone boundaries of the Caramay MPA?
correctly pointed out( )
Incorrectly pointed ( )
not sure ( )
(5) / -Fishers do not know that it is safe to report violations/infractions / -Fishers will know that it is safe to report violations/infractions / The percent of fishers who will know that it is safe to report violations/infractions in the Caramay MPA will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / Do you agree or disagree that reporting MPA violations or infractions is SAFE to do.
( ) Strongly Agree( ) Agree( ) Disagree( ) Strongly Disagree
(6) / -Fishers do not know that it is easy to report violations/infractions / -Fishers will know that it easy to report violations/infractions / The percent of fishers who will know that it is easy to report violations/infractions in the Caramay MPA will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / Do you agree or disagree that reporting MPA violations or infractions is EASY to do.
( ) Strongly Agree( ) Agree( ) Disagree( ) Strongly Disagree
(7) / -Fishers do not know where to report violations/infractions / -Fishers will know to report violations/infractions within the MPA to proper authorities / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who know to report violations/infractions within the Caramay MPA to proper authorities will increase from X% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / Where do you think shouldpeople report violations/infractions done in the Caramay MPA? (check box)
( ) MPA Mgt
( ) Bgy (officials, Tanod)
( ) fish warden
( ) bantay dagat
( ) police
( )other fishers
( ) OMA
( ) Mayor
( ) others (pls. specify) ______
(8) / -Fishers do not know the benefits of participating in MPA activities / -Fishers will know that by protecting the MPA, the MPA will replenish their fish stocks and sustain their livelihoods / The percent of fishers in the municipality of Roxas who know that by protecting the MPA, the MPA will replenish their fish stocks and sustain their livelihoods will increase fromX% in 2012 to Y% in 2014. / a) Are there any benefits to the local community from having a Marine Protected Area?
( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Not sure
(If YES, please proceed to next question)
b)Can you tell me up to 3 benefits that you know? (Do NOT read out answers but check as appropriate or add to other)
( ) more fish
( ) area for fish to reproduce
( ) bigger fish
( ) bigger or better corals / habitat for fish
( ) food for future generations
( ) better regulation/management of fishing activities
( )no more destructive/illegal fishing in that area
( ) community ownership
( ) better/new access to tourism
( ) others ______
I am going to read you a list of 6 statements about following regulations of the Caramay Marine Protected Area. I would like you to listen to all 6 statements, then tell me which one statement best represents you:
( ) I have never considered not intruding into the Core Zone of the Caramay MPA.
( ) I have considered not intruding into the Core Zone of the Caramay MPA but don't want to do so.
( ) I intend to not intrude into the Core Zone of the Caramay MPA in the next 6 months but have not done so yet.
( ) I have talked to someone about not intruding into the Core Zone of the Caramay MPA in the past 6 months, but have not done it yet.
( ) I do not intrude into the Core Zone of the Caramay MPA a few times in the past 6 months.
( ) I have always do not intrude into the Core Zone of the Caramay MPA in the past 6 months.
( ) Behavior not relevant to this respondent
I am going to read you a list of 6 statements about following regulations of the Caramay Marine Protected Area. I would like you to listen to all 6 statements, then tell me which one statement best represents you:
( ) I have never considered using only allowed fishing gears in the Buffer Zone of the Caramay MPA.
( ) I have considered not intruding into the Core Zone of the Caramay MPA but don't want to do so.
( ) I intend to not intrude into the Core Zone of the Caramay MPA in the next 6 months but have not done so yet.
( ) I have talked to someone about not intruding into the Core Zone of the Caramay MPA in the past 6 months, but have not done it yet.
( ) I do not intrude into the Core Zone of the Caramay MPA a few times in the past 6 months.
( ) I have always do not intrude into the Core Zone of the Caramay MPA in the past 6 months.
( ) Behavior not relevant to this respondent
I am going to read you a list of 6 statements about following regulations of the Caramay Marine Protected Area. I would like you to listen to all 6 statements, then tell me which one statement best represents you: